Follows the horrific event that has captivated the public's attention for almost 50 years, as well as a more comprehensive narrative about Los Angeles, the American dream, and the situations in which justice might or not be effective.
Russian hints that the country could hand over America's most wanted whistle blower as a favor to Donald Trump place Edward Snowden in even greater danger than before. A secret meeting between global freedom and civil rights campaigners Snowden, Birgitta Jonsdottir and Larry Lessig turns into a freewheeling discussion about the future of democracy. Birgitta Jonsdottir has been a member of Iceland's parliament since 2009. All her actions have been aimed at giving the people back their voice and opening up the parliamentary process and political decision-making. Larry Lessig is a Harvard law professor. He tirelessly denounces the influence of money in US politics and the way establishment elites collude to support each other against the public interest. The three activists agreed to be filmed during an extraordinary conversation about their ongoing struggles, the last bastions of democracy and the opportunities and choices still left to us. The questions they ask are fundamental. Can democracy be saved? What unites us? How can you tell when democracy has failed?
纪录片带我们进入布鲁斯·斯普林斯汀和 E 街乐队的录音室录制他们的第四张专辑。
本部纪录片记录了伊朗导演贾法·帕纳西因“宣传反对政权”而被囚禁家中的生活片段。帕纳西把镜头对准自己居住的公寓,对准自己,记录下了自己生活的琐碎点滴。他在等待法院对他的最终判决期间的生活,无聊而绝望。禁止电影制作无疑意味着,他将长期无法从事热爱的电影艺术。影片忠实地记录下了帕纳西面对“艺术之死”后的痛苦与无奈,但最后一个镜头却定格在熊熊烈火中,永不燃尽。 2010年12月20日,伊朗官方宣布了一项震惊电影界的判决:“帕纳西先生因为参加反对伊朗政府的宣传活动而被起诉,他将在狱中度过6年,并被剥夺20年社会权利。其中包括不得制作或者指导任何一部电影,不得创作剧本,不得接受国内国外媒体采访,更不得离开伊朗”。这部经历千辛万苦的影片,终于几经辗转地被秘密装进优盘,带到了第64届戛纳电影节,并入选第36届多伦多电影节的大师单元。
Journey from the depths of the Pacific Ocean into the far reaches of space on a quest to find something that changes everything...signs of life, somewhere else in the universe. With cutting-edge imagery from the world's most powerful telescopes, The Search for Life in Space takes audiences from the surface of Mars and the icy moons of Jupiter and Saturn, to the extreme lava fields of Hawaii and thermal vents deep beneath the sea. In these harsh environments, astrobiologists look for clues to how life takes hold. As this immersive adventure into the universe reveals the possibility of planets like ours, The Search for Life in Space will make you re-examine such fundamental questions as: "Where did we come from?", "How did we get here?" and "Are we alone?"
Join visionary philanthropist Bill Gates as he delves into pressing global issues and uncovers cutting-edge technologies that will transform the world.
The Search for a lost film from the 70s takes a young man from one of South America's largest indigenous communities on an existential journey in a post-colonial film about the right to one's own image. In the 1970s, Oscar-winning French documentary filmmaker Pierre-Dominique Gaisseau moved with his family to Panama to make a film about the Kuna community, one of South America’s largest indigenous peoples. He promised them that they would see it, but for various reasons, production stalled and the film (with the working title ‘God is a Woman’) was never completed. But what happened to the unfinished film reels? That’s what young Arysteides Turpana, on the mandate of the Kuna elders, sets out to find out. His journey takes him to France, but gaining access to the dusty film reels is not easy. Following in his footsteps is Swiss-Panamanian director Andrés Peyrot, who has created one of the year’s biggest festival successes since its premiere at the Venice Film Festival. A film that manages to turn abstract questions about the right to own one’s own image and narrative into a relevant and existential necessity.
