The Second World War was the most destructive conflict in history, laying waste not only to Europe’s people but also its infrastructure, institutions and its moral foundations. Only at the war’s end was the true scale of human suffering and misery revealed, and so devastating was the scene that Europe was dubbed ‘The New Dark Continent'. But for civilians in particular, liberation often marked not the end of their troubles but the beginning of new ones, with famine and disease widespread and an atmosphere thick with ethnic tension and revenge. This film will re-examine the aftermath of the War to ask if too much stress has been laid on an optimistic view of victory in Europe with celebratory images of VE day and newsreel coverage of the liberation of places like Paris. While narratives of hope and reconciliation are important, are parallel stories showing the darker side of peace yet to receive due prominence? Liberation was bitter, bloody and vengeful, and there were profound and pervasive fears that the peace could be lost. Through rare archive and unique personal testimony, this film reveals the ‘poisoned peace’ of 1945 to throw light on a post-war Europe where civilisation teetered on the brink of chaos, but the story of the transition from war to peace forms the hinge on which modern European history turns.
How does a self-professed misogynist become one of the world’s most influential people, and remain so even after being charged with rape and human trafficking? Andrew Tate’s meteoric rise to infamy has provoked global uproar, but the controversial figure is also a terrifying symptom of the increasingly fractured world in which we live, propelled by the social media platforms beneath our fingertips. Doom Scroll: Andrew Tate & The Dark Side of the Internet goes beyond the headlines to explore how and why someone with such toxic views can take hold of so many millions of young followers. The film highlights the dark influence of social media platforms and how their carefully-crafted algorithms have shaped our world today. The documentary speaks with his critics and those who know him, along with some of the architects of the social media algorithms which came to allow extreme, hateful and misogynistic content to proliferate – all in the pursuit of profit for the platforms. In a new look at the dark side of the internet, the film uncovers the online forces boosting extreme content and catapulting inflammatory figures like Andrew Tate to worldwide attention, and how this content can spill over into shocking real-world harm.
拉西·彼得森失踪时已怀有八个月身孕。人们展开搜寻,结果却以悲剧告终。这部系列纪录片对这起 2002 年的谋杀案进行了深入探究。
《真实。聊天 GPT:创造者还是终结者》是一部发人深省的纪录片,深入探讨了人工智能 (AI) 技术的快速发展及其潜在后果。通过对人工智能领域顶尖专家的精彩采访
BAD FAITH exposes how Christian Nationalism has become the most powerful anti-democratic force in America, with an unparalleled ability to destroy democracy from within. Secular and interfaith leaders are joining forces to defend our country from this march to fascism, but Americans seem unaware of the threat.
《庞尼因·塞尔文:第二部分》揭示了前作中朱罗王朝内忧外患的源头:阿迪亚王子和楠蒂妮之间一段凄美的爱情悲剧。朱罗王朝年轻的王子阿迪亚和孤儿楠蒂妮青梅竹马,彼此相爱,然而王室为了拆散他们,流放了年轻的楠蒂妮。 公元978年,楠蒂妮决意为战死的潘地亚国王向王子和他的父亲孙陀罗国王复仇。为了深入朱罗朝廷,她嫁给了朱罗王朝的财政大臣。财政大臣伙同其他朝臣密谋另立国王的兄弟马杜兰塔卡姆为新王,以取代王储阿迪亚王子。潘地亚人誓要灭绝朱罗王族,他们率先向小王子庞尼因·塞尔文下手,但王子在海上突遇风暴,下落不明。听闻王子被大海所吞噬,王叔马杜兰塔卡姆自称为王位继承人夺取政权,并获得了外邦的支持。密林中,潘地亚人谋划着他们对朱罗王朝最后的致命一击,而楠蒂妮决心亲手杀死阿迪亚王子……
讲述我们的未来以及我们如何重新构想它们。由著名未来学家阿里·瓦拉赫主持,邀请观众踏上一次环游世界的旅程,充满发现、希望和可能性,了解我们今天所处的位置以及接下来会发生什么。将历史、科学和意想不到的故事编织在一起,以扩大我们对今天所做的选择将对明天产生的影响的理解。每一集都讲述了那些努力解决我们面临的最大挑战的人。该系列还收录了众多思想家、科学家、开发者和故事讲述者的宝贵见解,包括法国总统埃马纽埃尔·马克龙、美国交通部长皮特·布蒂吉格、美国卫生局局长维韦克·穆尔蒂、水手埃伦 ·麦克阿瑟女爵士、音乐家格莱姆斯、建筑师比亚克·英格斯、 气候科学家凯瑟琳·海霍、传奇足球运动员凯利安·姆巴佩等等。
北京城南的英子,到了台北城南,变成文坛不可或缺的“林先生”。 《两地》从林海音“双乡”的特殊身份切入,随着女儿夏祖丽娓娓道来的声线,走入她的书桌、生活圈、编辑台,特殊年代里的风声鹤唳与担当,以及那一块奋力开拓的纯文学园圃。也因为性格与文字里的广大与亲切,林海音的文学作品跨越时空,成为两岸人共有的阅读记忆。她是写作者的朋友,更是战后台湾文学从襁褓到成熟,那无私勇敢的母亲。
庄周梦蝶,无有虚实。诗人在红尘中梦想脱俗,于露电里捕捉永恒。 《化城再来人》借用佛经典故,以周梦蝶的一天隐喻其一生中的风景,从日常中穿插映射其思维、修行、写作,试图重现昔年武昌街气氛、书摊的孤独国,追索病痛带来的改变与启发、几次生命里的流徙与意义,最后具现为那不负如来不 负卿的悟与情。
和孤独同样不朽的是什么?从奇莱到柏克莱,乱石磊磊的心间正在上升完成的,是诗…… 《朝向一首诗的完成》从杨牧朗诵的声音,展开对于一个庞大文学生命的追索。那个花莲中学里踟蹰的少年,大度山下论辩学习的身影,在爱荷华选读古英文的执着与好奇,乃至其穿梭于欧美、大陆与台湾的文化资源,融会知识进入文学写作的尝试,那对于音韵与想像的计较的决心,均使人重读杨牧诗文时,更深刻地重新被撼动一次。
是谁传下这诗人的行业?且听那宇宙的游子,在梦土上为你朗读―― 《如雾起时》以郑愁予同名诗作为向导,从已然失落的第一本诗集,切入诗人的生命。曾在港口工作、熟稔于水手与离别,煮酒焚叶星座聚首的烫热年代,到爱荷华时期的冲激,以及任教于耶鲁后的静定与博观,他始终守着这美的行业,高高举起风灯,在世界的脸上镶嵌光影。
每一夜,小说家和他自己搏斗,在斗室内,像挖掘壕沟那样地起运着胸膛内的土…… 《寻找背海的人》以年轻小说家寻觅的踪迹,串起王文兴的文学生涯。图书馆内密排的书架,校园参差的花树与歧路,对艺术的敏锐感受和一己之见,犹如雕凿精神的枣核那样,精工地将情思翻译为记号,再翻译为文字。王文兴展现了一个信守文字信仰、珍重对待写作、以缓慢换取深刻的文学身影。