从很小的时候起,妹妹(朱琳 饰)就被父母抛弃成为了孤儿,幸运的是,远在澳大利亚,有一个名叫兰德尔(盖·皮尔斯 Guy Pearce 饰)的绅士出手相助,妹妹才能在孤儿院过上衣食无忧的生活。妹妹从未见过她的救命恩人,她对兰德尔的所有了解都局限于后者寄给她的各种各样漂亮的卡片之中,在妹妹的印象里,兰德尔住在一幢大房子里,家庭幸福,富有又善良。 一次意外的机会中,妹妹所在的孤儿院来到澳大利亚参加一个活动,妹妹偷偷的离开了队伍,独自踏上了寻找兰德尔的旅途。没想到,现实犹如一盆冷水浇在了妹妹的头上,兰德尔并不富有,甚至都失去了自由。兰德尔的落魄并没有改变妹妹对他的尊重,随着时间的流逝,一种类似于亲情的感情在两人之间产生了。
Two 17-year-olds, Werner Holt and Gilbert Wolzow, are pulled out of school and into Hitler's army. Gilbert becomes a fanatical soldier, but at the front Werner begins to understand the senselessness of war. When Gilbert is hanged by the SS, Werner turns his gun on his own army. This film, based on Dieter Noll's novel, is a political and artistic masterpiece. Its fresh and surprising frankness about the toll war takes on youth found great public resonance after the film's release.
The film shows an obscure episode from the life of a Stalinist criminal - Colonel of the Office of Public Security, Julia Brystiger. Her nickname was "Bloody Luna" because during interrogations she tortured prisoners with extreme cruelty. At the beginning of 1960s she appeared in Laski near Warsaw, in the Institute for the Blind, where the Primate of Poland, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski, was also a frequent visitor. His imprisonment in the years 1953-1956 was supervised by none other than Julia Brystiger herself. During the difficult and tempestuous conversation with the Primate, Julia Brystiger rejects the communist ideology, asks for her crimes to be forgiven and for help in finding God...
从很小的时候起,妹妹(朱琳 饰)就被父母抛弃成为了孤儿,幸运的是,远在澳大利亚,有一个名叫兰德尔(盖·皮尔斯 Guy Pearce 饰)的绅士出手相助,妹妹才能在孤儿院过上衣食无忧的生活。妹妹从未见过她的救命恩人,她对兰德尔的所有了解都局限于后者寄给她的各种各样漂亮的卡片之中,在妹妹的印象里,兰德尔住在一幢大房子里,家庭幸福,富有又善良。 一次意外的机会中,妹妹所在的孤儿院来到澳大利亚参加一个活动,妹妹偷偷的离开了队伍,独自踏上了寻找兰德尔的旅途。没想到,现实犹如一盆冷水浇在了妹妹的头上,兰德尔并不富有,甚至都失去了自由。兰德尔的落魄并没有改变妹妹对他的尊重,随着时间的流逝,一种类似于亲情的感情在两人之间产生了。
希腊莱斯沃斯岛(Lesbos),因公元七世纪著名的女诗人萨孚(Sappho)而闻名,她留下无数动人的情欲篇章,也让原本称呼岛民的单词Lesbian成为女同性恋的专有名词。一千多年后,另一个名叫萨孚(Avalon Barrie 饰)的女孩在岛上诞生。她系出名门,家境优渥。性情奔放的萨孚嫁给了老实内向的英国画家菲尔(Todd Soley 饰),两人相约回到莱斯沃斯岛度蜜月。也许这个充满魔性的小岛唤醒了萨孚心中沉睡千年的欲望,她对性格迥异的丈夫越来越不满,而妖精一般的海伦(Lyudmila Shiryaeva 饰)又适时闯入她的世界。一场危险的三角爱情游戏就此上演…… 本片荣获2008年塞浦路斯国际电影节金美神奖。
Yura, working at a local nature museum, looking for a rare species, witnesses an arson in the forest. He brings the photos to a local newspaper, and gets a job there. With his new profession it dawns to him that the reality around him is a far cry from what is written in the newspaper.
