A scientist engineer at a technology firm specializes in communicating with ‘whispers’ of the recently deceased. After his wife commits suicide, through his exploration of this unsettling piece of newly-developed technology, his research deepens and he finds himself on a dark path becoming increasingly unglued from reality. For once he is through the immortal looking glass, there is no turning back. An expansion of director Patrick Biesemans’ acclaimed short film, Creep Box is inspired by real innovations in the Artificial Intelligence and tech spaces.
It’s been 21 years since Scooter McCrae (SHATTER DEAD) released a new feature film, and he’s lost none of his transgressive bite. Diving straight into a brutal, strange, and upsetting scene between a man and a woman, BLACK EYED SUSAN challenges the audience within the first few moments. It’s not long, though, that the curtain is pulled back like some twisted Wizard of the Oz story, and we find out things aren’t quite as they seem. First, Susan (Yvonne Emilie Thälker) isn’t a person but rather a BDSM sex doll programmed to receive and “enjoy” the punishment of her sadistic partners. She’s the hardware of a cutting-edge tech startup aiming to push her artificial intelligence to new heights. The company that manufactures her hires the desperate Derek (Damian Maffei) to test the limits of her technology and his desires in a low-fi sci-fi horror that delves into the dark pool of love and perversion in our new tech age. - Fantasia, Justine Smith
2117: A colonization mission to the new world of Epsilon Eridani B is struck by disaster as the ship crashes, leaving a small number of survivors to fend for themselves against numerous dangers.
神秘的51区,因与高科技以及外星人紧紧联系在一起,所以数十年来始终是人们倍感好奇的一个所在。21世纪的某天,军方迫于美国民众的压力,决定首次将51区对外开放。不久,媒体人山姆·惠特克(约翰·西亚 John Shea 饰)和克莱尔·法伦带着各自的团队来到位于51区的美军基地,而负责充当向导的罗纳德·马丁上校如临大敌,他不仅要让这几个记者感到空前的透明和震撼,还要竭尽全力保住军方最为紧要的秘密。与此同时,51区关押着一个25年前抓获的外星人,代号“0号病人”,他可以幻化成任何人的模样,并模仿对方说话。就在51区对外开放的这天,0号病人伺机逃出了牢房…… 本片为syfy电视台拍摄的电视电影。
The action takes place in a grim anarchist future civilization after a big crash or war. A young man, Allan (Bentein Baardson), decides to move out of the city as his family live in. He brings his wife, Lisa ('Petronella Barker'), and the son to a big garbage dump located outside the city. Where they settle and survive on the waste they find on the dump. They are in many ways more closely related to each other by living this way, and Lisa eventually becomes pregnant. But there is a great shortage of water (Sweetwater) and the family of three must go out and look for water. When they discover they are not alone in staying in landfill. It will be a struggle for existence.
在一个静得有些诡异阴森的夜晚,年轻女子艾米丽(艾米丽·芭尔多尼 Emily Baldoni 饰)驱车来到朋友家参加聚会。此前她一边开车一边和男友打电话,然而通话突然中断,她的手机屏也莫名其妙出现裂痕。这一事件让艾米丽的心中升起隐隐不安,因为当晚一颗彗星刚好接近地球,一个 很久之前听过的传说使她对彗星的到来有着不祥的预感。稍后,朋友们落座,大家彼此交谈,叙说近况,虽然言语中有着许多莫名其妙、蹊跷反常的线索,然而均被一带而过。突然间,灯光尽灭。当光明重新来临时,众人发现附近只有一户人家还在亮灯,而亮灯人家里坐着的竟是…… 本片荣获2014年阿姆斯特丹奇幻电影节黑郁金香奖。
向地球袭来的大危机! 这个夏天奔奔者将肩负燃爆的任务!
大古是一个憧憬着电视节目《奥特曼》中的奥特曼形象,梦想是有朝一日能成为宇宙船船长的平凡少年。 现在还在逐渐成长中,目前只是横浜市观光课的一名普通公务员。 没错,本作的舞台是和之前的昭和·平成系列毫无联系, 平行存在于现实世界中的横浜。 幼年时憧憬着成为职业棒球选手的飞鸟,现在是横浜体育场的一名球童。 阿良也作为飞鸟的同事而不断支持着他。 把“开发出大古梦想所能够驾驶的飞船”作为理想目标的我梦, 目前和敦子一同作为横浜MaliTime博物馆的实习生而奋斗着。 就在同时,为追赶超越了时间和空间的格斯拉王,梦比优斯奥特曼出现在了横浜港。 他是唯一一个知道降临在我们世界的这一切的引导性角色。 「让7名勇者再次觉醒、并一同去打倒侵略者」 出现在梦比优斯面前说着这么番话的穿着红鞋的少女究竟是? 随着格斯拉王的出现、在山下码头也同样出现了庞敦王。 那是曾一度打败赛文奥特曼的强敌。 和在横浜体育场工作的飞鸟,在横浜MaliTime博物馆工作的我梦, 以及大古这3人相聚在一起谈论年幼时的梦想和将来的打算, 期待着未来和他们擦出的火花吧。 早田、团、乡、北斗这4人也同样只是普通的人类。 并且也分别和秋子、安奴、秋、夕子结了婚,拥有了各自幸福的家庭。 《迪迦奥特曼》第26话《彩虹的怪兽魔境》中登场的刚力怪兽希尔巴贡, 第36话《超越时空的微笑》中登场的超力怪兽哥尔德拉斯, 都以希尔巴贡王和哥尔德拉斯王的身份复活了。 两只都是与时间和空间有关的怪兽,出现在这个世界也合情合意。 在与未来的谈话中,大古更加确信了自己的目标。 但是当从未来口中得知「穿着红鞋的少女」时,大古曾一度淡忘的记忆再次苏醒。 还是孩子的他,当时也曾见过穿着红鞋的少女。 将怪兽召唤至这个世界的幕后元凶,地狱星人超级希伯利特星人出现了。 当他把梦比优斯变成青铜像后准备大肆破坏之时, 从未见过的奥特曼出现了, 他的名字是「迪迦」! 昭和宇宙人和平成奥特曼激突!