Paris, 1887. Duels have been officially outlawed but are still regular practice. For many, they are the only way to defend their honor. Fencing master Clément Lacaze tries in vain to prevent his nephew from engaging in an uneven duel with the more experienced Colonel Berchère. Marie-Rose Astié de Valsayre, a feminist fighting for women’s equality, tries to show that honor is not just a male affair. Actor and director Vincent Perez’s historical film makes excellent use of various forms of duels – with épées, pistols, and sabres on horseback.
Making the team should be Riley’s dream. But as she struggles to keep up, she slides into anxiety and compulsive behaviour to withstand the pressure. With a phenomenal central performance from Reservation Dogs’ Devery Jacobs, D.W. Waterson’s punchy film shows that cheerleading is more than Bring It On – this is a blood, sweat and tears quest for athletic perfection.
富有的中年人M结束出差准备回国,在机场,他目睹了一位年轻的阿拉伯男子在安检时引发的纷争。在一场无关紧要的争吵后,M一路跟随着这位年轻人,并在飞行过程中警觉地观察着他的一举一动。年轻人很快注意到M的行为,挑衅地看着他,神秘低语“你什么也没错过!” 一系列令人不安的事件接踵而至。M变得疑神疑鬼,疑心他的生活里存在着一个更大的阴谋。他怀疑年轻人在跟踪他,甚至可能入侵了家里的安防系统,这一切让他安全感尽失。在浏览阴谋论网站时,他对自身危险的处境和脆弱的社会秩序变得深信不疑。 M的女朋友认为他的疑虑实在是大惊小怪,并意识到两人的关系已经走入虚无。一位同事和M有同样的顾虑,却更担心M自己的行为。M决定直面日益严峻的威胁。他坚信恶魔在夜晚现身。于是他设下陷阱,决心迎接他认为即将降临的危险。