为人憨厚、乐于助人的余木生(刘延 饰)是一名船工。妻子陶春(张伟欣 饰)对木生百依百顺,经常挂在嘴边一句话“我随你”。 听说离村子几十公里的龙泉镇开通了火车,陶春想同表妹杏枝(赵越 饰)去看看,木生不同意,陶春没有坚持。陶春一直有腹疼病,木生并没有放在心上。夫妻俩上集卖猪,卖得钱后,陶春在商店给木生买了两包好烟,给俩孩子买了圆珠笔和玩具。她自己很想买一件酱色的上衣,但木生想用剩下的钱买猪崽,陶春还是那句“我随你”。陶春又一次腹痛,木生以为是老毛病,照旧让女儿买仁丹,杏枝看到气愤地把仁丹扔在地上。经医院检查,陶春患得是肝癌,已经到了晚期,无法医治。木生无法接受这一事实。回家后的木生回首往事,深感内疚,他还能为生命既将走到终点的妻子做点什么呢......
A film written and directed by Antonio Giménez Rico, it follows a sextet of drag queens as they ply their trade on the streets and nightclubs of Madrid. There’s a graphic scene of one getting breast implants, and a touching scene of one visiting his parents in drag for a traditional Sunday dinner.
The Power of Emotion explains that emotion isn't to be confused with sentimentality. Emotion is ancient and more powerful than any art form. The film looks at young couples who run into difficulties as they try to translate their experiences of love into clear decision-making. A woman who has shot her husband provides a judge with a puzzle. Those who love can bring the dead back to life by means of co-operation. That's the focus of the opera, "The Power Plant of Emotions" and the "Opera of the 20th Century" cinema. Alexander Kluge: The Power of Feeling When I started working on The Power of Feeling, I was not in a rational state. I did not say, I have a subject and now I will make a film about it. Instead I was spellbound and observed in my direct surroundings, for example, how feelings move. I have not really dealt with the theme of my mother's death and the fact that she was the one who taught me "how feelings move." Nor have I dealt with how she died. That was an entire palette of feelings: "All feelings believe in a happy end," and everyone believes tacitly that they will live forever: The entire palette is somehow optimistic, a positive attitude towards life having been put on the agendaas long as she was young, as long as her body held out, from one day to the next she collapsed. She just suddenly collapsed, like in an opera where disaster takes the stage in the fifth act. It felt as if I had observed an air raid or a disaster. The film The Power of Feeling is not about feelings, but rather their organization: how they can be organized by chance, through outside factors, murder, destiny; how they are organized, how they encounter the fortune they are seeking.What is all this organization of feelings about? Generally feelings tend to be a dictatorship. It is a dictatorship of the moment. The strong feeling I am having right now suppresses the others. For thoughts this would not be the case. One thought attracts others like a magnet. People therefore need affirmation by other people to be sure about their own feelings (to counteract the acquisition of their feelings through outside forces). Through the interaction of many people, for example, in public, the various feelings also have a magnetic attraction to one another just like thoughts do. Feelings communicate through their manifestation in public. The cinema is the public seat of feelings in the 20th century. The organization is set up thusly: Even sad feelings have a happy outcome in the cinema. It is about finding comfort: In the 19th century the opera house was the home to feelings. An overwhelming majority of operas had a tragic end. You observed a victim. I am convinced that there is a more adventuresome combination: Feelings in both the opera and traditional cinema are powerless in the face of destiny's might. In the 20th century feelings barricaded themselves behind this comfort, in the 19th century they entrenched themselves in the validity of the lethal seriousness.