历经重重洗礼,戚百草(安悦溪饰)正式踏上元武道的征程,进入了元武道界观众的眼中,她用独创的绝招旋风三连踢,双重三连踢,旋转风暴等一路制霸日本、新加坡等各类积分赛,终于取得市青赛资格,并晋级俱乐部赛,更因为美少女挑战赛错手将故友劲敌婷宜(赵圆瑗饰)踢成了植物人而练习寸止,让她对元武道又有了深刻的新领悟。 然而不幸的是若白却永远地离开了她。面对失去若白的元武道,百草不知道再有什么理由继续,她想用训练来麻痹自己,可是她却不知道失去若白的元武道重点该在何处。就在这时,百草遇见冷峻神秘、天赋异禀的长安(池昌旭饰)。长安受若白嘱托代替训练百草,帮松柏渡过难关,在外人看来长安用残酷的方法训练百草,但其实只是想最大限度地开发她的极限,但他却渐渐被这个看似坚强努力,实则脆弱倔强的女孩打动了。在长安带领下,她重新感受到松柏的温暖和元武道精神,两人情愫在发酵。 从小一起长大的兄弟三人最后只剩廷皓(陈翔饰)一人,他想戒掉爱百草,却始终无能为力,直到疼爱的妹妹婷宜发生意外,让廷皓固守的世界观崩塌,他却靠着自己从绝望里爬了起来。廷皓变了,但他对百草,却依旧是以前那个温柔的为她排忧解难的骑士。 百草该如何走出若白离去的阴影?又将如何面对长安、廷皓的感情?这些年轻人命运巨变的背后又隐藏着怎样的秘密?这个倔强善良的姑娘,能否坚持梦想冲刺巅峰,收获属于自己的幸福?
From his humble origins to becoming champion of the world, this documentary series recounts the life and career of the iconic Argentinian soccer player.
世界最着名的无上装艳舞俱乐部、巴黎的“疯马”再度登上银幕。由82岁的美国纪录片名导弗雷德里克‧韦斯曼执导的《疯马歌舞秀》威尼斯、多伦多和圣巴斯蒂安电影节上映。影片从年轻的舞蹈家PhilippeDecouflé被聘用为新节目编舞开始,向人们展示了“疯马”是如何运作的,以及从舞女到经理、看门大妈等形形色色的人物。韦斯曼是美国60年代“直接电影”运动的主要人物,他的镜头不流露主观性,并且摈弃了采访或者旁白,都是通过海量的拍摄素材在剪辑室里“诞生”一部电影。《疯马歌舞秀》也是这样,影片活色生香,让观众接受了一番美胸和大腿的洗礼,丝毫不会顾忌女权主义者的目光。1996年法国人自己也拍过一部纪录片《疯马秀》,该片因为有着后来走入了主流时尚界的蒂塔‧范‧提斯而值得特别的瞻仰。 疯马俱乐部和旗下的代表节目裸体歌舞秀起源于1951年,以口味纯正的法式风格和浪漫艳舞而着称。其特色就是将裸体、灯光、布景、舞美相结合,营造出声、光、色、裸的“新境界”。关于疯马歌舞秀的纪录片有很多,从1977年开始,到2010年都有不少部关于歌舞秀和歌舞演员的纪录片和电视节目被制作出来。但是这些电视节目大多带有猎奇和纯粹记录的特色,制作相对粗糙。 纪录片大师弗雷德里克‧怀斯曼这次拍摄的《疯马歌舞秀》是他的一部全新的纪录片。在这部纪录片中,弗雷德里克‧怀斯曼将放弃他在过去的四十年中长期使用的16mm的胶片带来的粗糙影像,他更换了摄影设备,使用了高清晰度的摄制装置。他的这种风格上的转变是为了捕捉到疯马歌舞秀在电光声上的美轮美奂和歌舞演员们的完美肉体而产生的。弗雷德里克‧怀斯曼一共在疯马俱乐部里呆了11周,他和他的摄影师约翰‧戴维进了一切可能,拍摄下了歌舞表演以及演员生活的方方面面。或许,这将成为怀斯曼拍摄过的最香艳的纪录片。
Margreth Olin 拍摄了 22 个人与 Jorolf Gjerstad 会面的视频。过去 65 年来,已有 50,000 人前往斯纳萨寻求帮助。当童年被欺凌毁掉时,当手术中出现问题时,当有一天你得了重病时,当你从父母那里收到自我厌恶作为礼物时,当你生活在焦虑之中,当你的生活在一次遭遇中发生改变时。那么发生了什么?作为一个社会,我们能否从一个人的护理能力中学到一些东西?这部电影能告诉我们一些关于我们自己战胜疾病的能力吗?当玛格丽思出现在电影的最后剪辑中时,她最亲近的人之一得了重病。我们如何重塑自我? 《MANNEN FRA SNÅSA》是一部讲述希望在人类生活中的重要性的电影。
探索加里·科尔曼作为童星的成名历程、他在聚光灯下的挣扎、财务困境、抑郁症以及他 42 岁时悲惨去世的争议,让人们深入了解他的私人世界。