50 年前,瑞典流行超级乐队 ABBA 凭借其在英国布莱顿穹顶表演的突破性热门歌曲《滑铁卢》赢得了欧洲歌唱大赛。这是 ABBA 和瑞典流行音乐进入更广泛世界意识的“大爆炸”时刻。从 ABBA 到 Europe,从 Max Martin 到 Roxette,从 Ace of Base 到 Robyn 等,几十年来,瑞典艺术家、作家和制作人对全球排行榜产生了巨大影响。通过档案片段、独特的信息图表以及对词曲作者、制作人、表演者和行业专家的采访,包括 Ulf Ekberg(Ace of Base)、Dr Alban、Nina Persson(The Cardigans)、John Grant、E-Ty
SEVENTEEN TOUR 'FOLLOW' AGAIN TO CINEMAS 在首尔世界杯体育场向粉丝表演时展示了流行韩国流行乐队的歌曲。他们在日本的电影演唱会令我震惊,但这次将其提升到了一个更高的水平。这只是纯粹的音乐会和他们的许多流行和最新歌曲。我最喜欢的是《Lalali》和《Hot》。令人惊叹的是,他们一出现在舞台上,就像空中飞人艺术家一样,在盒子里倒下,勾勒出他们美丽的容貌。华丽的服装、歌声、舞蹈。这部电影令人惊叹。如果您是“十七”或韩国流行音乐的粉丝,那么这是必看的。我认为他们和 BTS 一样好!我是一名军迷,希望买他们的克拉荧光棒。
It covers topics like politics, self-improvement, parenting young kids, and aging parents.
L’histoire méconnue d’un sport qui fait désormais partie de nos vies : la course à pied. Au début des années 1960, les premiers joggeurs sont vus comme des extra-terrestres, et se cachent pour courir. Et quand les premières courses naîtront, les femmes devront se battre pour y participer contre les fédérations et les autorités, conservatrices – la course comme combat politique et outil d’émancipation féminine ! Naissance des marathons, de revues spécialisées, apparition des premiers champions amateurs, croissance d’un business… Un récit passionnant et stimulant, composé d’interviews et de nombreuses images d’archives étonnantes et poignantes, narré par Philippe Torreton.
Mexico is one of the world’s most dangerous countries for journalists. But courageous reporters continue to do their work regardless; without the press there would be no one revealing the extent to which crime and politics are intermingled. The judicial system hides behind claims of insufficient evidence to prosecute crimes, while journalists are the ones who provide such evidence. In State of Silence four journalists discuss their work. One of them investigates illegal logging and environmental pollution, while another writes about police violence against migrants attempting to cross the border. The risks are great, and threats are commonplace. Almost 200 reporters have disappeared or been murdered since 2000. A law was passed under President López Obrador enabling journalists and human rights activists to seek refuge in the US—but doesn’t leaving everything that you love behind you, mean the criminals have won? Some of the journalists return to Mexico because their work is too important. “When a journalist is murdered,” says one of them, “society’s right to be informed dies, too.”
围绕来自阿尔伯塔省卡尔加里的双胞胎同性恋姐妹 Tegan 和 Sara Quin 展开,她们组建了一支摇滚乐队,吸引了忠实的追随者,其中许多人来自 LGBTQ+ 群体。但在 2011 年,泰根的个人电脑文件被黑客入侵,引发了一系列灾难性的事件。
跟踪六名年轻人参加财富 500 强实习的严格技能培训计划,强调基于技能的招聘比大学学位的必要性,行业领导者分享了对技能必要性的看法。UNTAPPED 大胆地揭示了基于技能的招聘的迫切需要 - 这种做法注重一个人的全方位技能和能力,而不是仅仅考虑他们是否拥有传统的四年制大学学位。纪录片《UNTAPPED》以一系列感人至深、震撼人心的人类故事为背景,记录了六名年轻人在接受严格的技能培训计划以争取财富 500 强实习机会时的情感和鼓舞人心的旅程,希望改变他们的生活轨迹。
才华横溢的滑雪者在电影摄影师沃伦·米勒 (Warren Miller) 最喜欢的一些地点进行这项运动。
作为SEVENTEEN在首尔世界杯体育场的首次演唱会而备受期待的 <SEVENTEEN TOUR ‘FOLLOW’ AGAIN TO SEOUL>演出,以及首次公开《MAESTRO》、《Cheers to youth》、《Spell》和《LALALI》等歌曲时的现场火爆反响!这些令人心潮澎湃的瞬间均通过电影摄像机从多角度记录了下来。
一个好友请求彻底改变了 Kirat 的生活,当她与鲍比在网上的关系慢慢转变成恋情时,她永远也想不到鲍比并非表面上看起来那么简单。
《激进行为:蕾妮·蒙哥马利》是一部关于蕾妮·蒙哥马利的励志专题纪录片,她是第一位既是 WNBA 球队共同所有者又是高管的前 WNBA 球员。蕾妮·蒙哥马利 (Renee Montgomery) 是两届 WNBA 冠军、体育广播员和活动家,目前是亚特兰大梦想队的共同所有人兼副总裁。这部新的专题纪录片深入描绘了蕾妮以及塑造她性格的经历,从在西弗吉尼亚州长大,到在康涅狄格大学赢得全国冠军,再到随明尼苏达山猫队两次夺得 WNBA 冠军。这部纪录片讲述了蕾妮从球员到管理层的转变,反映了家庭和社区如何帮助蕾妮的正直改变了游戏规则。
In 1970, Blood, Sweat and Tears was one of the biggest bands in the world. They had exploded on the scene with both daring and promise, selling millions of records, winning multiple Grammy Awards including Album of the Year (beating out The Beatles' Abbey Road) and headlining the legendary Woodstock festival. In demand for concert and TV appearances, BS&T was a darling of the mainstream and rock press, icon of the counterculture and inspiration for a generation of horn-based bands. Their future was limitless. And then it all went wrong. Created with the full cooperation of Blood, Sweat and Tears, this feature documentary will overflow with great music, international political intrigue, compelling human moments, humor and fresh insight into this strange never-before-told story of a tangle with the Nixon administration, a controversial tour behind the Iron Curtain that put them in the crossfire of a polarized America and a lost tour documentary that might just explain it all