制片国家:中国大陆 制片机构:长春电影制片厂 上映年份:1983年 影片颜色:彩色片 影片类型:故事片 导演:白德彰 徐迅行 编剧:张笑天 张天民 摄影:孟宪弟 剪辑:王金荣 美术设计:柳焕兴 布景师:邢战胜 演员表: 黄中秋 Zhongqiu Huang ....黎大品 朱琳 Lin Zhu ....覃泓 马群 Qun Ma ....覃怀元 颜美怡 Meiyi Yan ....赵士函 邵华 Hua Shao ....杨泽泗 王淘 Tao Wang ....依娟 李文伟 Wenwei Li ....阿爸 朱德承 Decheng Zhu ....李尚年 许大海 Dahai Xu ....青青 赵秀玲 Xiuling Zhao ....时青 刘汉璞 Hanpu Liu ....老刘 故事梗概: 我国大西南某森林研究所助理研究员黎大品经过多年努力,找到了对研究古地质、古生物有重要价值的第四纪活化石树。科学院的覃泓为此写了专题报道,发表在科学杂志上。一时间,黎大品轰动了整个植物学界。覃泓乘飞机飞往大西南,她一方面向黎大品索取论文,另一方面要弄清研究所为什么将科学院点名要黎大品参加学术会议的名额换成了分类研究室主任赵士函。她从黎大品那里得知,省里的会议也让赵士函出席,只是因为赵去北京开会,才让黎参加。赵士函开会回来,得知所里准备选拔中年所长,黎大品对她是一个严重的威胁。覃泓对任研究所副所长的父亲覃怀元表示,不应这样对待黎大品,覃怀元却要她少管闲事。覃泓发现黎大品的论文《关于人工群落结构的研究报告》曾被赵士函宣读过,遂不顾压力把此事汇报上级领导。赵士函十分恼火,以"群众来信"污蔑覃泓与黎大品关系暖昧。正当此时,黎大品发现那株化石树开花了,轰动一时的活化石树变成了假的。黎大品又受到赵士函等人的"特别关心",陷入了极度痛苦之中。黎大品和助手依娟再次进山,覃泓尾随而去他们终于找到了单性花的活化石树。被土蜂蜇成重伤的黎大品恳求依娟说化石树是她找到的,并要覃泓保密。赵士函得知后,抢先安排人写学术论文。覃怀元告诉她,化石树是黎大品找到的,赵士函恼羞成怒,大发雷霆。覃泓乘飞机离开这远离人群的地方。然而,不管是在喧闹的城市还是远离人群的原始森林,人们正在自觉不自觉地或净化着社会和自然界,正义与邪恶永远在进行着较量。
卡拉(芭芭拉·赫希 Barbara Hershey 饰)的丈夫在一场意外中不幸去世,卡拉不得不独自抚养他们的两个孩子,日子过得十分辛苦。某天夜里,卡拉遇见了科学无法解释的怪事,她被一股强大而又神秘的力量强暴了。由于事态过于诡异,卡拉将此归结于自己在做梦,但这股力量并没有就此消失,而是一而再再而三的骚扰着卡拉。 恐惧之中,卡拉向心理医生库利(Jacqueline Brookes 饰)求助,但库利认为这只是卡拉压力太大而产生的幻觉。科学无法帮助卡拉,于是卡拉转而找到了一名玄学家,玄学家在卡拉的卧室里放置了特殊的摄影器材,并且最终拍摄下了惊悚恐怖的一幕。证据证明了卡拉并没有疯,但这也意味着,他们必须要和那个邪恶的力量正面对抗。
人间天堂苏州,每年吸引着大量中外游客。美中不足的“吃饭难”困忧着各家餐馆,得月楼也不例外。团支书毛头(毛永明 饰)向父亲老杨(陆辰生 饰)建议,要带领饭店的青年人在景点开个“小小得月楼”。老杨对这班年青人本来有偏见,无奈儿子信誓旦旦,也只好由他去了。乔妹(顾芗 饰)做梦都想当演员,迟到早退家常便饭,多多(郑进生 饰)则是个愣头青,做事基本不用脑子,经常张冠李戴的送错莱,为此没少挨嗑。而戆戆则为了搞对象,不分钟点的占公家便宜。杨毛头深知队伍的难带,立军令状伊始,他就约法三章,如完不成任务遭顾客投诉,没的说,扣完奖金扣工资,如法炮制。由此,风气渐变,迟到早退少了,占公家便宜成了丢人的事,戆戆还把失传的苏州名莱“甫里鸡”烧了出来......