生灵涂炭的八年抗战终于结束,而国共两党之间的解放战争也正式拉开序幕。蒋介石(孙飞虎 饰)调动大军从延安向西北扫荡,大有将异己彻底剿灭之势头。毛泽东(古月 饰)、周恩来等中央领导向北撤退,期间更与陕北失去联系,革命面临着最危急的时刻。在此紧要关头,刘邓大军决定冒险渡河,砍断蒋军的哑铃把子。然而一千里路的黄河自然环境极其凶险恶劣,此外沿途早有国军重兵把守,尤其是六十六师宋瑞珂挂帅的鲁西南兵团,是刘伯承(傅学诚 饰)、邓小平(卢奇 饰)挺近的重大阻碍。 狭路相逢勇者胜,反攻前夕,决定中国历史的鲁西南战役正式打响……
凯莉(安娜·妮可·史密斯 Anna Nicole Smith 饰)是一名商用直升机驾驶员,她与丈夫高登警探感情甚笃。两人各自拥有独立的职业,过着幸福的生活。然而,一天,凯莉接到了一个任务,需要负责接送一位神秘的异国客人前往洛杉矶的一座大楼。但事情并不像她所预期的那样平稳,因为这位神秘客人竟然是非洲来的恐怖组织领袖。 恐怖分子使用高科技手段控制了大楼,挟持了人质,采取了极端残暴的手段。凯莉很快意识到情况的严重性,她自身也受到了威胁,身陷危机之中。高登(理查德·斯特恩梅茨 Richard Steinmetz 饰)是一名警探,作为人民的守护者,他当然不会坐视不理。他决定挺身而出,与恐怖分子进行激烈的对抗,试图解救被挟持的人质,包括他深爱的妻子凯莉。然而,这次任务非常艰难,因为恐怖分子拥有高科技设备和极其危险的手段。
麦克斯(文森特•卡塞尔 Vincent Cassel 饰)和女友就要步入结婚的殿堂,他却意外地看到失踪了的前女友丽萨(莫妮卡•贝鲁齐 Monica Bellucci 饰)。往事一幕幕闪回:他们曾经是甜蜜的一对,却因为没有转交到丽萨手中的一封信而错过了这段感情——这个遗憾恰恰是由于丽萨的邻居爱丽丝(罗曼娜•波琳热 Romane Bohringer饰)一手造成,她暗恋麦克斯已久,麦克斯叮嘱她交给丽萨的信,其实一直搁置在她手中。 如今,爱丽丝住进了丽萨的旧公寓里。当麦克斯走进公寓想找寻丽萨时,眼前看到的却是爱丽丝。二人发生了关系,爱丽丝终于得到了这个梦寐以求的男人,并且一再设下圈套,让麦克斯和丽萨擦肩而过,终见不得一面。而丽萨的悲剧,还远远不止如此。 得到了麦克斯的爱丽丝,还是选择抽身而去,看见麦克斯和他的未婚妻在机场相拥,她脸上露出复杂的笑意。
The IMAX "Cosmic Voyage" film was made as a public service with sponsorship by the Smithsonian Air and Space museum. On DVD, borrowed from my local public library, it plays at just over 30 minutes with Morgan Freeman supplying a pleasing narrative. As one would expect from an IMAX film, the image quality is superb and the Dolby 5.1 sound track is very well done. Simulated cosmic explosions shake your walls! That is, if you have a good powered subwoofer in your system. The film takes a very useful approach to examining the size of the universe, from tiny sub-atomic particles to the vastness of the whole universe. (Fortunately, when God created the Universe he had dispatched a few angels with video cameras at different vantage points so we get to see actual footage from several billion years ago.) The film starts in Venice, where the discovery of the telescope originated, and uses a one-meter hoop as a reference point, then gradually goes larger by powers of 10, e.g. 10 meters, 100, 1000, etc until we can see the whole universe. Then it takes the opposite journey, going smaller by powers of 10 until be see inside sub-atomic particles. The story is well-woven with beautiful effects created especially for this film. It is entertaining and educational at the same time. All of "oldsters" can enjoy it for the scientific history we are already familiar with, and all the "youngsters" can enjoy it for the educational supplement it provides. Overall a masterful film. Any numerical "rating" of "Cosmic Voyage" is meaningless. If one is looking for a superb film about our universe and modern theories of its formation, this one is hard to beat. Kudos to IMAX and to the Air and Space Museum. 肉眼只能看见穹苍一角。凝视夜空,但见繁星点点,偶尔一颗流星划破夜空,但你可曾看见恒星死亡前的最后爆发?瞪视双手,你或会看见点点尘垢,但你又可曾看见组成皮肤的原子在颤动?因为眼不能见,我们只能纵驰想像,去探索这个深邃广阔的宇宙。 本片获第六十九届奥斯卡金像奖最佳纪录短片提名.
