新品种少女学。女孩艾玛有点色,色情电话来谈心,老板到老友,男女都可以,异想世界中通通恋上 我的床,直到白马王子咚咚来,一个「擦枪走火」,从此引发好姊妹之间战火。当整个小镇与我为敌。 身体乍萌的战慄与微微的迷惑。女孩之间转瞬变脸合纵连横的複杂关系,清新又坦荡,越要爱越要作 。 追忆起那些汤汤水水的甜蜜事儿。青春微色,微涩。 少女情怀总是湿。新世代少女站出来,导演雅妮克贾考森重写成长电影系谱,让鸡汤变清水,欲望可 以很混浊也能很纯净,直触成长不可言说之蕊心,亲情友情爱情层次分明一次到位,还有激情和恋情, 浑然天成毫不造作。荣获翠贝卡影展最佳剧本奖。每个女人心里都住著一位少女。每个少女心头都该 有这部青春映画。
At Christine's funeral, her foster son suddenly shows up, a grown-up man with whom the family has been out of contact for quite some time. He brought a letter, stating that Christine wants to be buried in Wentelen, to the bewilderment of her biological children, and even more so to that of her husband. In addition to that, all the relatives are surprised that the foster son of Christine apparently maintained a correspondence with Christine. Nevertheless, Christine's last wish is respected, and they decided to bury her in Wentelen, and wish to do so traditionally, meaning: walking behind the hearse. During a walk of several days, all the relatives (foster sisters, foster father, alleged friends and real ones, the foster son, lovers) have enough time to get to know each other better. Because in the end they have no other conclusion than that nobody really knew anyone. Old intrigues are dug up, the foster sisters finally learn why the foster brother just disappeared from the family, and they can begin to develop a real image of the mother. Once Christine's final resting place is reached and she is buried, all family ties, good and bad, are shaken around.
汤玛斯(汤玛斯·曼 Thomas Mann 饰)要过生日了,他在学校里的两个好友科斯塔(奥利弗·库珀 Oliver Cooper 饰)和JB(乔纳森·丹尼尔·布朗 Jonathan Daniel Brown 饰)打算为他筹办一场最疯狂的party,洗刷掉三人的屌丝身份。趁汤玛斯父母出去度周末,三人开始着手准备,他们向高中所有能接触到的同学发出了邀请,用假身份证买了酒,还搞来了摇头丸。入夜,原本担心无人前来的三人看着一波波人潮心花怒放,尤其是其中还有许多陌生美女,令三人更加荷尔蒙爆棚。人越来越多,派对也越来越疯狂,邻居投诉不断,无法阻止人们上楼和进父亲书房……汤玛斯感到越来越不安,但是科斯塔始终鼓动他享受疯狂,随着近两千人聚集,事态再也非三个少年能掌控……
In the pic, a woman (Witherspoon) who is planning her sister’s (Hagner) perfect wedding and the father (Ferrell) of a young bride-to-be (Viswanathan) discover that they are double -booked for their destination wedding at a remote resort on an island off the Georgia coast. When both parties decide to share the small venue, chaos ensues and disaster awaits.
这是一部清谈电影,由八个小故事组成,每个故事都是发生在欢愉之后的两人间的对话。 一个年轻人向伴侣阐述他认为男女关系不平等的原因,却听到对方解释两人之间的关系并不是爱情;一对儿Gay的其中一人,突然对自己的身份产生了怀疑;一对儿小情人经历了初夜,男孩却被女孩的母亲堵在了屋里;两个Les走出房间,其中一个急于撇清自己和同性恋的关系;一对垂暮的嬉皮士夫妻,回忆起昔日种种的疯狂经历;两个渐入中年的Gay,在车上展开了一场关于同性恋人中“女性一方”身份的讨论;一对分手后的情侣,背着各自恋人再次聚到了一起,但是他们又一次爆发了争论;两个几乎陌生的人在欢愉之后试图彼此沟通,但是在身份和经历的差异下,他们的交流将指向何处……
Once upon a time, Juan Pérez, the poorest of the poor, reaches fame in a fluke accident in what seemed to be an attempt of suicide, to protest against the government and his social condition. The Ministry of Economy, surrounded by the scandal in which he is blamed by Pérez's decision, decides to reward him changing his life giving him a little house, a car and a job. But when other poor people (Pérez's close friends) find out about his reversal of fortune, decide to imitate him faking suicide attempts in different buildings in Mexico City. The Ministry of Economy, terrified by the glance of having a plague of beggars, decides to declare poverty a crime and hence finish for once and for all with all the poor in the country. Pérez ends up behind bars. Three years later, Pérez is released and goes back to his previous social condition, but this time, aware of having one day as a rich man is better than a life as poor, he will do anything to get out of his misery... And he will manage to do so!