以原始、亲切的视角审视越战对美国的影响。在西贡沦陷 50 周年即将到来之际,该系列节目通过个人故事,探讨了这场冲突的深远影响以及对社会的持久影响。
When a massive explosion tears a hole in a 747 over Hawaii, nine passengers strapped to their seats are sucked out of the cabin. With two engines on fire, the flight crew somehow manages to turn the crippled plane around to land in Honolulu. And though investigators immediately suspect an act of terrorism is to blame, the search for answers ultimately leads to a deadly short circuit.
This four-episode docuseries takes an in-depth look at the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman and the trial that dominated the news cycle in the mid-1990s, from the chase on LA freeways to the riveting court proceedings. Featuring new and candid interviews with key individuals — including Goldman’s sister Kim, O.J. Simpson prosecutor Christopher Darden, L.A. police detective Mark Fuhrman, O.J. Simpson defense attorney Carl Douglas, and key witness Kato Kaelin — informed by 30 years of reflection, the series reexamines the true crime story that changed American culture .
It had been a crisp September morning like so many others. And then it was not. Days of innocence would fade to mere memory. Forces from afar would see to that. An explosion of evil would violate sacred shores and carve a path of death and destruction. America would never again be the same. Despite the horror, the untold stories of resilience and unity from survivors and loved ones pay tribute to hope amid tragedy.
本片获得《青年电影手册》2011年年度纪录片大奖。 本片获得阿姆斯特丹国际纪录片电影节的VPRO IDFA奖。 1990年,家住四川广安区回龙村的张昌华(张昌华 饰)和陈素琴(陈素琴 饰)两夫妻为了能让家里过上更好的日子,也为了让张琴(张琴 饰)和张阳(张阳 饰)姐弟能 接受良好的教育,有朝一日可以摆脱像他们一样在农村的艰苦生活,毅然离开一对幼年的双子女去广州打工。他们辛苦的赚钱往家里寄钱,几年才能回去和家人团聚一次过一个年。平时只能姥姥生活的姐弟对他们早已产生了生疏感和冷漠。但女儿张琴像很多这个年纪的叛逆少年一样,不听劝告毅然退学,重蹈了父母的覆辙,从村里离家去广东打工……
这部纪录片讲述了宝莱坞著名的罗斯汉家族 - 罗斯汉·拉尔·纳加拉特、拉杰什.罗斯汉、拉克什·罗斯汉和赫里尼克·罗斯汉 -所历经的考验与辉煌。
VMX坐拥1200多万粉丝,2024 年,它推出了由菲律宾顶级导演执导的破纪录、激情四射的电影,由观众最喜欢的偶像和新面孔主演,让观众热血沸腾。与 Robb Guinto 和 Apple Dy 一起,来回顾下今年带我们的那些惊艳场景吧
Runa, a 16-year-old Kurdish girl, escaped from Iraq to avoid the attacks of ISIS. Together with her family, she had been stuck on the Polish-Belorussian border before she eventually arrived in Poland. She had to grow up at an accelerated speed – after her mother’s death she became the head of her family. Now, she needs to take care of her four younger brothers and father, who cannot cope with the mounting difficulties. The film follows their uncertain fate, but gives a prominence to the portrayal of the teenager, an ordinary and extraordinary girl at the same time. Thanks to her animated drawings, the audience can discover more about her. The film is presented in the national and international competitions.
Some Star Wars fans want to collect action figures... these fans want to be action figures! A tribute to the 501st Legion, a global organization of Star Wars costume enthusiasts, this insightful documentary shows how the super-fan club promotes interest in the films through charity and volunteer work at fundraisers and high-profile special events around the world.
本片聚焦于1998年由乔治·A·罗梅罗自编自导、但最终未能成行的游戏改编作《生化危机》的幕后故事。 罗梅罗的剧本大体基于第一部游戏的情节,克里斯被设定为印第安裔农场主,和stars的吉尔有着浪漫关系;除了丧尸外还会有猎杀者、42号植物及暴君等怪物出现。据传最终因卡普空方面缺乏兴趣以及片方对预算有争议而遭到废弃。 《乔治·罗梅罗的生化危机》将不会采用传统的访谈记录形式,而将融合存档镜头、采访资料乃至对原始剧本场景的还原来展现大师最原初的构想。