该影片从故事上围绕两条主轴展开,故事一方面以影片男主人公骆嘉豪(张锦程 饰)身为一名卧底警员打入走私犯罪团伙内部,却遭反派逼迫导致行为上身不由己,另一方面讲述了骆嘉豪和弟弟骆嘉轩(李昊瀚(山野) 饰)之间从身份对立到两人携手并肩作战的故事。 五年前,一趟货,将军(陈保元 饰)本想黑吃黑,陷害骆嘉豪(张锦程 饰),却没想到令弟弟赔了一条命。他将弟弟的死归咎到骆嘉豪身上,却又不得不利用骆嘉豪搭上断了的线,为逼骆嘉豪帮忙,他使出各种卑鄙手段陷害,却没想到栽在骆嘉豪之手;在这次任务中,因犯罪分子计划改变,骆嘉豪任务失败;为不被怀疑,骆嘉豪被迫坐了五年牢。他厌倦了两面为人的生活,向上级表达出狱后过平淡生活的想法。 五年后,骆嘉豪出狱,兄弟们恳求、将军逼迫,甚至被父母、亲弟弟骆嘉轩(李昊瀚(山野) 饰)误会,他依旧不改初心,不予辩解,坚持过平淡生活;最后,骆嘉豪还是站了出来,并与警方合作,一举消灭犯罪集团。
路易斯(杰克·吉伦哈尔 Jake Gyllenhaal 饰)是个无所事事的小混混,整日干的尽是一些偷鸡摸狗的勾当。一次偶然中,他目睹了摄影记者工作的场面,从中觅得商机的他决定自己干上一票。 路易斯购置了摄像装备,通过窃听警方无线电的方式抢先一步到达犯罪现场进行拍摄,再将摄像资料卖给晨间新闻制片人妮娜(蕾妮·罗素 Rene Russo 饰)换取酬劳。在尝到了几次甜头之后,路易斯招募了里克(里兹·阿迈德 Riz Ahmed 饰)作为搭档,准备“扩张”自己的事业。渐渐的,普通的车祸或火灾现场已经无法满足路易斯和妮娜的胃口,他们需要的是更血腥、更劲爆、更吸引眼球的新闻场面,为了得到珍贵的一手资料,路易斯甚至不惜“亲自动手”。
The opportunistic owner (Yvonne Furneaux) of a champagne factory enlists the help of her husband (Anthony Perkins) in convincing her mentally unstable business partner (Maurice Ronet) to sell the rights to his famous last name. Soon a mysterious rash of murders occurs, with Ronet the prime suspect.
故事讲述少女被囚禁于深山别墅,与凶徒发生的一系列离奇故事。年轻女孩李欣悦与“驴友”结伴来风景区旅游,却不慎掉队,误入许哲荣家的别墅,在相处过程中,李欣悦发现许哲荣有很多奇怪的习惯,最可怕的是他竟然在夜里梦游,并且对一个假人喊妈妈,惊恐万分的李欣悦想要逃跑,却被许哲荣发现,争执中李欣悦昏了过去。 昏迷中醒来,发现自己被绑在一张椅子上动弹不得,嘴巴也被胶布封住。她极力挣扎却毫无办法解脱。这时,许哲荣走进房间,恶狠狠地盯着她,威胁她按照自己说的做,不然杀了她。欣悦在恐惧中,只好拼命点头同意。之后二人禁室相处,情感与心理状态都产生了微妙的变化。导演阐述:最初用禁锢作为标题,是希望表达所有人都被我们的内心所禁锢着,许哲荣被他对母亲的爱禁锢着,他用病态的以致杀人的方式表达着自己的爱,他是直白的,毫无保留的。而相反李欣悦是被那栋房子或者说被许哲荣所禁锢吗,她有机会逃走,然而没有,她不也是被内心,被她所追求和向往的东西禁锢着。 在一个封闭的空间中,没有过多的场景转换,没有刺激的动作场面,甚至没有过分激烈的冲突,更多的只是两个人内心的碰撞。即是在探讨心理,也是想探讨人性。 在这个世界上,每一个人都需要爱,只是许哲荣他选择了最极端的方式去寻找爱,以致犯罪,其实像他这样的人还有很多,只是我们还不知道,他是谁,在哪里,什么时候……
Ralph Anderson returns to his remote California hometown for the first time in many years. Now a lawyer, he has been estranged from his father, Lloyd, and brother, Tippy, ever since being sent to reform school as a youth for stealing a car, taking the blame for his brother's crime. Lloyd is now sheriff and Tippy his deputy. Forced to represent a wanted criminal, Ralph asks the law to look the other way while a local airfield is used to enable the mobster, Massonetti, to flee the country. A disgusted Lloyd agrees to help, but Tippy decides to arrest Massonetti and cash in on a big reward. Tippy's beautiful wife Linda was once the love of Ralph's life and regrets his long absence. She is tired of Tippy's shiftless, drunken ways and Lloyd's domineering