以原始、亲切的视角审视越战对美国的影响。在西贡沦陷 50 周年即将到来之际,该系列节目通过个人故事,探讨了这场冲突的深远影响以及对社会的持久影响。
讲述的是日本战败投降后,上海日本守军妄图在撤退之前用数千吨TNT炸药摧毁上海。以华克之为原型的特科英雄华龙之带领一众地下党员,付出了沉重的牺牲和代价,最终瓦解了日本人的阴谋,守护了上海。1945年,日本投降之时,上海作为日本的最后据点,储存着数量庞大的军火。此时的新四军装备老化,缺乏弹药,急需一批军火,华克之邀请郑德升帮忙协助。华克之在上海土生土长,为人八面玲珑,英语非常流利。交际能力很强的他,很快便和某军火仓库的唯一负责人——日本海军陆战队少将冈田搞好了关系。 郑德升会见冈田,编造出一个国民党中将,声称可以保护冈田,但需要他提供军火以表投诚之心。中将的扮演者正是华克之。就这样,华克之和郑德升成功获取了一批威力强大的TNT炸药以及194挺机枪,经由地下交通线运到新四军手中……
In the pic, a woman (Witherspoon) who is planning her sister’s (Hagner) perfect wedding and the father (Ferrell) of a young bride-to-be (Viswanathan) discover that they are double -booked for their destination wedding at a remote resort on an island off the Georgia coast. When both parties decide to share the small venue, chaos ensues and disaster awaits.
恩怨情仇的江湖,权势角力的战乱时代,郭靖(肖战 饰)童年离别家乡,逐渐炼就可改变局面和命运的庞大力量。虽受高人赏识和器重,得传天下绝世武功“九阴真经”和“降龙十八掌”,却惹来各方嫉忌,成为众矢之的。 郭靖,不亢不卑,怀赤子之心,与黄蓉(庄达菲 饰)在铁骑箭雨和硝烟旌旗中,力挽狂澜,保护南宋边关。 雕海苍穹,勇者无惧,侠之大者,力拔山河,成就武林传说。 本片主要改编自金庸同名原著第34至40章。
姜子牙、姬发带队坚守西岐,家园保卫战一触即发!邓婵玉、闻仲奉商王殷寿之命,率魔家四将等殷商大军征伐西岐,西岐一方得殷郊、雷震子、杨戬、哪吒等相助,更聚全民之力守卫家园。兵戈相对、法术交锋,两大阵营掀起强强对决,关于“封神榜” 的争夺正在继续......
司天监三弟子杨千幻曾经人们口中的天骄,自从许七安横空出世后,他所有的荣光便不复从前。杨千幻努力求索,可换来的却是监正一句“天命使然,早已算定”,杨千幻在沉沦中奋起,展现自己“不信命”的天命。 作品是根据同名网络小说兼剧集《大奉打更人》中人物杨千幻衍生出来的番外故事。
This four-episode docuseries takes an in-depth look at the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman and the trial that dominated the news cycle in the mid-1990s, from the chase on LA freeways to the riveting court proceedings. Featuring new and candid interviews with key individuals — including Goldman’s sister Kim, O.J. Simpson prosecutor Christopher Darden, L.A. police detective Mark Fuhrman, O.J. Simpson defense attorney Carl Douglas, and key witness Kato Kaelin — informed by 30 years of reflection, the series reexamines the true crime story that changed American culture .
It had been a crisp September morning like so many others. And then it was not. Days of innocence would fade to mere memory. Forces from afar would see to that. An explosion of evil would violate sacred shores and carve a path of death and destruction. America would never again be the same. Despite the horror, the untold stories of resilience and unity from survivors and loved ones pay tribute to hope amid tragedy.