来自新泽西的汤姆(Joseph Gordon-Levitt约瑟夫•高登-莱维特 饰)是一个沉溺于英伦哀歌与《毕业生》情境的年轻人。他供职于一家贺卡公司,任务是撰写富有创意的祝辞。某次会议上,汤姆的老板把新助理介绍给大家,她是来自密歇根的魅力女孩莎莫(Zooey Deschanel 佐伊•丹斯切尔 饰)。莎莫自幼父母离异,因此对于感情的态度与众不同。汤姆和莎莫没有一见钟情,但却在一次酒吧K歌后彼此示好,成了非典型的恋人。而且这段办公室恋情迅速升温,爱火烧得谁都无法预料。最后,在一个餐馆里,莎莫对汤姆说了绝情的分手。深陷情网的汤姆,经受不住失恋的打击,郁郁寡欢,周围的伙伴们希望帮他走出阴影,然而,这并不是故事的全部,本片以汤姆的视角把时间重新组接,让观众在对比中体味500天恋爱的弦外之音……
電影《失衡凶間之惡念之最》由莊澄及鄧漢強監製,李志毅、李巨源及黃炳耀所執導的三部短篇《要命的溫柔》、《逃殺》及《死亡回憶》,揭開人性最可怕、最醜惡一面。《失衡凶間》最終章,生死無序,一念之距! 要命的溫柔 好友小木 (林千渟 飾) 慘遭擄殺,魔術師阿花 (何穎璇 飾) 頻見幻象。兩人最後通話的內容疑有破案線索,為此阿花接受催眠,試圖尋回那段記憶,卻將自己置於危險之中。 逃殺 阿豪(姜皓文 飾)半夜醒來,發現自己在詭秘工廠大廈內。莫明的他繼而遇上屍骸、鬼魅和前妻(盧慧敏 飾)!他必須想辦法逃出這個迷宮。 死亡回憶 亞譚 (陳湛文 飾) 和余仔 (柯煒林 飾) 是中學同學兼好友,兩人對電影充滿熱情卻多年也混不出來。一次意外,亞譚誤將余仔殺死,卻竟因此而當上導演。
Mila and Kia have been best friends and teammates for as long as they can remember. When the girls get a new football coach in former pro Lollo, they slowly start to drift apart. Mila, who dreams of becoming a football professional, finally sees her chance to succeed – but is it worth sacrificing her best friend to win at any cost?
A tenuously linked group of nobodies trudge through their woeful existence in dreary Winnipeg. A sickly middle-aged man in a failing marriage, a stand-up comedian whose sets are met by utter indifference, a stoner couple who share only trivial exchanges, and a young loner unsympathetic to his caring mother are each living lives lost in translation, detached from their surroundings and the people around them. -- from viff.org
Fritzi Haller is a powerful casino owner in Chuckawalla, Nevada. Her daughter Paula (having quit school) returns at the same time as racketeer Eddie Bendix, who left under suspicion of murdering his wife. Paula and Eddie become involved; each for their own reasons, Fritzi, Paula's old beau Tom, and Eddie's pal Johnny try to break up the relationship. Then Eddie's past catches up with him in an unexpected way. Written by Rod Crawford {puffinus@u.washington.edu}
Set in an uncanny future — or perhaps a slightly alternate present where cellphone technology is nowhere to be found — Anna and her partner Ryan have achieved every couple’s dream: they are in possession of a document certifying their true love. Their comfortable if somewhat mundane life, however, leaves Anna questioning their successful love test, administered by placing their extracted fingernails into a cutting-edge machine. Anna soon begins working for the Love Institute under the tutelage of Duncan (Luke Wilson), which, in addition to determining a couples’ status via the mysterious test, trains them to deepen bonds. There, she’s paired with the experienced — and devastatingly charming — Amir to take couples at various stages of relationships through a series of love-building activities before the big test. As the new colleagues work to ameliorate the connections of clients, Anna begins to wonder if perhaps Amir is her one true love and if trusting her own feelings is a more reliable metric than what is determined by a machine.
一九九五年,广东发生一起大型武装劫钞案,一辆银行运钞车被五名持枪匪徒抢劫,损失高达一千五百万,三名押钞员更在事件中丧生。事件震惊全国,公安局马上成立专案组,以王守月(林家栋 饰)和何蓝(张颂文 饰)为首的刑警迅速搜证,成功掌握五名抢匪去向并逐一拘捕。叫人意外的是,抢匪供出案件背后的真正策划者,竟是一家建筑公司的老板陈信文(大鹏 饰)及其堂弟陈欣年(孙阳 饰)。 陈信文和陈欣年功败垂成,踏上逃亡之路,从此人间蒸发。时间一晃二十一年,当年的案件早已淡出大众的视野,王守月也从公安局退休。然而,一条寻常不过的视频上出现的一个模糊身影,却让他重燃破案的希望。王守月只身前往边境城市,寻找视频中的“陌生人”。最后的正邪对决,在二十一年后正式展开。