Dark Spell is a story about the girl named Zhenya who suffers from being in love with her husband that has left her, so she decides to bring him back. Desperate heroine casts a spell called "Black Wedding", which is a magical ritual known for its great power and irreversibility. After the ritual, her beloved husband comes back, although his love becomes more like an obsession: he is even ready to kill Zhenya, so as not to give her to anyone. When the maddened husband dies, the spell does not stop: because even death will not part those who were betrothed by the demon of black wedding.
Однажды в размеренную и счастливую жизнь архитектора и его жены вламываются грабители. Теперь единственная мечта Андрея - стереть ту жуткую ночь из памяти Оли. Отчаянные поиски решения приводят его в жутковатую квартиру в Доме на набережной к таинственной Маре, которая обещает «особое» лекарство...
Soldier Ivan Denisovich Shukhov was taken prisoner by the Germans, and after leaving it, he ended up in his homeland as a prisoner and he began to build a giant space industry plant. In conditions of hunger, humiliation and fear, he managed to maintain honesty and openness to the world, but will he be able to go free and meet with his daughters?
三个不同的人,三种不同的生活纠缠在一起,遭受误解的青年、迷人又傲慢的继母和平庸但乐观的女演员,他们的命运将会怎样。该片获2014俄罗斯索契电影节最佳导演奖和最佳女演员奖。 A youngster suffering from misunderstanding, a charming but arrogant stepmother, a mediocre optimistic actress, waiting for what will be their fate? The film won the best director award and the Best Actress at Sochi film festival in 2014.
轰趴狂嗨电音摇头,听来不过是轻狂少年消磨时光的常见公式,拆解后却是伤痕累累的真实情感。酸,是识透愁滋味的废青宣言,是不顾一切的自毁前程。他们没有不变友情、甜蜜家庭、纯洁初夜、美好未来;他们被正能量好好地抛弃隔绝在另一个充斥着家庭、友谊、爱情和机遇等概念的世界里。游离在不见天日的迷幻现实之中,他们吞噬青春,用最狂 暴的方式敲开虚假,洞见千禧新世代的生命曙光。为了寻找问题的答案,他们像腐蚀周围世界的化学物质一样吞噬自己,为了最终学会不听而听,不看而看。找到他们的路。 <Acid>是二十岁一代的无声宣言。本片是初执导筒的俄国男星亚历山大葛奇林(Aleksandr Gorchilin)长片首作。挑衅满满的镜头语言,爆发独有的生猛力道,光荣入围柏林影展泰迪熊奖!