莎拉(艾丽莎·易默思 Alexa Yeames 饰)、托德(罗德·赫尔南德兹 Rod Hernandez 饰)、杰夫(杰森·托比亚斯 Jason Tobias 饰)、艾瑞克(安东尼·科洛 Anthony Kirlew 饰)、凯伦(斯蒂芬妮·皮尔森 Stephanie Pearson)、朱迪(凯莉·科耐尔 Kelly Connaire 饰)等六名大学生利用假期驱车游玩,途中他们的汽车爆胎。不巧的是他们抛锚的地点信号太差,四周前不着村后不着店,她们只能自己动手修理汽车。身处荒郊野外,年轻人们只能耐心等待旅途的再度开启。谁知就在这时候,其中两人被不知来自何方的子弹射中,相继惨死在烈日之下。恐慌迅速弥漫,而无情的子弹则接二连三射向他们。 不知何时,他们已经闯入无情杀手的狩猎场,成为逃生希望渺茫的猎物……
Poor teenager Tommy isn't having a good time of it. His mother just passed away at a tragically young age. Tommy starts seeing a ghostly white apparition of her unrestful spirit. He also experiences scary nightmares of an evil devil cult. Plus a couple of close friends of the family meet brutal untimely ends. Could it be mysterious new housekeeper Darminah who's behind the freaky and troubling events that have befallen Tommy and his family? Director Sisworo Gautama Putra does an expert job of ably creating and sustaining a powerfully eerie and unnerving otherworldly atmosphere. Moreover, Putra does a totally convincing job of evoking a thoroughly believable mundane everyday reality that's ripped asunder by bizarre and inexplicable supernatural phenomenon. Better still, Putra keeps the pace slow, yet steady throughout, uses violence in a shocking, but restrained manner and gradually builds up a tremendous amount of harrowing tension before pulling out all the stops with a genuinely terrifying conclusion in which all hell quite literally breaks lose. This film even offers a rich, colorful and illuminating depiction of a fascinatingly different culture and its strongly held religious beliefs. An extremely solid and satisfying foreign fright feature.
讲述漫画家Edgar在离婚后搬回家与父母同住,在他哥哥以前的房间里发现了一个魔偶,他于是动心想去纪念Toulon谋杀3 0周年的集会上卖掉它。当他和新女友Ashley一起到达后,发现并不是只有他们想卖掉木偶,所有的木偶都活了过来,步步紧逼,向那些少数名族下手。 虽然属于魔偶系列,这部至小帝国却和1968年的《活死人之夜》很类似,在室内如一家小旅馆里展开情节,游客和住户必须群起而攻之。Edgar的独白告诉观众,为什么Toulon要设计这些木偶,他们很小,却极易在最不可能的情况下击垮你。 影片让我们真实面对来自现实世界的恐惧,还构建了一个虚拟架构,让观众能置身在自己幻想的暴力世界里。
A group of young men dare a classmate to reach the porch of a legendary old house, said to be haunted by the thirteen victims of a family massacre. In hopes of making a viral video they arm him with a video camera to prove he was there or to capture him fleeing in terror before even reaching the house, as others have. When he doesn't return, the guys must go in to get him. Inside they discover the truth about the house, the fate of their friend and their own fate as well.
