蓝鲸(学名:Balaenoptera musculus)是一种海洋哺乳动物,属於鬚鲸亚目。蓝鲸被认为是地球上曾经生存过体型最大的动物,长可达33公尺,重达181吨。 蓝鲸的身躯瘦长,背部是青灰色的,不过在水中看起来有时颜色会比较淡。 目前已知蓝鲸至少有三个亚种:生活在北大西洋和北太平洋的B. m. musculus;栖息在南冰洋的B. m. intermedia与印度洋和南太平洋的B. m. brevicauda(也称侏儒蓝鲸)。在印度洋发现的B. m. indica则可能是另一个亚种。与其他鬚鲸一样,蓝鲸主要以小型的甲壳类(例如磷虾)与小型鱼类为食,有时也包括魷鱼。 直到20世纪初,在世界上几乎每一个海域中,蓝鲸的数量是相当多的。在超过40年后,捕鲸者的猎杀使牠们几乎灭绝。直到国际社会在1966年开始保育蓝鲸后,蓝鲸的数量才逐渐上升。一份2002年的报告估计目前世界上蓝鲸的数量在5,000至12,000隻之间,并分佈在至少5个族群中。最近对於侏儒蓝鲸的研究显示这个数字可能是低估了实际的数量。在捕鲸活动开始前,蓝鲸最大的族群是在南极海域,估计大约有239,000隻(范围介於202,000与 311,000之间)。目前在东北太平洋、南极海与印度洋的数量已经比以前要减少非常多(大约各只有2,000隻)。在北大西洋则有2个更大的集团,在南半球至少也有2个集团。
旧金山科技产业泡沫破灭后,性健康公司 OneTaste 孕育而生,被顶级健康和保健机构誉为实现自我的途径,并以教授一种名为“高潮冥想”的练习而闻名全球。这部调查纪录片中收录了 15 年来从未公之于众的镜头和对前成员的采访,揭开了该组织及其备受争议的神秘领导者的面纱。
Pornhub 是互联网最著名的成人娱乐平台,从根本上改变了色情内容的制作和传播方式。这使得该公司赚取了数十亿美元,同时色情内容创作者也能够接触到大量观众。但该公司也遭到了众多指控,其中包括使用未经同意的内容和在网站上进行人口贩卖等。在反人口贩卖组织为受害者伸张正义之际,这家网络巨头能否保护它的摇钱树,又或者说这是针对成人表演者自愿拍摄色情内容的新一波审查浪潮?
1968年6月,也许是埃尔维斯·普雷斯利传奇职业生涯中最重要的转折点。他在50年代中期一鸣惊人成为超级巨星,之后于1958年3月开始在美国陆军服役两年,并于1960年回归。然而,当时美国正处于正处于巨变的边缘。在这十年期间,政治、流行文化和音乐都发生了翻天覆地的变化。但埃尔维斯并没有成为公众讨论的中心,反而被边缘化了。在经纪人汤姆·帕克上校的执意安排下,埃尔维斯忙于拍摄越来越单调的好莱坞电影。到1968年,他已经有七年没有在观众面前表演了。此时,埃尔维斯在流行音乐中的霸主地位已被取代。滚石乐队、披头士、摩城唱片、亨德里克斯以及其他一大批榜单顶尖艺人使埃尔维斯在音乐界几乎被遗忘。 于是,在1968年那个夏天,埃尔维斯没有听从帕克上校的建议去录制一场适合阖家观看的圣诞节目,而是坚持回归他的摇滚根源,举办了一场现场表演,重温过去的经典,并为未来的雄心勃勃的计划铺路。后来,这个节目被称为“埃尔维斯·普雷斯利复出特辑”,被认为是他职业生涯中最精彩的时刻之一。 通过深入的采访,首次公开埃尔维斯和帕克上校的个人档案,以及罕见的68年特辑和排练的录像,我们将重温埃尔维斯职业生涯中的这一关键时刻,并通过美国最具代表性的文化偶像之一的视角审视20世纪60年代的狂热和混乱。
电影制片人利用新技术,展示了著名的扎普鲁德电影中美国第 35 任总统约翰·肯尼迪 (JFK) 遇刺事件的真实情况。
Jumpers for Goalposts: Live at Wembley Stadium is a home video by English singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran, released on Blu-ray on 13 November 2015. It features the footage taken from Sheeran's x Tour, when he became the first solo artist to take the stage at Wembley Stadium in London and played across three sold out nights to a crowd of 240,000 people. Jumpers for Goalposts: Live at Wembley Stadium features performances of hits like "The A Team", "Sing" or "Thinking Out Loud". Sir Elton John duets with Sheeran on two songs. The title “Jumpers for Goalposts” alludes to street/park football in the UK, a practice where jumpers would be placed on the ground and used as goalposts, a nod from Sheeran playing the concerts at Wembley Stadium, the home of English football. Aside from the live performances, Jumpers for Goalposts: Live at Wembley Stadium gives viewers an insight into life backstage on the road with Sheeran. Simultaneously, Jumpers for Goalposts: Live at Wembley Stadium was released on DVD as part of the re-release of Sheeran's 2014 x album. This CD/DVD combo titled x (Wembley Edition) also includes five new tracks on the CD portion.
