Summer 1985. As with every year, Rodri (Adrián Baena) leaves Catalonia and returns to his parents' Galician town to reunite with his gang. However, this year will be different for him and his friends. The real world problems begin appearing in their lives, threatening to drift the group apart. Clinging onto the friendship that joins them, the five friends plan to run away on Saint John's Eve night to search for a magical flower that, as per legend, grows up high a mountain and can make wishes come true. Becasue right now, their only wish is to solve their distressed friend's issue and, thus, remain together. An adventure that will make them grow through a fascinating tale full of action, emotion and hope, and that will permanently leave in their memories that summer where the song "Live is Life" by Opus played in the background.
本片是导演大卫·道金、《宿醉》编剧乔恩·卢卡斯联合制作的最新喜剧作品。 整部影片的拍摄周期只用了62天,在英国的片名叫做《与孩子见面》。 Dave(杰森·贝特曼 Jason Bateman 饰)是一位成功的家庭男人,有可爱的孩子 和迷人的老婆(莱斯利·曼恩 Leslie Mann 饰),每日埋头工作,照顾家庭。而长相英俊的Mitch(瑞恩·雷诺兹 Ryan Reynolds 饰)则是一个花花公子,夜夜笙歌与姑娘们鬼混。两人渐渐对自己现有的生活感觉厌倦,想尝试下彼此的生活。两人对着喷泉里“女神”讲出了“我想要你的生活”的愿望。怎料第二天愿望就在这样实现了。藏在Mitch的Dave能和性感的Sabrina(奥利维亚·维尔德 Olivia Wilde 饰)约会,而藏在Dave身体里的Mitch只好目睹他美貌老婆却什么都不能做……
It’s the year 50 BC. The Empress of China has just been imprisoned following a coup d’état incited by Deng Tsin Qin, a traitorous prince. Helped by Finalthesis, the Phoenician merchant, and her faithful bodyguard Mai Wei, the Empress’ only daughter Princess Sass-Yi flees to Gaul to ask for help from two valiant warriors Asterix and Obelix, who are endowed with superhuman strength thanks to their magic potion. Our two inseparable heroes gladly accept to help the Princess save her mother and free her country. And thus begins a great voyage and adventure on the road to China. But Caesar and his powerful army, thirsty for a new conquest, are also heading toward the Middle Kingdom.
ABC喜剧电视剧《喜新不厌旧》(Black-ish)的创作人肯雅·巴瑞斯(Kenya Barris)将翻拍1992年的篮球喜剧电影《黑白游龙》(White Men Can’t Jump),NBA洛杉矶快船队(Los Angeles Clippers)的球员布雷克·格里芬(Blake Griffin)与NFL卡罗莱纳黑豹橄榄球队球员瑞恩·卡利(Ryan Kalil)也将参与制片。 老版《黑白游龙》讲述了韦斯利·斯奈普(Wesley Snipes)饰演的西德尼(Sidney Deane)和伍德·哈里森(Woody Harrelson)饰演的比利(Billy Hoyle)合伙利用打球、赌球行骗的故事。比利是个白人,黑人街头篮球手往往认为他不会打球,从而轻敌输了比赛。 本片的片名“White Men Can’t Jump”是西德尼打趣比利的话,因为他说他不会扣篮。 新版《黑白游龙》仍然由20世纪福克斯公司制作发行。
A life affirming family dramedy that takes place in a small town in the heart of the country. Dustin Hoffman plays BILL, a larger-than-life Father to SAM (Jake Hoffman) who has returned home to take care of Bill and his ailing health. While home, Sam falls for a local woman, KATE (Fisk). At the same time, Bill starts to fall for her mom, TINA (Spacek). The course of true love never runs smooth, and these four will be forced to confront their pasts while trying to make new love work in their lives.
经过在法国巴黎一年的努力打拼,千秋真一(玉木宏 饰)渐渐成长为备受瞩目的指挥家,野田惠在音乐学院的学业也在有条不紊地进行中。而就在此春风得意的时刻,艾莉莎(吉瀬美智子 饰)命令千秋去担任宫殿专用乐团Roux-marlet乐团的首席指挥。虽然该乐团声名显赫,但早已今非昔比,由于资金断链,人才相继流失,临时演奏家占多数且缺少练习的乐团,其窘况可想而知。种种困境让千秋备感困扰,为此他找来野田惠(上野树里 饰)加入练习,而碰巧来到巴黎的孙蕊(山田优 饰)也加入其中。糟糕的现状,一切似乎都要从头开始…… 本片根据二之宫知子的原著漫画改编。