荷莉(Julia Goldani Telles 饰)等女孩到好朋友凯蒂(Annalise Basso 饰)参加过夜聚会,闲聊过程中,他们得知同级的另外几个男孩正密谋召唤瘦长鬼影。瘦长鬼影是流传在民间的一个恐怖传说,据说他长手长脚,看不清面容,专门引诱、绑架小孩子。胆大好奇的女孩们无所畏惧,从网上找来了召唤瘦长鬼影的视频做大胆尝试。是夜相安无事,可就在一周后的课外教学活动中,凯蒂神秘失踪。事后从凯蒂父亲的哭诉中,荷莉隐约感到好友的失踪和她们曾进行过的召唤仪式有关。她们进入凯蒂的房间,查询电脑记录时发现好友在失踪前曾看过许多关于瘦长鬼影的视频。 或许那个传说中的怪物真的存在……
On a weekend getaway at a rundown cabin in the woods, Jason, a cautious teen, his crude best friend Colin and his fearless older sister Summer are forced to work together, grow up and save their hard partying parents from their predatory neighbour (Lauren Holly) who is intent on feeding them all to her undead family…
新年午夜,杰夫(Dylan McTee 饰)和琳德赛(艾丽克斯·埃索 Alex Essoe 饰)这对夫妻驱车行驶在漆黑的路上。两人只顾谈情双爱,没有认真看着前方,结果狠狠装上了一名陌生人。他们将伤者带上车,准备拉到最近的医院治疗,然而对方却在半路断了气。经过一番内心挣扎,他们将死者带回家中。杰夫发现汽车牌照丢在了现场,于是又驱车赶了过去,留妻子一人在家。就在这时,琳德赛的妹妹汉娜(佩拉·哈莉-贾德林 Perla Haney-Jardine 饰)回到家中,而本该死去的男人突然活了过来,向汉娜发起攻击。混乱之中,汉娜开枪射杀对方。 事情似乎变得越来越复杂,杰夫尝试弄清对方的身份,结果却发现……
在完全印度文化的背景下,女主安努舒卡·莎玛试过了杀人的公路惊悚片和与鬼魂相关的喜剧片后,在她制片的第三部作品中讲了一个西方恶魔的故事。 从宗教势力的追捕中侥幸逃生的恶魔之女,在母亲的保护下,在山林中活到二十几岁。母亲去世后,女孩走进城市,被善良内向的男人收留。 这是一个异类不惜付出一切渴望融入人类生活,渴望爱情的故事。联想到所有宗教都奉行的五花八门的女性禁忌,联想到女孩的母亲是因为被强迫才怀上了她,不禁感叹:也许所有女人都是主流社会眼中的恶魔。因为爱,女人能拥有摧毁一切的力量;因为爱,女人能放下一切仇恨;因为爱,女人能牺牲一切,包括自己。世界就是被这样的恶魔支撑着的。想尽办法把她们赶尽杀绝的人,和她们自己,谁是真正的恶魔?作为低成本独立制片的恐怖电影,声效化妆场景什么的,都没什么毛病,都在及格线以上。不过如果不像我一样对故事这么煽情,观众应该会觉得故事太单薄,不够刺激。一些观众群体可能会觉得不太舒服。毕竟在这部电影中,心中有爱的恶魔之女不是真的恶魔,那些站在正义一方的驱魔人才是。
阳光明媚的周末,中年男子迈克(马丁·亨德森 Martin Henderson 饰)驱车带着妻子辛蒂(克里斯蒂娜·亨德里克斯 Christina Hendricks 饰)、儿子卢克(刘易斯·普尔曼 Lewis Pullman 饰)和女儿金赛(拜莉·麦迪逊 Bailee Madison 饰)踏上漫漫旅程。他们准备前往亲戚所在的城市,将叛逆的金赛送入一间新的寄宿学校。一路上本就争吵不断,偏偏在夜深人静的时刻他们所到达的露营地又空无一人。卢克受父母之托,肩负起开导妹妹的重任。兄妹俩边散步边聊天,结果意外在某栋房子里发现了叔叔和阿姨被人残忍杀害的尸体。 略显迟钝的一家人很快发现,他们所有的联络方式均已被带着面具的神秘杀手所切断。针对陌生人的残酷杀戮,就在静寂肃杀的夜晚展开了……
Six people bound together by a traumatic experience decide to round off a year of group therapy in style. They join each other once more, traveling up to the Scottish Lowlands for a reunion weekend in a 1970s holiday let. Soon a number of mysterious and horrifying events start to expose the cracks in their relationships, and one by one they discover that trust runs but skin-deep. A night of closure turns out to be far more final than they could have anticipated.
When a party bus on its way to Burning Man filled with a bunch of sexy young adults breaks down in the desert and in the middle of a group of Satanic worshippers, all hell literally breaks loose. A massacre leaves seven survivors trapped on the bus, fighting for their lives while wondering if someone or someones are not what they seem.