The plot is set during the Balkan war in the early nineties. Haunted by horrible nightmares, Harlan Draka wanders the countryside, shamelessly making money pretending to be a Dampyr (half-human and half-vampire) ridding villages of what the villagers naively believe to be evil monsters. But, when he is summoned by soldiers who are under attack by real vampires, Harlan finds out the truth: he is a Dampyr. While trying to destroy a terrible Master of the Night, he will have to learn to manage his powers and find out more about his origins.
A teenage girl becomes immersed in an online role-playing game.
绰号老狐狸的班主任朴老师任职于这座历史悠久的女校,这天早上,三年三班的学生们发现她被吊死在树上……许恩英(李美妍 饰)阔别九年后以教师的身份返回母校,学校仍有“疯狗”这样的老师动辄打骂学生,只是不会再有真珠的身影,而朴老师死前致电恩英,宣称真珠没有死,真珠回来了。 恩英与真珠是学生时代的好友,两人的友情被老师阻挠不得不分开,而真珠在自己最爱的画室中意外死亡。三年三班的学生们似乎也经历着和恩英当年类似的青春,坐在曾经真珠座位上的智伍同样钟爱美术;同桌素英成绩优异但为人高傲;洁仪时常笨拙的表达自己对智伍的好感。恩英不久后发现,这所学校里有一名反复更换姓名但永不衰老的学生……
某女子高中内,流传着一则恐怖灵异的传说:在通往宿舍的路上有一条狐狸阶梯,共28级,当你走到顶端发现有29级台阶时,狐仙便会出现,并实现你心中的愿望。 珍胜(宋智孝 饰)和晓熙(朴寒星 饰)是一对同窗好友。晓熙家境良好,学习优异,为人和善。相比之下,虽然珍胜也很优秀,但似乎总是处于晓熙的阴影之下。随着时间的推移,她们的友情开始变质,珍胜愈加嫉妒这个近乎完美的朋友。 某天,老师通知一个国际芭蕾舞大赛即将举行,同在芭蕾舞班的珍胜和晓熙都成为了参赛候选人。自知实力稍弱的珍胜不愿看到晓熙一路风光,她决定借助狐仙之手争取参赛的机会,却不曾想……
Under the influence of her "bad" friend, Cathy is caught experimenting with drugs by her religious mother. The parents feel the best thing for their wayward daughter is a little psychiatric observation. Little do they realize they are sending poor, innocent Cathy to a hell-hole of an institution, where she is repeatedly raped, abused, and is in danger of losing her mind. The only doctor who shows her understanding persuades her to be released under his supervision. Cathy soon finds herself traveling from the frying pan into the fire...
海西市郊山上有一个秘密养蛇基地,老板为了追求蛇皮高产,肆意投喂高激素饲料,蛇群逐渐变异……一天,重要客户上门考察,凶残的群蛇逃出牢笼,开始疯狂攻击养蛇基地的人类。基地里的人招架不住蛇群的攻势全部惨死。然而蛇群却并没有满足,它们爬向了养蛇基地外不远处的一所模特空乘女子学校...... 学校正在进行“2021毕业典礼”的筹备,不知自己即将面临危险的学生们,还在进行学校的专业技能大赛。蛇群隐秘的涌入了学校的各个场所,宿舍、澡堂、走廊、模拟机舱……数名女生被群蛇咬伤,尖叫声惊动了整座宿舍楼,女生们纷纷四散而逃。 保安刘超解救了被蛇群困住的空乘专业学生李梦娜,二人想通知全校师生紧急撤离却被校长拦下,校长并不相信真的有什么变异蛇群,执意继续筹备毕业典礼。这时众目睽睽之下,巨型黑蛇把校长一口吞噬。终于,人蛇生存大逃亡正式拉开序幕……
Single mother Elaine is disturbed by her son Martin's aggressive behaviour, she visits his late father's estranged family in small-town Luxembourg, which hides a much darker nature. When she realizes that Martin could become like them, Elaine is forced into a desperate fight for her son's future.
A group of 20 somethings want to end the summer on a high, they take the advice from a girl they met at a festival about a secret rave deep in the Valleys. When their route is detoured they have no choice but to venture into the unknown. Once they come across a derelict aqua park, they soon realize what they thought was their salvation turns out to be the heart of the Cannibals lair.
After the divorce, Lisa was left with two children. Soon she meets a woman who is called her relative and says that their family has a family curse and that Lisa's boys are in mortal danger. Lisa refuses to believe in superstitious fears, but later strange visions begin to visit her, and she realizes that the curse turns out to be real. Now she must save her children from evil at any cost.
For the past thirty years Rucker the trucker has devoted his life to travelling the road as a mass serial killer. When Rucker picks up unsuspecting Maggie (Cheyenna Lee), she makes him the subject of her trucker documentary. However, her life takes a dangerous detour when Rucker recruits her to complete his masterpiece: A connect-the-dots roadmap portrait of his ex-wife comprised of the women he’s killed who resemble her…