Alice (Kristanna Loken) is a ghostwriter for a famous bestselling author. She is half through the work of the his new book, but cannot write anymore. A year before she has had a terrible accident in Malta where she was staying with her husband Max (Antonio Cupo) in his family villa and she was in a coma for two weeks. On waking up she had lost part of her memory and has no recollection of the accident and her stay in Malta. Since then, she has been suffering from depression and has recurrent and cryptic nightmares. Max who is her agent as well persuades her to go back to Malta hoping that something will unblock her mind so she can start working again and meet the last delivery deadline the publisher has given her. In the beautiful Maltese villa surrounded by lemon trees, they are welcomed by a stunning Mediterranean girl Sara (Sarai Givaty) Max has hired to help around the house. the girl immediately establishes a friendship and trust with Alice. Two different women, one sensual and self-assured, the other mysterious and insecure... In the meantime, another stranger Castellano (Giulio Berruti) is snooping around the villa, spying Sara, talking to Alice and exchanging items with a local policeman. Are ours characters really who we think they are? Is there a different version of the truth ?All is about to be seen ...
Phi Am是一种恶毒又诡异的超自然灵体,深植于泰国民间传说和神话当中,并被认为是一名遭受悲惨和不公正死亡的女性复仇之魂。在泰国,小时候的姗玩了禁忌的通灵游戏,不仅失去母亲,也成为姗的童年创伤,让她持续被恶灵缠身。她因此向姐姐贝儿和灵媒蒙寻求帮助以打破诅咒。几年后,贝儿的室友阿琳因为儿子车祸过世而陷入痛苦,更时常感受到不明灵体的凝视。在贝儿的引荐下,她也找上了蒙,并发现这一切都与一名同样沉浸在噩梦当中的年轻男子阿泰有关。所有人夜不成眠,而这一切都与他们曾接触过的通灵游戏有关!他们必须与时间赛跑,以防止进一步的悲剧发生。最终他们能否驱逐灵体找到平静,还是将被游戏中的邪恶力量所吞噬呢?
布雷克(克里斯托弗·阿波特 Christopher Abbott 饰)是一名住在旧金山的丈夫和父亲。当他自己的父亲失踪并被判定死亡之后,他继承了他位于俄勒冈州乡下偏远地区的童年老家。当他和他事业有成的女强人妻子夏莉特(朱莉娅·加纳 Julia Garner 饰)的婚姻逐渐走向破裂,布雷克就说服夏莉特带着他们年幼的女儿金洁(玛蒂尔达·弗 思 Matilda Firth 饰)一起离开城市,前往他的童年老家度假。 但是当这一家人在深夜来到这座农舍时,他们突然遭到一只看不见的怪兽攻击,为了逃离危险,他们就躲进农舍里面,并且将所有入口封住,而那只怪兽则在外面徘徊。当他们惊惧地试图度过漫漫长夜时,布雷克却开始出现奇怪的举动,而且逐渐变成一种不知名的怪物,于是夏莉特就被迫必须决定:到底是屋内的恐怖更致命,还是外面的危险更可怕?
道格(帕特里克·麦克高 Patrick McGaw 饰)和女友罗拉(Sarah Lassez 饰)交往多年,彼此之间感情十分要好。道格不仅身强体壮,脑袋也十分灵光,是医学院中难得的高材生,亦是校园棒球队中的强大主力。爱情学业双丰收的道格有着无比光明的未来。 某日,罗拉有事远行,道格来到一个宴会上解闷,在那里,道格结识了名为梅丽莎(莫利·林沃德 Molly Ringwald 饰)的女子。梅丽莎性感奔放,周身散发着费洛蒙的气息,这是罗拉无论如何也无法做到的,在梅丽莎的大胆诱惑之下,道格忍不住和她共度了激情的一夜。对于道格来说,这不过是一段短暂的露水情缘,但很显然梅丽莎却并不这么认为,当道格想要回归往日的生活之时,梅丽莎对他展开了步步紧逼的纠缠。
Dr. Nathaniel Shellner, 75, has led an extraordinary life as a psychiatrist working with traumatized patients fleeing war zones in refugee camps, earning a Nobel Prize for his work. After having one child, Leonard, with his wife, Lillian, the Shellners adopt the remainder of their family from the camps where Dr. Shellner worked. Ultimately the Shellners incorporated children from all over the world into their family: Tommy, Julie, Harry. As Dr. Shellner succumbs to cancer on a frigid, icy day, the family convenes at the house where the couple raised the children for a final, bittersweet farewell. Or, that’s the idea until all hell breaks loose after Tommy arrives and accuses his father of adopting his children not out of concern for their future well-being, but to use them for some warped psychological experiment…