Wonderfully archived, and told with a remarkable sense of intimacy, visual style, and musical panache, Susanne Rostock's inspiring biographical documentary, SING YOUR SONG, surveys the life and times of singer, actor, and activist Harry Belafonte. From his rise to fame as a singer--inspired by Paul Robeson--and his experiences touring a segregated country, to his provocative crossover into Hollywood, Belafonte's groundbreaking career personifies the American civil rights movement and impacted many other social-justice movements. Rostock reveals Belafonte as a tenacious hands-on activist who worked intimately with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., mobilized celebrities for social justice, participated in the struggle against apartheid in South Africa, and took action to counter gang violence, imprisonment, and the incarceration of youth.
亚当·希尔斯 18 岁时做出了一个不同寻常的职业决定……他辞去了职业网球教练的工作(以及成为职业球员的任何梦想),去追求成为一名脱口秀喜剧演员的梦想。他可能已经决定放弃球拍,转而使用麦克风,但亚当对网球的热爱从未消失。问题是,网球并不总是能给亚当和成千上万其他残疾球员带来对这项运动的热情。轮椅网球现在是大满贯和残奥会的固定项目,但对于像亚当这样患有各种残疾的球员来说,他们不能或不想坐在轮椅上参加他们最喜欢的运动,在精英级别的比赛中仍然没有竞争力。这部 Sky Original 纪录片追踪了亚当的全球活动,以宣传这项运动的一种日益发展的形式——残疾人站立式网球——以及它作为未来大满贯和残奥会赛事
凭借奢华的 Cinemascope 镜头,汉堡的“微缩景观世界”在大屏幕上栩栩如生。2000 年,双胞胎兄弟 Frederik 和 Gerrit Braun 实现了他们一生的梦想,当时他们并不知道他们会创造出什么:”微缩景观世界“不仅成为世界上最大的模型铁路,而且还是欧洲最大的公共景点之一,每年吸引 140 万游客。现在,WONDERLAND 首次以纪录片的形式将这个神奇的梦幻世界搬上大银幕。通过之前未发布的档案镜头和精美的动画,展示了发明者在自己的微缩景观世界漫步,这部电影带领电影观众踏上了一段奇妙的旅程。世界上最小的世界活了过来。一切皆有可能。
如果您从未亲眼见过尼克·迪·保罗的表演,那么这种亲密的氛围将捕捉到他与其他喜剧演员的不同之处。《又一场无意义的杀戮》时长 56 分钟,内容有趣、凶猛,但始终巧妙。
影片以 2022 年俄罗斯入侵乌克兰为背景,讲述了人们和他们的宠物的故事。
Netflix 推出的纪录片剧集《韩团星学院:KATSEYE》,讲述在一年之内打造这支独一无二的女子组合 KATSEYE 的过程。这部纪录片将以前所未有的视角,以引人入胜的方式描述成为全球明星的成功之路,并深入探究 HYBE 和 Geffen Records 的独特培训和发展计划。
This documentary tracks the rise of legendary NFL quarterback Steve McNair and the perplexing details surrounding his shocking murder in 2009.
An introspective journey on the lessons life has taught 20 legends of the vertical world. At times brutally honest, other times pensive, these athletes' stories reveal the triumph of the human spirit, and the profound and unique connection formed as they overcome the world's fiercest physical and mental obstacles.