Some Star Wars fans want to collect action figures... these fans want to be action figures! A tribute to the 501st Legion, a global organization of Star Wars costume enthusiasts, this insightful documentary shows how the super-fan club promotes interest in the films through charity and volunteer work at fundraisers and high-profile special events around the world.
The Paragon is the story of DUTCH, the crippled and angry victim of a hit and run, who takes a course on how to be psychic so he can find the car that hit him and take revenge on the driver. But when his teacher ,LYRA, draws him into her search for a mysterious crystal known as THE PARAGON, Dutch finds himself trapped in a parallel universe and on the run from Lyra's evil brother HAXAN and his band of psychic slaves.
中东国家伊维亚共和国发生政变,武装冲突不断升级。刚刚在索马里执行完解救人质任务的海军护卫舰临沂号,受命前往伊维亚执行撤侨任务。舰长高云(张涵予 饰)派出杨锐(张译 饰)率领的蛟龙突击队登陆战区,护送华侨安全撤离。谁知恐怖组织扎卡却将撤侨部队逼入交火区,一场激烈的战斗在所难免。与此同时,法籍华人记者夏楠(海清 饰)正在伊维亚追查威廉·柏森博士贩卖核原料的事实,而扎卡则突袭柏森博士所在的公司,意图抢走核原料。混战中,一名隶属柏森博士公司的中国员工成为人质。为了解救该人质,八名蛟龙队员必须潜入有150名恐怖分子的聚集点,他们用自己的信念和鲜血铸成中国军人顽强不屈的丰碑! 本片根据也门撤侨事件改编。
小有名气但利欲熏心的律师潘肖(徐峥 饰),凭借扎实的法律知识和巧舌如簧的庭辩技巧,成功帮盗捕国家珍禽阿拉泰隼并残忍杀害一名警察的西北盗猎团伙老大(多布杰 饰)洗脱罪名。老大承诺十天后付清余款,潘肖则要求对方用一辆红色轿车抵押。在此之后,他驾驶着新车踏上从西北荒漠返回大都会的路程。谁知路上险情不断,先是和一对开卡车拉茅草的哥俩(王双宝 & 巴多 饰)发生摩擦,导致人伤车损,接着又不慎撞飞一个似乎拦车求助的男子(黄渤 饰)。自知摊上人命的潘肖辗转来到一家专事不法勾当的黑店,并在此结识了受困于此的妓女(余男 饰)。与此同时,盗猎老大尾随其后,似乎另有凶险计划。 此时潘肖还没真正意识到,他前方是怎样一条充满凶险的旅途……