★ 2020开年恐怖作品,荒岛求生却遇到恐怖魔物 ★ 到无人岛潜能开发的屁孩青年,原来早有神秘生物盯著他看,他要如何逃离这恐怖难测的小岛? ★ 暗夜中不知名的双眼在寻找猎物,是外星生物还是恶魔缠身,让你心跳加速,头皮发麻,欢迎来试胆 托比(罗根米勒 饰)就是个沉迷手机游戏的屁孩,一晚,他不愿与父亲一起到家门外修车,让父亲被抢匪伤害身亡,让他极度自责而陷入恐慌,在老师建议下,与一群青年赴马来西亚海域的小岛进行自我训练,一座岛只有一个学员可以下船,在岛中只有靠自己进行野外求生,希望能藉由课程走出丧父阴影。 一向视手机如命的托比果然对野外适应不良,一下船就失去所有求生工具,但他意外在岛上遇到神秘的美少女玛德琳(克丽斯汀弗洛塞斯 饰)。从小在岛上长大的玛德琳教他求生知识,但也警告他到了晚上千万不要在岛上乱闯,因为她的妈妈很可怕...。托比在岛上失去音讯,课程教练前往岛上找他,却被一股神秘力量拖入森林,托比突然见到教练的尸体,知道这岛上确实有奇怪的力量,让他想要带著玛德琳逃走,却让自己陷入更危险的境地....
When Chelsea and her friends get in trouble with the cops, they flee the city and go on the run. Fueled by a hallucinogenic drug called Echo, they hope to lay low-and get high-in an old family hideout in the woods.However, Chelsea has reservations about going back to nature and secrets she’s not sharing with her friends. When a shot rings out, her past comes crashing back, and the punks find themselves pitted against the local authority- an unhinged park ranger with a real axe to grind…
One year on from the notorious "Jack The Ripper" murders, the killings have stopped, but the identity of the killer remains a mystery. Down-at-heel newspaper reporter Sebastian Stubb has moved on to reporting on other scandals, but when a new "Ripper" letter appears on his desk and the killings start again, he unwittingly finds himself at the center of a new mystery. Has the "Ripper" returned, or is it a copycat killer? Or something else entirely?
当恐怖大师拉德·查德·巴克利 (Rad Chad Buckley) 的葬礼变成了一系列精心设计的搞笑死亡陷阱时,客人们必须团结起来,利用恐怖规则在这场血腥游戏中幸存下来。
Artemis (Cassandra Scerbo) plans a party without permission at her parent’s lake house, which is normally vacant for the winter. A killer is trying to compose a symphony made up of the screams of his victims. At the very same time, Artemis is planning a party at her parents’ vacant lake house, which is right next door to the RV that a killing machine named Caleb (Michael X. Sommers) is using. Her friends Shira (Georgia Leva), Delan (Zachary Roozen, Romeo and Juliet Killers), Theo (Brandon Santana), Ellen (Erica Shaffer), Alex (India McGee) all come out to visit, take cocaine and watch Night of the Living Dead on an iPhone while Caleb haunts the halls with his murderous and melodious hammer…
犬神制药创始人犬神佐兵卫(三国连太郎 饰)一生不曾娶妻,却有三个女儿松子(高峰三枝子 饰)、竹子(三条美纪 饰)、梅子(草笛光子 饰),另收养恩人野野宫大式孙女珠世(岛田阳子 饰)为义女。犬神生前留有遗书,规定三女只能继承遗产极少部分,多数遗产由珠世获得,然珠世需同犬神三 个孙子中的一个婚配方可继承。犬神家顾问律师嗅到遗产之争背后的血腥气息,从东京请来名侦探金田一耕助(石坂浩二)协助调查。 佐兵卫亲眷集结一起,等待遗嘱宣读。长孙佐清(あおい輝彦 饰)亦从前线战场退役归来,然其面目被毁,终日头戴面具,引起除其母松子之外其他亲人怀疑。佐武(地井武男 饰)与佐智(川口恒 饰)一面调查佐清真实身份,一面向珠世展开情感攻势,但最后皆离奇死亡。 随着死亡增加和调查深入,金田一逐渐发现犬神家辉煌背后诸多不为人知的秘密,真相渐渐浮出水面……
玲(芝芙 飾)和姮(阮清薇 飾)是一對分散多年的好友,某天,玲收到姮的邀請,前往郊區一間老房子拜訪她。玲在房子裡發現傳說中含冤而死的女鬼「慕依」的畫像,姮因此意外遭到附身而性格大變,出現各種失序的行為。為了拯救好友,玲必須解開畫像背後的秘密……。
THE GHOSTS OF MONDAY tells the chilling story of a group of US film-makers who travel to Cyprus to film a documentary in the tragically famous Hotel Gula - a once popular resort where more than 100 people died in mysterious circumstances. What begins as just another day at the office will eventually turn into a terrifying journey into the unknown.