rule of the family. Massonetti arrives in town, backed by Davis, his top thug. Tippy and two deputies, Karger and Eddie, make an amateurish attempt to capture Massonetti, only to get Lloyd shot and killed while trying to stop them. Ralph manages to get Massonetti behind bars at the town jail. The mob cuts off phone communication and highway access to the town. Ralph suggests driving Massonetti to the authorities in Barstow in the mobster's own fast car. Noticing the tension between the brothers, Massonetti taunts them both and offers $25,000 to tempt Tippy into betraying Ralph and setting him free. On the road, deputy Eddie is ambushed and the brothers learn that Linda has been abducted. A deal is made to get her back, but Karger is killed and the car is disabled. Ralph manages to get the four of them to a gas station, where the owner is found shot. In a fight for the gun, Ralph is winged and Tippy seriously wounded. Borrowing a miner's jeep, Ralph drives Massonetti to a main highway, where two policemen take them into custody. They turn out to be impostors who drive Massonetti to an air strip where Davis is waiting with a plane. After they board, Ralph drives the car into the plane, overturning it. He drags Massonetti from the wreckage and holds him until real cops arrive. By the time he returns to the gas station, Linda is watching Tippy's lifeless body carried away.
1989年的5月,一起溶尸奇案轰动香江。美丽的空中小姐Brenda(贺恩 饰)被人杀害,并投入强酸池中溶蚀分解。不久,其前男友汪德明(吴镇宇 饰)及其现任同居女友Kitty阮(梁思敏 饰)作为嫌疑犯被警方拘捕。 一年后,备受感情困扰的社工Shirley(叶童 饰)出入女子监狱对Kitty进行心理辅导。此时Kitty的情绪极不稳定,为了汪德明先后两次自杀。为了帮她重振生活的信心,Shirley来到赤柱监狱探访汪德明。几次见面后,汪开始向其袒露心迹以及和Kitty交往的经过,Shirley也向汪倾诉了自己的情事。拥有情感创伤的两人对彼此渐生依赖,而Shirley也开始为汪德明的清白奔走呼告……
在崇尚享乐的现代社会,毒品已成为了美国政府甚为头痛的难题。为了应对日益严重的毒品犯罪和买卖,美国总统发起反毒品战争计划,正直的俄亥俄州最高法院大法官罗伯特·刘易斯(迈克·道格拉斯 饰)由此调任成为国家药品政策管理局的官员,他不仅要面对各个利益团体的攻伐和拉拢,还要应对来自家庭内部的毒品侵蚀;墨西哥南部,恪尽职守的警官哈维德·罗德里格兹在军方某将军的授意下,即将对盘桓这里的贩毒组织展开行动,而他也陷入了毒品泥潭中难以抽身;联邦干探蒙特尔和雷从事毒品卧底工作多年,虽然老牌毒枭卡尔落网,但他们又将和卡尔的妻子海伦娜(凯瑟琳·泽塔·琼斯 饰),这个继承了丈夫产业的新毒品贩子展开抗争……
小镇沉闷的空气令受过高等教育的Charlie(Teresa Wright)十分压抑,她渴望在外谋大事、自己喜爱和崇敬的Uncle Charlie(Joseph Cotten)能突然出现,为自己的生活注入一缕新风。Charlie欲发电报邀请舅舅来做客时,竟先收到他发来的要来的报文,惊喜之外,她对舅舅的爱又加深一层。 Uncle Charlie的到来令Charlie及父母非常兴奋,但酷爱读书的妹妹无动于衷。不久Charlie如沐春风变作无忧无虑的少女。两个自称报社记者的陌生人有心将Charlie一家当作典型美国家庭采访,Uncle Charlie为此事大发雷霆相当失态,令Charlie和母亲大为不解。而同其中之一Herbie Hawkins(Hume Cronyn)交谈中,Charlie震惊地听闻有关舅舅的骇人秘密。