音浪滚滚,群魔乱舞的夜店内,目睹男友出轨的艾莲娜(艾玛·费兹帕特里克 Emma Fitzpatrick 饰)无意中掣动某开关,致使寻欢场所顿时化作绞肉地狱,无数男女惨遭屠戮,搜尸者(Randall Archer 饰)静观这一血腥残酷场景,并在最终时刻虏走艾莲娜。混乱之中,饱经磨难的阿金(乔什·斯图沃特 Josh Stewart 饰)侥幸逃脱。正当他待在医院接受治疗时,受某富翁之托的警方找上门来,要求阿金在48小时之内找到艾伦娜。 无论如何,阿金必须再次返回留下无数梦魇的魔窟,时间紧迫,尝试逃亡的艾莲娜时时处在危险之中。而阿金和警察部队也面临搜尸魔布下的致命陷阱。死神的脚步渐次清晰……
拥有犯罪前科的男子阿金(乔什·斯图尔特 Josh Stewart 饰)靠着一份除虫的工作养家糊口,但是这点稀薄的工资对于巨额放贷以及等着吃饭的老婆孩子来说无异于杯水车薪。万般无奈之下,他打起雇主——珠宝商人迈克·切斯(Michael Reilly Burke 饰)的主意 。适逢切斯一家外出度假,阿金找到当年的好友罗伊(罗伯特·维斯登 Robert Wisdom 饰),他准备从切斯家偷出珠宝并拜托罗伊销赃。 入夜,阿金潜入切斯家空空荡荡的房子里。但他的运气实在太差了,他发现已经有人先行来到这里。那个自称“收藏家”的神秘男子似乎目标并不在钱财,而是人命。阿金想要知难而退,结果发现自己被困在了这所地狱一般的房子中……
Many, many years ago, the beautiful Medusa was severely punished by Athena, the virgin goddess, for the loss of her purity. Today, Mariana belongs to a world where she must do her utmost to keep up the appearance of a perfect woman. In order not to fall into temptation, she tries hard to control everything and everyone around her. However, the day will come when the urge to scream will be stronger than it ever has been.
Dinda who escapes the Kuntilanak (female vampire ghost) terror, without the agreement of Aunt Donna, intends to meet someone who is believed to be her biological mother, Karmila. Together with his younger siblings and accompanied by Julia and Edwin, they are trapped in a house in the middle of the forest. Many irregularities occur. Dinda again has to deal with Kuntilanak, but it was different from what she had defeated using spikes or spells.
Elderly Manuel’s world falls apart when Rosa, his wife of decades, suddenly commits suicide. The shock and grief are so consuming that it triggers an onset of dementia. Unable to live with checking him into an institution, his son, Mario, takes him home to live with his young family. This despite Manuel’s newfound inclinations towards sudden outbursts of violence and inexplicable behaviour that puts everyone in danger. Unbeknownst to the family, already struggling to cope with this disturbing new living situation, Manuel also taken to cutting himself. Among… other things. Other seniors in the neighbourhood have begun to act strangely too. Frighteningly so. An unspeakable series of paranormal happenings begin to unfold.
★ 2020开年恐怖作品,荒岛求生却遇到恐怖魔物 ★ 到无人岛潜能开发的屁孩青年,原来早有神秘生物盯著他看,他要如何逃离这恐怖难测的小岛? ★ 暗夜中不知名的双眼在寻找猎物,是外星生物还是恶魔缠身,让你心跳加速,头皮发麻,欢迎来试胆 托比(罗根米勒 饰)就是个沉迷手机游戏的屁孩,一晚,他不愿与父亲一起到家门外修车,让父亲被抢匪伤害身亡,让他极度自责而陷入恐慌,在老师建议下,与一群青年赴马来西亚海域的小岛进行自我训练,一座岛只有一个学员可以下船,在岛中只有靠自己进行野外求生,希望能藉由课程走出丧父阴影。 一向视手机如命的托比果然对野外适应不良,一下船就失去所有求生工具,但他意外在岛上遇到神秘的美少女玛德琳(克丽斯汀弗洛塞斯 饰)。从小在岛上长大的玛德琳教他求生知识,但也警告他到了晚上千万不要在岛上乱闯,因为她的妈妈很可怕...。托比在岛上失去音讯,课程教练前往岛上找他,却被一股神秘力量拖入森林,托比突然见到教练的尸体,知道这岛上确实有奇怪的力量,让他想要带著玛德琳逃走,却让自己陷入更危险的境地....