In Buenos Aires, Exe (25) loses his job and doesn’t want to look yet for another. His neighbourhood and friends are looking so strange as common to him. On the Internet he discovers Alf, a boy from Africa, who also has a sad job. Later, Alf also follows another guy, Archie, who escapes to the jungle. In the exotic context of the jungle’s vegetation, Archie follows the path of some ants to their nest. One of them goes out and on her path she founds Canh, a Philipinne guy who’s sitting over a big dirt mountain, he then goes down to his strange and beautiful city, and he also has a sad job.
Yi-jung is in her late twenties and still lives with her mother. Having raised her daughter alone, Su-kyung is now ready to start a new life with her fiancé and leave the past behind. Not so Yi-jung, who from an early age has all too often had to serve as an outlet for her irascible mother’s frustrations. The many years of disregard have left her with a crippling mixture of suppressed feelings towards her mother from whom she simply cannot break free. When an argument between the two escalates in a supermarket car park, Su-kyung hits her daughter with her car. Just an accident, the mother claims. Malicious intent, Yi-jung retorts. This rebellion marks the beginning of an arduous process for both women to cut the cord.
Star, a suicidal teen now too old for foster care, develops a candid rapport with An, a student from Shanghai who is assigned to watch her while she is in hospital. A nightly exchange of secrets, text messages and possessions quickly expands the boundaries of their relationship, altering their inner chemistry. Gilded by a soundscape that interweaves work by emerging and pioneering electronic musicians, Queens of the Qing Dynasty is an offbeat ode to neurodiversity and genderqueer individuals who refuse to conform. Director Ashley McKenzie’s blend of formalism and gritty realism does not fail to surprise and treats the audience to flashes of visual and conceptual poetry. Her cast is entirely composed of first-time actors who convincingly convey how unique every individual is, both in how they see the world and how they relate to others. Ziyin Zheng in the role of An graciously embodies a mix of idiosyncrasy and frankness that makes them an ideal confidante for Star (Sarah Walker). They have what it takes to be on the receiving end of the scrutinising gaze of Star, who sees through conventions and never ceases to be amazed at life’s bewildering events. Veering on slapstick, Walker’s performance will not go unnoticed.
People who are all by themselves. How empty and precarious are the lives of those who are hoovering without knowing each other behind the name of daily life? Director JUNG Bum-shik’s new feature film New Normal, released four years later GONJIAM: Haunted Asylum which is notoriously known as opening the new chapter of Korean horror films, tells an eerie and lonely story of those who carry their own loneliness and exhaustion in this lonesome era that 'Hon-Bab'(eating alone) became as natural.
When a large Iranian-American family gathers for the patriarch's heart transplant, a family secret is uncovered that catapults the estranged mother and daughter into an exploration of the past. Toggling between the United States and Iran over decades, mother and daughter discover they are more alike than they know.
