I was prompted to write a review of Moving Malcom after reading a rather scathing assessment by another viewer. I don't know if he had ulterior motives about the review that he had written but I would hate to think that people would be steered away from watching this film based on his opinion. My opinion ...... Well I'll be right upfront about it and say that my opinion is heavily biased by the fact that I have not seen Benji Ratner for twenty-some years and was pleasantly surprised to see how well he has "turned out".
Follows Myriam who is fighting against the construction of a roadblock, and Greg, a police officer who goes undercover to gather intelligence on this movement of protesters.
故事发生在十九世纪末,胡安(胡里奥·阿莱曼 Julio Alemán 饰)是庄园主弗朗西斯科的私生子,一场意外夺走了弗朗西斯科的生命,这也就意味着,胡安的存在将永远的成为一个秘密。为了保护儿子安德烈斯(曼努埃尔·吉尔 Manuel Gil 饰)的安全,弗朗西斯科的妻子索菲亚将安德烈斯送往了法国学习。 一晃眼多年过去,安德烈斯自法国学成归来,并且邂逅了名为艾美(安赫丽卡·玛丽亚 Angélica María 饰)的女孩,安德烈斯并不知道艾美同时也在和胡安保持着暧昧的关系。当胡安得知艾美即将嫁给安德烈斯后,威逼利诱艾美的姐姐莫妮卡嫁给自己,这段混乱的四角关系让胡安和安德烈斯之间的关系迅速恶化。
A man spies on his neighbors because of the noises they create every night. But he discovers that they do wild erotic practices. As he interferes with their business, the more he gets involved in their lives and their mess.