Konstantin Gudauskas is a Jew born in Kazakhstan, but received political asylum in Ukraine. After the Russian invasion begins on 24 February 2022, he is able to travel freely to the occupied territories and evacuate civilians from there thanks to his Kazakh passport. During the next months he saves 203 people by taking them out of the occupied territories. Konstantin observes firsthand the horrors of war and the atrocities of the Russian occupation. Throughout this time he is advised and guided by a woman, Haide Rizaeva, a Crimean Tatar, employee of the Main Intelligence Directorate.
探讨瑞典著名 DJ 和音乐制作人 Tim Bergling(又名 Avicii)的生平和传奇;Avicii - My Last Show 将展示 Avicii 的最后一场演出。
15岁的意大利少女梅丽莎(María Valverde 饰)与母亲和祖母的住在一起,她的生活平淡甚至有些枯燥,每天这个天真纯洁的女孩都在渴望一段浪漫的爱情。某天,梅丽莎和好友参加同学所组织的派对,她邂逅了英俊帅气的男孩丹尼尔(Primo Reggiani 饰)。只是爱情之花并未如期盛开,梅丽莎遭遇了一次带有羞辱性质的性经历,她却从此迷上了这个玩世不恭的男孩。在接下来的日子里,梅丽莎可以引起丹尼尔的注意,而丹尼尔则对她进行各种各样的羞辱。在明白丹尼尔的心意之后,梅丽莎通过放纵来进行报复,她甚至将每段性经历都写入日记…… 本片根据曾轰动欧洲的真实的少女日记——《床前100次梳理乱发》改编。
正所谓“少要沉稳老轻狂”,年届不惑的弗兰提斯克·汉那(Vlastimil Brodský 饰)越老越有活力,他不去理会老婆艾蜜莉(Stella Zázvorková 饰)辛苦存下棺材本钱的良苦用心,也懒得搭理那个不成器儿子糟糕的婚姻。弗兰不愿面对即将到来的死亡,只想尽情享受最后的时光。他和剧院的好友艾德(Stanislav Zindulka 饰)假扮各种身份的人,从中得到无限的乐趣,却也因此惹下不少的麻烦。垂暮的生命,因一颗青春顽皮的心而充满光芒…… 本片荣获2002年克里夫兰国际电影节最佳影片奖;2002年捷克金狮奖最佳女主角奖(Stella Zázvorková)、最佳剧本奖和最佳男配角奖(Stanislav Zindulka);2002年捷克皮尔森电影节金翠鸟奖最佳影片奖。
The action takes place in a grim anarchist future civilization after a big crash or war. A young man, Allan (Bentein Baardson), decides to move out of the city as his family live in. He brings his wife, Lisa ('Petronella Barker'), and the son to a big garbage dump located outside the city. Where they settle and survive on the waste they find on the dump. They are in many ways more closely related to each other by living this way, and Lisa eventually becomes pregnant. But there is a great shortage of water (Sweetwater) and the family of three must go out and look for water. When they discover they are not alone in staying in landfill. It will be a struggle for existence.
IMPALED REKTUM in jail and with an offer to play Germany's Wacken Open Air festival. Unprepared and imprisoned, the band refuses the festival slot. However, the guitarist's father goes ill and is in dire need as the family home and slaughterhouse are about to be demolished. Cue the music: time to get out of jail! IMPALED REKTUM 的成员们在狱中被关了几年,突然接到邀请参演德国的瓦肯露天音乐节。乐队在没有准备和身陷囹圄的情况下,回绝了音乐节的邀请。然而,吉他手的父亲生病,同时他的家和屠宰场即将被拆除,急需帮助。此处音乐响起:该出狱了!
During one fatal afternoon in an empty elementary school the two mothers of Armand (6) and Jon (6) get into a desperate fight to be believed when one son is accused of crossing boundaries against the other. All means are used, and soon a blend of madness, desire and obsession arises. Where the truth lies is impossible to know, and soon everything evolves less and less around the children, who we never meet, and more about the adults.