The legendary singer has finally received the major portrait film he deserves. Oscar winner Alex Gibney unravels Paul Simon's life's work, from his time with Art Garfunkel to solo highlight 'Graceland' to his latest album. ‘His music floats around you, enters your lungs, and suddenly you’re breathing through the songs.’ The Oscar-winning director Alex Gibney is speaking about Paul Simon, whom he has been given exclusive access to while the 82-year-old musician is recording his latest album, ‘Seven Psalms’. Through a goldmine of photographs, interviews and never-before-seen footage, Gibney unravels the many iconic moments, from Simon & Garfunkel’s early days to their reunion concert in front of 750,000 people in Central Park. ‘In Restless Dreams’ is the portrait of Paul Simon he has always deserved. We will screen the film once during CPH:DOX and transform the Bremen Theatre into Rufaro Stadium in Zimbabwe in 1986, when both the film and Simon’s career culminate in an unforgettable concert.
在一架小型飞机坠毁后,四名土著儿童在哥伦比亚亚马逊丛林中失联、孤立无援。他们依靠祖先的智慧求生,而一场史无前例的救援任务也随之展开。 这部纪录片由奥斯卡奖得主奥兰多·冯·爱因西德尔执导,哥伦比亚导演豪尔赫·杜兰和英国裔秘鲁导演拉利·霍顿参与制作,从参与这场史诗级救援行动的人员 — 哥伦比亚军队、土著志愿救援人员和儿童的家人 — 的视角讲述了这个令人难以置信的故事。
追踪男孩乐队从披头士乐队到韩国流行音乐的演变,深入研究 90 年代/2000 年代的偶像,并强调这一持久音乐运动的丰富历史。
The Power of Emotion explains that emotion isn't to be confused with sentimentality. Emotion is ancient and more powerful than any art form. The film looks at young couples who run into difficulties as they try to translate their experiences of love into clear decision-making. A woman who has shot her husband provides a judge with a puzzle. Those who love can bring the dead back to life by means of co-operation. That's the focus of the opera, "The Power Plant of Emotions" and the "Opera of the 20th Century" cinema. Alexander Kluge: The Power of Feeling When I started working on The Power of Feeling, I was not in a rational state. I did not say, I have a subject and now I will make a film about it. Instead I was spellbound and observed in my direct surroundings, for example, how feelings move. I have not really dealt with the theme of my mother's death and the fact that she was the one who taught me "how feelings move." Nor have I dealt with how she died. That was an entire palette of feelings: "All feelings believe in a happy end," and everyone believes tacitly that they will live forever: The entire palette is somehow optimistic, a positive attitude towards life having been put on the agendaas long as she was young, as long as her body held out, from one day to the next she collapsed. She just suddenly collapsed, like in an opera where disaster takes the stage in the fifth act. It felt as if I had observed an air raid or a disaster. The film The Power of Feeling is not about feelings, but rather their organization: how they can be organized by chance, through outside factors, murder, destiny; how they are organized, how they encounter the fortune they are seeking.What is all this organization of feelings about? Generally feelings tend to be a dictatorship. It is a dictatorship of the moment. The strong feeling I am having right now suppresses the others. For thoughts this would not be the case. One thought attracts others like a magnet. People therefore need affirmation by other people to be sure about their own feelings (to counteract the acquisition of their feelings through outside forces). Through the interaction of many people, for example, in public, the various feelings also have a magnetic attraction to one another just like thoughts do. Feelings communicate through their manifestation in public. The cinema is the public seat of feelings in the 20th century. The organization is set up thusly: Even sad feelings have a happy outcome in the cinema. It is about finding comfort: In the 19th century the opera house was the home to feelings. An overwhelming majority of operas had a tragic end. You observed a victim. I am convinced that there is a more adventuresome combination: Feelings in both the opera and traditional cinema are powerless in the face of destiny's might. In the 20th century feelings barricaded themselves behind this comfort, in the 19th century they entrenched themselves in the validity of the lethal seriousness.
