故事发生在1939年的巴黎,女作家伊丽娜(奥黛·英格兰 Audie England 饰)正和著名作家劳伦斯(科斯塔斯·曼迪勒 Costas Mandylor 饰)打得火热,而就在这浓情蜜意的时刻,伊丽娜震惊的发现劳伦斯居然背着她四处沾花惹草,心高气傲的伊丽娜果断的选择了离开。 动荡的政局带来的是生活的困苦和拮据,在出版业极不景气的情况下,入不敷出的伊丽娜只得做起了人体模特的职业以此谋生,虽然经济状况因此有所好转,但整体情况依然不容乐观。就在此时,伊丽娜的经纪人告诉她,有一个神秘的顾客想要出高价购买她的作品,但题材必须和情欲有关。为了生存,对此题材毫无经验的伊丽娜做出了决定,毅然踏上了探索灵与肉的道路。
Some Star Wars fans want to collect action figures... these fans want to be action figures! A tribute to the 501st Legion, a global organization of Star Wars costume enthusiasts, this insightful documentary shows how the super-fan club promotes interest in the films through charity and volunteer work at fundraisers and high-profile special events around the world.
本片聚焦于1998年由乔治·A·罗梅罗自编自导、但最终未能成行的游戏改编作《生化危机》的幕后故事。 罗梅罗的剧本大体基于第一部游戏的情节,克里斯被设定为印第安裔农场主,和stars的吉尔有着浪漫关系;除了丧尸外还会有猎杀者、42号植物及暴君等怪物出现。据传最终因卡普空方面缺乏兴趣以及片方对预算有争议而遭到废弃。 《乔治·罗梅罗的生化危机》将不会采用传统的访谈记录形式,而将融合存档镜头、采访资料乃至对原始剧本场景的还原来展现大师最原初的构想。
n the year 20XX, humanity has almost come to an end. A tsunami of meteors bombarded the entire planet; remaining survivors are forced to kill for food and power. The meteorites contained a mysterious material causing certain death to anyone who encounters it. But in very rare cases, some humans survive the exposure and undergo a metamorphosis into horrific “meteorite beasts”. People call them 'ANOROC'. These new beings hunt and kill humans for their lifeforce and have become the enemy humanity has ever known. The Earth has one last defender against ANOROC; her name is 'LION-GIRL'. A modern exploitation film like no other, and featuring story and character design by legendary Manga artist, Go Nagai (Cutie Honey, Devilman, Mazinger Z), alongside glorious practical effects, gratuitous nudity, and an utterly unhinged story, Lion-Girl is an outrageous sci-fi epic.
在一个普通的夜晚,约翰(斯科特·阿金斯 Scott Adkins 饰)的家被几名蒙面人闯入,他遭到对方无情痛击,血流满面,疼痛难耐,接着妻子与可爱的女儿便在眼前被匪徒们枪杀。在昏迷长达数月后,约翰苏醒过来,他清楚记得曾摘下头套以真面目示人的匪徒头目的长相,从负责此案的FBI探员口中得知,此人名叫卢克·戴沃洛克斯(尚格·云顿 Jean-Claude Van Damme 饰),曾经是一名孔武骠悍的军人。约翰无论如何也想不透遭此厄运的缘由,回到家中,往昔美好情景历历浮现,令他痛苦不堪。在这一过程中,卢克宛如鬼魅一般时时刻刻搅扰约翰的神经,他尝试寻找真相,却发现那看似真实无疑的记忆竟也如此虚假。 与此同时,卢克和一群曾经被操控的战士组织了反政府的武装,时刻图谋推翻奴役他们的统治者……
After discovering his blood-soaked daughter dead in the bathtub, David Bryson attends a self-help group to help save him from his ghostly nightmares. But when a group of mysterious cult-like women offer to help him resurrect his daughter. David's choices will not just decide his fate... but the fate of his dead daughter's SOUL.
上世纪40年代,理查德·皮蒙特(Ron Livingston 饰)出生在一个平凡却危机重重的家庭里。母亲(Rebecca De Mornay 饰)因连续小产精神上遭受严重的困扰,父亲(Clint Jung 饰)则因一次意外过早地离开人世。一次偶然的机缘,让理查德喜欢上了演讲,虽然学历不高,但是他凭借出色的口才赢得了无数的荣誉。不过他的自傲却遭到一位教授无情的打击,在此之后,理查德自愿前往越南战场,并在那里留下了终身的残疾。 回国后,理查德因耳聋的问题无法进入学校,也得不到任何工作。当时的美国社会对残疾人还充满诸多不解,他与许多残疾朋友遇到了无数的刁难和羞辱。在这一过程中,理查德渐渐找到人生前进的方向……