The Search for a lost film from the 70s takes a young man from one of South America's largest indigenous communities on an existential journey in a post-colonial film about the right to one's own image. In the 1970s, Oscar-winning French documentary filmmaker Pierre-Dominique Gaisseau moved with his family to Panama to make a film about the Kuna community, one of South America’s largest indigenous peoples. He promised them that they would see it, but for various reasons, production stalled and the film (with the working title ‘God is a Woman’) was never completed. But what happened to the unfinished film reels? That’s what young Arysteides Turpana, on the mandate of the Kuna elders, sets out to find out. His journey takes him to France, but gaining access to the dusty film reels is not easy. Following in his footsteps is Swiss-Panamanian director Andrés Peyrot, who has created one of the year’s biggest festival successes since its premiere at the Venice Film Festival. A film that manages to turn abstract questions about the right to own one’s own image and narrative into a relevant and existential necessity.
“那是给白人的。”这句话激怒了小加里·威尔克森,当时他还是个年轻的黑人,要求做户外活动,比如露营。他还不够大,无法理解这是一代又一代黑人美国人传下来的警告,他们因为害怕被杀而不被允许探索户外。为了面对这种遗传下来的恐惧,加里决心征服太平洋屋脊步道,这是一条艰苦的 2,600 英里徒步路线,从墨西哥到加拿大,需要六个月才能完成。在“不战则死”玛丽的指导和支持下,加里开始了一生的冒险。但这段危险的旅程绝非易事——尤其是对于一个一生中从未在户外过夜的人来说。当他努力穿越令人惊叹的荒野和艰难的地形时,我们跟随他深刻的自我发现之路,与其他徒步旅行者建立意想不到的联系,并挑战黑人在森林中会发生什么事情
波蘭與白俄羅斯交界上的這片蓊鬱森林,大批中東與非洲難民湧入,敘利亞難民一家也在其中。他們以為只要步行通過邊界,進入歐洲,安全的日子就會到來。殊不知波蘭政府放任邊境警察用暴力驅趕難民,白俄軍方會再將他們逐回原地。成為白俄羅斯擾亂歐盟的人肉子彈,又被波蘭政府視為洪水猛獸,全家老小困在林中進退不得、飢寒交迫,陷入無間往復的煉獄。 波蘭名導阿格涅斯卡霍蘭年逾七十,火力與行動力絲毫未減,把2021年真實事件搬上大銀幕。除了以匿名警衛證詞為本,更用史詩級篇幅,從邊境警察、救援人士、鄰近居民等不同視角,堆疊出的殘酷真相,凝成一記人心重擊。直指當局利用民眾仇外心理,罔顧難民人權,甚至加入最新國際事件比對,觀點犀利、力道強大,引來波蘭警政激烈反彈。影片於威尼斯影展首映後,不僅好評橫掃國際,更獲頒評審團特別獎。
The winter holidays are turning out to be especially stressful for Greg Heffley this year. After accidentally damaging a snowplow while making a snowman with best friend Rowley Jefferson, Greg worries he won't get the new video game console he so desperately wants for Christmas. To make matters worse, he gets snowed in with his family, including his grumpy older brother Rodrick and annoying younger brother Manny.
A woman vanishes. Two men take to the road in search of her: they both love her. Why did she leave? Each one of them has his own suspicions, and hides them from the other one who—mysteriously—never truly becomes his rival. Neither is right—but is anyone? This sudden runaway becomes the hidden core of a number of fictions that the film delicately weaves together: the secret of the heart of another woman, lost as well, many years ago; the secret of the life of a village in the countryside, governed by a supernatural incident that nobody seems to perceive; the secret of the plains, which never ceases to spread and devour everything, like the shadows that invade the world after the twilight hour.
Trevor Noah sharing his comical experiences from his recent travels, which range from foreign national anthems to varying cultural norms.
研宇是一个24岁的青年在邮局在一个小镇上工作。她在她死去的黄金时期,但她有一个天真内向的性格,她远非一般的风暴和生活大风。 她甚至还没有尝试过喝呢,更何况咖啡,她周围的人认为她还年轻。然而,她从她的家人完全不一样。 她有一个不负责任的父亲,是不可能的弟弟,一个无耻的爷爷和一个非常年轻的弟弟。所有他们曾经在乎的是......女人。 她的父亲已经神魂颠倒的女子从外地来的,她的哥哥是这个女孩在咖啡馆工作后也。 她的祖父,是一个老奶奶在养老院后,和她最小的弟弟,其心脏是出于老师的话,是没有什麽比她的父亲和哥哥。唯一的人值得被称为家庭的经济支柱是她的母亲谁经营一家髮廊, 从未有一个安静的一天在家裡,而是通过多亏了家人谁负责的女人研宇的家人做出来。后来有一天,爱人眼裡,研宇没想到她甚至将举行一个人的手,她的一生。她发现在封袋,她提供一个匿名的,模拟信从那以后发现更多的每一天。 她是好奇的作家和发现这是她在高级奎。她爱上了在奎但不幸的是,他已婚,有一个妻子和孩子。 初恋小兵在她的第一次是24年,但他结婚。她的现实就是太残酷了。 研宇遭受的爱,她不能和她的母亲找到了新男友,她哥哥的朋友。他的奉献,她醒了的激情裡她和全家人现在是在户外。 更糟糕的是,该女子研宇的父亲曾专门的身体和物质的爱原来是一个骗局和家庭面临的最大危机他们的生活。请问研宇和她的家人克服这种混乱 ?