Based on the book of The Shadow World, this feature length documentary is an investigation into the multi-billion dollar international arms trade. Directed by Johan Grimonprez and based on Andrew Feinstein’s globally acclaimed book The Shadow World: Inside the Global Arms Trade, the film SHADOW WORLD reveals how the international trade in weapons - with the complicity ofgovernments and intelligence agencies, investigative and prosecutorial bodies, weapons manufacturers, dealers andagents - fosters corruption, determines economic and foreign policies, undermines democracy and creates widespreadsuffering. SHADOW WORLD posits an alternative through the experience of a peace activist and war correspondent, aswell as the stories of Eduardo Galeano. But ultimately the film reveals the real costs of war, the way the arms trade drives it, how the weapons ofwar are now being turned against the citizens of liberal democracies, and how the ‘shadow world’ is taking over. In the hopes that in understanding how our realties are being constructed, audiences may see through this horror, and create a better future… (more info on cinando.com)
该纪录片将带观众深入探索《流浪地球2》的幕后世界:导演、制片人、美术及特效团队等电影核心主创将亲自讲述这部科幻巨制的制作过程与他们的心路历程,观众将看到他们在追求电影艺术极致的同时,如何推动中国电影工业化进程、为中国科幻电影的未来开辟新道路。 此外,纪录片还特别邀请了中国知名科幻学者、作家回顾中国科幻的发展历程——从早期的科幻小说到如今的科幻电影,观众将了解到百年时光中,中国科幻从萌芽到茁壮成长的过程。这是一次不容错过的中国科幻电影冒险之旅,也是一次对中国科幻未来的深情展望。
《一本书一座城》是浙江卫视主持人李晗担任制片人兼主持人的首档城市文化纪录片,以一本书为视角切入城市,讲述这座城市的历史、人文、风俗等。节目融合中西文化,影像唯美、情感细腻、风格清新,每一集根据作品本身的境界和城市自身的气质形成独有风格,第一季(八集)将行走八座城市,阅读八部作品。 大型周播城市纪录片《一本书一座城》以一本书为视角切入城市,讲述这座城市的历史、人文、风俗等,融合中西文化,表达个人文化情怀,涉及伦敦、巴黎、柏林、北京、上海、杭州、香港和台北八大城市。首度担任纪录片制片人的李晗将带领拍摄团队,在八大世界文学名城中诠释“行走的力量”。谈及做这档节目的初衷,李晗表示:“城市是文化集大成者,把读书跟读城结合起来,既是读书,同时也是一个行走类的纪录片,称得上是自己的一次圆梦之作。” 首期节目《再会,老北京》,李晗将镜头对准了蕴含着浓郁的文化气息,堪称一座座民俗风情博物馆的北京胡同,通过国外友人、胡同居民、拆迁百姓等人物多角度来讲述自己眼中的胡同文化。正是这样一档品书、品城、品文化的节目,被不少网友将其与同台播出的《十二道锋味》联系起来。对此,李晗用“殊途同归”四个字来概念两者的关联。“《一本书一座城》展示得是有品位有故事有人文情怀的城市风景,《十二道锋味》是从美食美景美女的角度来展示,其实是殊途同归,都是传递给大家一个更宏观的视野更大的世界。”李晗如是说。 纪录片主创个个“学霸” 堪称最高学历幕后班底 纪录片是以真地真人真事为表现对象,并对其进行艺术的加工与展现,用真实引发人们思考的艺术形式,这离不开一个有高文化水准的制作团队。《一本书一座城》的国际幕后制作班底便在这方面拥有着超强优势。节目制片人兼主持人李晗拥有北京电影学院电影管理系文学学士、伦敦大学戈德史密斯学院跨国传播与全球媒体专业文学硕士的高学历,现担任《新闻深一度》《人文深呼吸》《中华好故事》主持人,是浙江卫视当红人气女主播。 作为前央视纪录片导演,该片导演之一的洪家春是北京大学文学学士及香港中文大学文学硕士,同时也是美国在读博士;两位撰稿卢冶、李扬帆学历分别是北京大学中文系在读博士、北京大学国际关系学院副教授;甚至连助理也是伦敦大学学院电影学研究生。这样的“个个学霸、人人高学历”的超强阵容,难怪被不少网友称为“史上最高学历的纪录片幕后班底”。 浙江卫视全新起航 《一本书》成“美‘立’富强”急先锋 2015年,浙江卫视在新的一年全新起航,提出“美‘立’富强”新理念:人文节目要美、新闻要立、电视剧要富、综艺要强。大型城市人文类纪录片《一本书一座城》正是符合了“美”的标准。影像基调清新、现代、年轻化,在专题纪录片的基础上增加纪实拍摄,以增添生动的生活以及当地人的视角;在纪实纪录片的基础上追求精美的拍摄,以展现城市空间的人文风情。 《一本书一座城》首期节目以《再会,老北京》这本书为引,想跟美女主持李晗一起走进这座拥有三千余年历史,八朝古都的历史文化名城,走进老北京胡同的寻常百姓家吗?敬请关注,每周一晚23:10浙江卫视播出的《一本书一座城》。