在这部由屡获殊荣的编剧兼导演山姆·艾斯梅尔(《黑客军团》)执导的末世惊悚片中,阿曼达(奥斯卡金像奖得主朱莉娅·罗伯茨饰)和她的丈夫克莱(荣获奥斯卡金像奖提名的伊桑·霍克饰)租了一套豪华住宅,与孩子阿奇(查利·埃文斯)和罗丝(法拉·麦肯齐饰)共度周末。他们的假期很快就被两个陌生人 — G.H.(奥斯卡金像奖得主马赫沙拉·阿里饰)和他的女儿露丝(米哈拉饰)— 的到来所颠覆,这两个人得知发生了神秘的网络攻击,并在声称属于他们的房子里寻求庇护。两个家庭都面临着一场迫在眉睫的灾难,这场灾难越来越可怕,迫使每个人都不得不努力在这个崩溃的世界中找到自己的位置。《断讯》改编自鲁曼·阿拉姆荣获国家图书奖提名的小说,由 Esmail Corp、Red Om Films 制作,Higher Ground Productions 负责监制。
2020年,未来一个并不遥远的年份,整个世界已经发生了许多变化。在那个时代,人类拳击不再被允许,取而代之的是各种机器人走上了擂台,继续这项火爆的运动,愉悦大众。前拳击手查理·肯顿(休·杰克曼 Hugh Jackman 饰)似乎并不那么落寞,他很快适应了时代的发展,带着经过训练的机器人一次次走上拳台。但是倒霉事接二连三,他先是意外落败,债台高筑,继而接到前女友突然过世的消息,并见到了从未谋过面的儿子——11岁男孩麦克斯(达科塔·高尤 Dakota Goyo 饰)。 一次意外,让麦克斯遇到了一台业已被淘汰的陪练机器人Atom。在麦克斯的坚持下,查理同意让Atom参加比赛,却意外发现这台“废物”不仅抗打,而且拥有搏斗的潜质与天赋。肯顿父子和他们的机器人由此踏上新的征途……
波蘭與白俄羅斯交界上的這片蓊鬱森林,大批中東與非洲難民湧入,敘利亞難民一家也在其中。他們以為只要步行通過邊界,進入歐洲,安全的日子就會到來。殊不知波蘭政府放任邊境警察用暴力驅趕難民,白俄軍方會再將他們逐回原地。成為白俄羅斯擾亂歐盟的人肉子彈,又被波蘭政府視為洪水猛獸,全家老小困在林中進退不得、飢寒交迫,陷入無間往復的煉獄。 波蘭名導阿格涅斯卡霍蘭年逾七十,火力與行動力絲毫未減,把2021年真實事件搬上大銀幕。除了以匿名警衛證詞為本,更用史詩級篇幅,從邊境警察、救援人士、鄰近居民等不同視角,堆疊出的殘酷真相,凝成一記人心重擊。直指當局利用民眾仇外心理,罔顧難民人權,甚至加入最新國際事件比對,觀點犀利、力道強大,引來波蘭警政激烈反彈。影片於威尼斯影展首映後,不僅好評橫掃國際,更獲頒評審團特別獎。
Madagascar, au tournant des années 1960 et des années 1970. Sur une base aérienne de l’armée française, les militaires vivent les dernières années insouciantes di colonialisme. Influencé par ses lectures de Fantômette, Thomas, un enfant qui n’a pas encore 10 ans, se forge progressivement un regard sur le monde qui l’entoure…
故事发生在充满了人文气息的古城罗马,马乌罗(米歇尔·皮寇利 Michel Piccoli 饰)和马尔达(阿努克·艾梅 Anouk Aimee 饰)是一对相依为命的兄妹,两人均是单身,而马尔达患有严重的抑郁症。眼看着妹妹日渐疯狂与憔悴,走投无路的马乌罗起了杀心,他利用自己的职务之便,找到了名为西亚宝拉(米歇尔·普拉西多 Michele Placido 饰)的杀人犯,他用无罪释放作为诱饵,将妹妹交到了西亚宝拉的手中,希望后者能够代替他落下屠刀。 让马乌罗没有想到的是,西亚宝拉不仅没有杀死马尔达,反而和她产生了一段浪漫情缘,马尔达也因此康复,重新成为了一名快乐的女人。看着妹妹和西亚宝拉出双入对,深深的孤独令马乌罗陷入了绝望之中。
When the film begins, it is all over. “We know it’s terminal, and that’s all”, says Juliane of her mother Kerstin, who is in great pain and about to die aged just 64. Although the young doctor she consults acknowledges on a personal level that everyone has the right to manage their own death, he nonetheless reminds her that euthanasia is still illegal in Germany. This is even more the case at the Catholic hospice where Kerstin is staying. As relatives come to say goodbye to her mother and the emotions of memories mingle with the anticipation of grief, Juliane finds herself having to do battle with time – unbending, apathetic and monochrome – and this is superbly reflected in the convulsions of the handheld camera in wide shots. Based on personal experience, Jessica Krummacher’s second feature film vividly relates the painful story of losing a parent. There is no violence or morbidity, rather the director describes the most important of events via the smallest, most fragile of details – the exchanging of words, texts and tender gestures that remain with us and get under our skin.