Annie, whose married life with Laurent is a picture of harmony. Her two young kids, Maximilien and César, are brilliant and sensitive boys, and Poupi, her teenage daughter, supports her willingly and patiently in bringing up Milo, her latest arrival. It’s a perfect family that Annie controls with a firm but loving hand. Yet one morning during an apparently uneventful weekend, the discovery of a "forgotten" positive pregnancy test left lying around in the bathroom shatters this harmony into a thousand pieces. Who does the test belong to? As she embarks on a crazy investigation to find out the owner of this object, and despite her best efforts to save face, Annie will see all of her certainties turned on their heads, and the pack of cards that life has dealt her entirely reshuffled.
Summer 1985. As with every year, Rodri (Adrián Baena) leaves Catalonia and returns to his parents' Galician town to reunite with his gang. However, this year will be different for him and his friends. The real world problems begin appearing in their lives, threatening to drift the group apart. Clinging onto the friendship that joins them, the five friends plan to run away on Saint John's Eve night to search for a magical flower that, as per legend, grows up high a mountain and can make wishes come true. Becasue right now, their only wish is to solve their distressed friend's issue and, thus, remain together. An adventure that will make them grow through a fascinating tale full of action, emotion and hope, and that will permanently leave in their memories that summer where the song "Live is Life" by Opus played in the background.
Entre la tripulación de la expedición capitaneada por Cristóbal Colón viajan tres hombres que ya deberían haber muerto. Han podido evitar sus ejecuciones a cambio de participar en el incierto viaje. Ahora, han robado la vela de la Santa María y huyen con ella en una travesía errante junto a tres mujeres: la sibila, la curandera y la bruja.
据美国《世界日报》报道,旧金山华裔制片人林立仁(Debbie Lum)将她的下一部纪录片主题瞄准“虎妈”。 《我的虎妈》(My Tiger Mom)将追踪数对亚裔母女的生活,探讨“虎妈”对升大学子女的影响。主要取材地点是佛利蒙的米慎高中(Mission San Jose High School)。 林立仁和制片团队成员伍贞贞(Jannette Eng)、中迫(Lou Nakasako)一起于20日中午到米慎高中,为影片作准备。 《我的虎妈》正处于初期准备阶段。摄制组将访问数对亚裔母女,女儿都是正在准备升大学的高中生。林立仁说,纪录片并不是现场直播。但她要到影片制作最后阶段才写脚本。片中的母女才是真正的脚本作者,这部影片要讲她们的故事。
清平镖局因保护陈圆圆而全军覆没,大当家杨六安与陈圆圆下落不明,江湖烽烟四起,杨六安一家也不得不藏身于山野,为不让外人猜疑六安只得接受与父亲的养女锁儿成为夫妻。造化弄人,六安为救兄弟马自骑而夺了花魁,惹上了名妓关赛赛。却因被关赛赛逼得不敢归家恰巧躲过崇善的灭门屠杀,锁儿失 踪,六安誓要手刃凶手救回锁儿报仇血恨。不想身份暴露,被崇善一路追杀,却又被动卷入搜寻陈圆圆的纷争之中。镖局虽然不在了,但陈圆圆可是自己心中的镖,亲情、诚信、爱情究竟该如何坚守…