中国以来就有自己的“魔术”——古彩戏法。空瓶取酒,空手活鱼,八仙过海,人头搬家,各种精彩离奇的彩戏,是传统文化中亮丽但少为人知的风景。《傀儡门之惊天魔局》以古彩戏法为背景和题材,不仅在题材上具有新鲜感和独特性,片中主要人物彩戏艺人的身份,也会带来人物气质,动作设计,视觉呈现上的创新之处,带给观众新的审美感受。 《傀儡门之惊天魔局》以悬疑探案的戏剧结构,描述彩戏艺人柳隐和叛徒凌孤翼之间的斗争。“魔高一尺,道高一丈”的彩戏大战,在展现精彩传统文化的同时,弘扬正义必将战胜邪恶的正能量价值观。柳隐和女主茶蘼之间的纯真感情,对比于反派凌孤翼背叛师门的阴险狠毒,会给观众在视觉惊奇之外,带来强烈的情感冲击。
World War II: From the Frontlines is a moving and innovative six-part documentary series that uses restored spectacular and rare WW2 footage, much of it shot by the soldiers themselves, to create an immersive cinematic experience.
Based on a same-name 2013 short from Higginson, Relax follows Casper (Darby), a charming, but embarrassingly underprepared time traveler, now trapped in the past. When he befriends Holly (Graham), a jaded drifter, she helps him exploit his trivial knowledge of the future for a series of quick payouts, oblivious to the consequences they have set in motion. When tracked down by a more competent time traveler, Casper and Holly are forced to figure out what they mean to each other and whether the future they’ve threatened is even worth saving. Will they embrace their fate, or do they have the courage to change it?
When a large Iranian-American family gathers for the patriarch's heart transplant, a family secret is uncovered that catapults the estranged mother and daughter into an exploration of the past. Toggling between the United States and Iran over decades, mother and daughter discover they are more alike than they know.
在这部由屡获殊荣的编剧兼导演山姆·艾斯梅尔(《黑客军团》)执导的末世惊悚片中,阿曼达(奥斯卡金像奖得主朱莉娅·罗伯茨饰)和她的丈夫克莱(荣获奥斯卡金像奖提名的伊桑·霍克饰)租了一套豪华住宅,与孩子阿奇(查利·埃文斯)和罗丝(法拉·麦肯齐饰)共度周末。他们的假期很快就被两个陌生人 — G.H.(奥斯卡金像奖得主马赫沙拉·阿里饰)和他的女儿露丝(米哈拉饰)— 的到来所颠覆,这两个人得知发生了神秘的网络攻击,并在声称属于他们的房子里寻求庇护。两个家庭都面临着一场迫在眉睫的灾难,这场灾难越来越可怕,迫使每个人都不得不努力在这个崩溃的世界中找到自己的位置。《断讯》改编自鲁曼·阿拉姆荣获国家图书奖提名的小说,由 Esmail Corp、Red Om Films 制作,Higher Ground Productions 负责监制。
The winter holidays are turning out to be especially stressful for Greg Heffley this year. After accidentally damaging a snowplow while making a snowman with best friend Rowley Jefferson, Greg worries he won't get the new video game console he so desperately wants for Christmas. To make matters worse, he gets snowed in with his family, including his grumpy older brother Rodrick and annoying younger brother Manny.
For years, detective Jae-hwan has been obsessed with catching Jin-hyuk, the serial killer responsible for the death of his partner and brother-in-law, even if the path to revenge means skipping a few rules. But, when the much-delayed encounter finally comes, things don’t go at all as expected—after a chase and a muddled accident and having been missing for a month, Jae-hwan wakes up handcuffed to a hospital bed, only to discover that he’s trapped in Jin-hyuk’s body and that, in turn, the killer is taking his place alongside his family. But this is only the starting point to a sinuous, extreme narrative filled with surprising twists and tinged the red of blood and neon lights. In his brutal debut, Kim Jae-hoon appropriates the body switch trope in order to give shape to a feast for genre film lovers.
波蘭與白俄羅斯交界上的這片蓊鬱森林,大批中東與非洲難民湧入,敘利亞難民一家也在其中。他們以為只要步行通過邊界,進入歐洲,安全的日子就會到來。殊不知波蘭政府放任邊境警察用暴力驅趕難民,白俄軍方會再將他們逐回原地。成為白俄羅斯擾亂歐盟的人肉子彈,又被波蘭政府視為洪水猛獸,全家老小困在林中進退不得、飢寒交迫,陷入無間往復的煉獄。 波蘭名導阿格涅斯卡霍蘭年逾七十,火力與行動力絲毫未減,把2021年真實事件搬上大銀幕。除了以匿名警衛證詞為本,更用史詩級篇幅,從邊境警察、救援人士、鄰近居民等不同視角,堆疊出的殘酷真相,凝成一記人心重擊。直指當局利用民眾仇外心理,罔顧難民人權,甚至加入最新國際事件比對,觀點犀利、力道強大,引來波蘭警政激烈反彈。影片於威尼斯影展首映後,不僅好評橫掃國際,更獲頒評審團特別獎。
这部体育剧集将让观众全方位密切关注美国国家女子足球队的球员和教练,并揭示这支足球史上获奖最多的球队的内幕。观众将亲眼目睹这些世界级运动员在为三连冠而奋斗的过程中所经历的压力、兴奋、喜悦和艰辛。随着故事的展开,伤害、批评和质疑、同工同酬和维护遗产等问题都浮出水面。 该剧集将捕捉所有个人和团队在通往 2023 年国际足联世界杯的道路上的准备工作。在整个比赛过程中,观众将了解到这支球队如何站在前辈的肩膀上,以及她们如何继续打破阻碍未来女性体育平等的无形障碍
Between light and darkness stands Olfa, a Tunisian woman and the mother of four daughters. One day, her two older daughters disappear. To fill in their absence, the filmmaker Kaouther Ben Hania invites professional actresses and invents a unique cinema experience that will lift the veil on Olfa and her daughters’ life stories. An intimate journey of hope, rebellion, violence, transmission and sisterhood that will question the very foundations of our societies.