From his humble origins to becoming champion of the world, this documentary series recounts the life and career of the iconic Argentinian soccer player.
Hailing from Netflix Mexico, the Spanish-language film follows the titular band two decades after they topped the charts. Now they are back to reclaim their pop throne, but the music world has changed and they have to battle rival groups and make it all over again in a world they barely understand. Meanwhile, the lead singer of the Technoboys has a hidden reasons for wanting to return to the music scene. The film will bow on Netflix later this year.
Cemal, a lonely hearse driver, has to transport the body of a young woman who has been murdered to her parents' home. During the trip, however, the body comes to life and when he sees her, Cemal falls in love with the undead woman. This is when he begins to commit murders in order to feed her, even if it means having to deal with the police's attempts to capture a serial killer.
Dívka na koštěti or The Girl on the Broomstick is a 1972 Czechoslovak fantasy-comedy film directed by Václav Vorlíček. It tells a story of a teenage witch, Saxana (played by Petra Černocká), frozen in time as a punishment for 300 years, who finds herself in a modern world. A sequel was released in 2011 - Saxána a Lexikon Kouzel.
Margreth Olin 拍摄了 22 个人与 Jorolf Gjerstad 会面的视频。过去 65 年来,已有 50,000 人前往斯纳萨寻求帮助。当童年被欺凌毁掉时,当手术中出现问题时,当有一天你得了重病时,当你从父母那里收到自我厌恶作为礼物时,当你生活在焦虑之中,当你的生活在一次遭遇中发生改变时。那么发生了什么?作为一个社会,我们能否从一个人的护理能力中学到一些东西?这部电影能告诉我们一些关于我们自己战胜疾病的能力吗?当玛格丽思出现在电影的最后剪辑中时,她最亲近的人之一得了重病。我们如何重塑自我? 《MANNEN FRA SNÅSA》是一部讲述希望在人类生活中的重要性的电影。
Thou Gild'st the Evenis about the ordinary sorrows, worries, and troubles of the townsmen with extraordinary abilities. In a small Anatolian town, life goes on; Cemal is an assistant referee in football matches, Yasemin works in an egg factory, Defne is a street vendor who sells books, Doctor Irfan is occupied with his patients. In this town with two suns and three full moons in the sky, Cemal -who can see through walls- has no expectation out of life and looks for a way out with Yasemin -who can move objects remotely with her fingers- as he was trying to deal with his distress. However, Defne, who can freeze time will muddle things up; Yasemin's immortal boss's actions will contradict the invisible elementary school teacher's advices who is trying to ease the worries of Cemal. —iksv
故事发生在二十世纪初的墨西哥革命中。一辆长途马车里,高贵的先生女士们对一位沉默寡言的农民大放厥词,然而突然农民摇身一变,显出家庭式匪帮头目胡安(Rod Steiger 饰)的真面目。胡安打劫后路遇爱尔兰革命军爆破专家约翰(James Coburn 饰),后者的爆破能力令抢劫梅萨维德银行如探囊取物,于是胡安苦苦尾随,不经意间却卷入了配合维拉革命军的梅萨维德暴动。胡安如愿与约翰搭档洗劫银行,但他所有的收获却是解放150名政治犯人。 政府军上校刚特率军镇压革命,胡安与革命队伍付出了惨痛的代价。在逆境中,约翰与胡安产生了真正的革命情谊,二人在前往美国的路上折返阻击刚特上校,当约翰中弹之时,这位老战士看到了昔日在爱尔兰的温馨场景……本片获1972年意大利大卫奖最佳导演奖。