After attempting to trick someone already down on their luck in order to win a workplace competition, a telemarketer with the gift of gab will find out whether he can talk his way out of a hostage situation where his own life is on the line.
Followed by Tony Towers, he's a local celebrity, a successful nightclub manager and he is engaged to a younger woman, Sue. Things get a little strange when he embarks upon the 3:17 to Nottingham for a Christmas family reunion.
Dorottya is a young Hungarian actress with a burning desire: to make it on the English stage. Legendary actor Sir Michael Gifford suffers from an incurable disease, and has one desire: be left alone. When Dorottya becomes his carer they both hope their wish will be fulfilled.
尼克(杰森·贝特曼 Jason Bateman 饰)在公司苦熬八年,起早贪黑卖命工作,老板戴夫(凯文·史派西 Kevin Spacey 饰)明明许诺他升职,却临时反悔还狠狠奚落了他一番;戴尔(查理·戴 Charlie Day 饰)是个牙医助手,早就对上司朱莉娅(詹妮弗·安妮斯顿 Jennifer Aniston 饰)放肆的性骚扰忍无可忍;科特(杰森·苏戴奇斯 Jason Sudeikis 饰)本被视为公司接班人,哪想老板突然暴毙,其子鲍比(柯林·法瑞尔 Colin Farrell 饰)擅自接手公司,得意洋洋发挥自己的二世祖精神,眼看就要把公司搞垮。三个在恶老板手下受挫的老友在酒吧聚头,突发奇想决定集体干掉老板,且三人分别避开自己老板出手,就能逃开嫌疑,成就完美谋杀。经过精心策划,三位老友各出奇招,一场笑料百出的“杀掉老板”计划就此展开……
影片改编自同名畅销童书《Clifford the Big Red Dog》,讲述在纽约,小女孩Emily Elizabeth(达比·坎普 饰)得到了一条小狗,这只名叫克里弗的红色狗子乖巧可爱,成为了在学校不合群、孤独的她的好朋友。但狗狗慢慢长成了庞然大物,被一家生物基因公司看上了,Emily和叔叔Casy(杰克·怀特霍尔 饰)必须带着它逃开贪婪之人的追捕。