美国协力航空公司的总裁汤姆(梅尔·吉布森 Mel Gibson 饰)打拼多年获得令人瞩目的成绩,但最近却被一宗行贿工会案卷入,所幸美满的家庭总能及时给予他安慰。是日,汤姆一家三口参加一次儿童科学园游会,在纷乱的人流中,儿子肖恩被人掳走。劫匪很快打来了电话,向汤姆勒索两百万美金,同时绑架案处理专家朗尼带同FBI介入此案,劫匪头目是纽约警察吉米(Gary Sinise 饰),他高强的反侦破手段让警方一时无从下手,约翰配合警方安排却导致步步被动。心急如焚的约翰决定放手一搏,在媒体公开将赎金变为抓捕绑匪的悬赏,吉米针锋相对,双方展开了走钢丝般的心理较量。吉米团伙抵不过约翰强大的心理攻势出现了分裂,但是吉米又想出了新的对策,两名强硬男人之间的对决,究竟谁生谁负?
Lulu and Judy Geeson continue their earlier roles and come to the farewell party. Thackeray announces that he is leaving for an inner-city school in Chicago where he will teach again. In Chicago, he meets a former colleague who is the principal of the school. Thackeray learns that there is an A class with good students and an H (for "horror") class for the no-gooders. He convinces the principal to let him take the H class as a History teacher. His new pupils are Hispanic, Black and White kids who are noisy, unruly and engaged in destructive behaviours. Like in London, he starts by teaching them some manners. He addresses them as Mr X or Miss Y, and expects to be called Mr Thackeray or Sir (hence the titles). Little by little he learns their personal stories: Wilsie is a gang leader who protects his younger brother. Another is a black female who battles against double prejudice. The white kid is growing without parents and hides this to avoid being fostered. We also know a bit of Mr Thackeray's story. As a teenager in Guyana, he fell in love with a Chicago girl whose father had come to build a mall. They lost contact and he went to Britain to study, became a teacher and got married. He is now a widower but decided to take this teaching opportunity to find his earlier love. At school he sets out to teach these troubled kids of their true potential if they take their fate in their hands. He teaches about the non-violent resistance of the historic fighters of civil rights. When he discovers Wilsie smuggling a gun into the school, he confronts him and convinces him to yield the gun. Mr Thackeray delivers it to the school policeman as a found object. Later, the police pressures him to give the name of the armed kid, since the gun was involved in a cop killing. He refuses to give up the name of the student and has to leave the school. Meanwhile, one of his pupils has taken a job in a newspaper and decides to investigate on the old Chicago love of Thackeray's. The girl arranges an appointment for him. Thackeray meets the son of his former love in a hospital. His mother is ill. Thackeray learns that she loved him back but her father retained all his letters, because she had gotten pregnant, so that young man he had just met is his son. Thackeray learns that Wilsie is hidden because he thinks that the police are after him. His brother takes Thackeray to the hideaway to explain the real situation and avoid that Wilsie ruins his life. Through courage and talking, the teacher convinces Wilsie to yield his new gun and confronts a rival gang that had come to fight Wilsie. Wilsie and the friend who had got him the gun explain themselves at the precinct. The kids have been doing a "stand in" and force the principal to accept their beloved teacher back. Unlike the British film, there is no infatuation with him among his pupils, but a fellow teacher (Saundra Santiago) admires him. The film ends with the graduation ceremony and dance. Mr Thackeray announces that he is not going back to Britain but staying at Chicago to teach the new generation. --Wikipedia