1997年是一个特殊的年份。改革开放的总设计师小平同志去世。而上海,作为一个国际大都市,正经历着巨大的变迁。这变迁既有具象的,如城市旧区改造;也有抽象的、心理层面的变革——比如人们的性观念、中年男女对于婚姻和生命的反思等等。英国导演Phil Agland拍摄的《逝——上海冬夜的爱与死》准确地抓住这个城市跃动的脉搏,交替讲述了这座城市里几个人各自不同的故事。他选取的人物与故事不但皆与爱和死相关联,而且电影始终保持着恰到好处的节奏感——从故事的铺陈、演进到高潮即将到来前一刹那令人屏息的张力,无不显示了导演卓越的控制能力。在电影离结尾约三十分钟的时候,各条线索同时到达了引而不发的边缘——居住于贫困旧屋的孩子即将经历一场高风险的心脏手术;京剧小演员一个月之后马上要登台公演;弄堂里的寡妇要面临再婚的抉择;而杀害女友的团委干部即将接受最终的审判。这令全片自始至终保持着一种纪录片里不常有的剧烈的悬念感。 团委干部杀害女友的故事在电影中占据了最大的比重。爱与死在这个故事中交织在一起。一个国家机关的知识分子,对自己的女朋友何以下此毒手?性质更为严重的是,他在杀人之后将女友的尸体分成好几部分,抛入江中。手段之残忍,令人难以想象。电影忠实地追随了此案从审讯、宣判、上诉到终审的全过程,杀人犯从最初的抵赖到最后泪流满面,受害者家属在旁听席间的表情,无一不显现了人性的幽微之处,令观众深受震动。而受害者家属对于“杀人犯也会死,他的家人也会难过”的说法之剧烈抨击,更将故事推出更深的、道德反思的层面。 很难想象《逝》出自一个英国导演之手,因为全片的上海风味是此浓重,街坊邻里和杀人罪犯皆操一口鲜活的上海话,丝毫没有剧情片的矫饰,原生态的幽默比比皆是。因此,这不仅是一部可以令西方人更准确全面地了解上海的纪录片,而且更适合上海观众观看,因为在那些词不达意的英文字幕背后,有可以令人或会心一笑或捧腹大笑的对话,而笑过之后,是对身处其中的故乡更深一层的了解,更具省思意味的自知。
“Secrets Of The Elephants”, which is going to be premiering on Friday, 21st April 2023 on National Geographic, with all episodes being able to stream on Earth Day on Saturday, 22nd April 2023 on Disney+ and Hulu. Executive produced by Academy Award-winning filmmaker and National Geographic Explorer-at-Large James Cameron and narrated by Academy Award-winning actress, Natalie Portman. Elephants are powerful, loving and wise, but we are only starting to unlock their deepest secrets. The ground-breaking, award-winning natural history franchise SECRETS OF returns with its next instalment, “Secrets Of The Elephants”. The series travels the world — from the Savannahs of Africa to the urban landscapes of Asia — to discover the strategic thinking, complex emotions and sophisticated language of elephants, shaping a unique and dynamic culture. Featuring renowned National Geographic Explorer and elephant expert Dr. Paula Kahumbu, the four-part series not only reveals the extraordinary lives of different families of elephants but also highlights how similar they are to us. “Secrets Of The Elephants” will change everything you thought you knew about elephants forever. The four episodes include: 1. Savanna 2. Desert 3. Rainforest 4. Asia
各位ARMY,请扣好安全带,准备同SUGA 一齐出发,游历各个城市,寻找音乐灵感的来源。
It was the world's last Islamic empire - a super-power of a million square miles. From its capital in Istanbul it matched the glories of Ancient Rome. And after six centuries in power it collapsed less than a hundred years ago. Rageh Omaar sets out to discover why the Ottomans have vanished from our understanding of the history of Europe. Why so few realise the importance of Ottoman history in today's Middle East. And why you have to know the Ottoman story to understand the roots of many of today's trouble spots from Palestine, Iraq and Israel to Libya, Syria, Egypt, Bosnia and Kosovo.
Through the eyes of 9 young girls from around the world, TuTu Much is the behind-the-scenes story of what it takes to become a dancer. These girls have been given the chance of a lifetime, a four week long summer audition to get into a professional ballet school. Which girl will prove to be the dancer they are looking for? Who will have the passion, the drive and the endurance to make it? And will she and her family be ready to make the sacrifices? TuTu Much gives us all a rare look at 9 remarkable girls and a summer that no one will ever forget.
一个成为BNK48的决定 一个开始的契机:友情、追随 一个达到梦想的目的地 …接下来会发生什么?
各位ARMY,请扣好安全带,准备同SUGA 一齐出发,游历各个城市,寻找音乐灵感的来源。
Highlights the unfailing passion Sunderland residents have for their beloved soccer club, taking viewers through the highs and lows of SAFC's 2017-18 season in the Championship following its relegation the previous year.
美籍华裔作家张纯如(Iris Chang 1968.3.28—2004.11.9),在完成自己第一部作品《蚕丝》后,开始将目光着眼于发生在20世纪30年代末的那场惨绝人寰的大屠杀。1937年,日本侵华战争爆发,短短几个月内,中华大地狼烟滚滚,生灵涂炭。日军长驱直入,攻陷时为国民政府首都的南京,并对这座城市和城中的军民进行了丧失人性的洗劫和杀戮。这场超过30万人丧生的大屠杀,却在战后因种种原因而鲜为人知,甚至日方一再否认大屠杀的存在。 为了还原历史,还受害者与公道,张纯如一面收集大量第三方资料,一面前往南京、上海等地与屠杀幸存者进行面对面的取证交谈,前后历经三年时间,终于在1997年南京大屠杀60周年之际推出《南京暴行》一书,使这段“被遗忘了的大屠杀”的历史为世人所知。 2004年,张纯如在筹备第四部作品期间饮弹自杀。 本片由多伦多史维会和大地娱乐(香港)有限公司共同投资拍摄,由华裔郑启蕙扮演张纯如。
Set under the lush canopies of Uganda's Ngogo Forest, scientists and field trackers have lived alongside this tribe for the last 25 years, watching as they built a sophisticated political and familial structure: forming alliances, building trust, caring for one another, and often going head to head in a never ending fight for power. Reed and his team embedded a camera crew to capture an intimate look at the chimps of Ngogo, which saw some of the most tumultuous battles and dramatic changes in the tribe's history. During the series, babies will grow, relationships will blossom, and leaders will rise and fall.
A documentary series which takes viewers behind the scenes with the animal-care experts, veterinarians, and biologists at Disney's Animal Kingdom and Epcot's SeaBase aquarium.