1945年,第二次世界大战接近尾声,轴心国已成强弩之末,败局已定。许多战争中被俘虏的日本士兵经过改造后,陆续踏上回国的旅途,这其中便包括罗圈腿中村下等兵(潘长江 饰)。然而,即使在这垂死关头,帝国主义的贪婪仍旧没有收敛。轮椅太君(胡晓光 饰)伤愈出院,亲自负责指挥战舰阿多丸运送伤兵回国的重任,但是阿多丸还有一个秘密任务,那就是将从中国劫掠来的文物偷运出境。这个秘密被小刘(刘小微 饰)的父亲——一个文物老专家所得知,他掌握着所有文物的清单,也因此遭到日寇的追杀。临死之际,老教授将藏有清单的可乐瓶交给担任联络员的郭大叔(郭达 饰)。侦知到日本人的阴谋,八路军以及重庆方面的势力都行动起来。 而在这一过程中,更大的阴谋也悄悄浮出水面……
When Noah fell in love with Nick, she knew their relationship would never be easy. They're fire and electricity, and when they're together, every kind of sparks fly. After last summer, Noah thought their passion had grown stronger than their fear, but her life is about to turn upside-down again now that she's starting university. Moving again while maintaining her relationship with Nick will be a difficult hurdle, with their age difference, campus life, dangerous parties, and inner demons stalking them both, reminding them of all they still don't know about each other. No matter how hard they try, there will always be wounds that won't close. Is Noah really prepared to overcome her fears and truly trust someone again? Will Nick be able to put his past behind him and keep his heart open? Or are they doomed only to burn each other's worlds down?
After discovering his blood-soaked daughter dead in the bathtub, David Bryson attends a self-help group to help save him from his ghostly nightmares. But when a group of mysterious cult-like women offer to help him resurrect his daughter. David's choices will not just decide his fate... but the fate of his dead daughter's SOUL.
A fascinating exploration of one of the most significant moments in gothic history - the night when Mary Shelley, Lord Byron and their cohorts gathered together in Lake Geneva to tell ghost stories. The night when Frankenstein and the modern vampire were born. All those involved in the events of the summer of 1816 wrote about their life-changing stay in Switzerland. This dramatised documentary is based on their letters, journals and diaries. The film also draws on British Library manuscripts and archive, and brings together a stellar cast of gothic, horror and science fiction writers, including Neil Gaiman, Charlaine Harris and Margaret Atwood, to discuss why one single night had such a significant impact on our culture.
2117: A colonization mission to the new world of Epsilon Eridani B is struck by disaster as the ship crashes, leaving a small number of survivors to fend for themselves against numerous dangers.
上世纪40年代,理查德·皮蒙特(Ron Livingston 饰)出生在一个平凡却危机重重的家庭里。母亲(Rebecca De Mornay 饰)因连续小产精神上遭受严重的困扰,父亲(Clint Jung 饰)则因一次意外过早地离开人世。一次偶然的机缘,让理查德喜欢上了演讲,虽然学历不高,但是他凭借出色的口才赢得了无数的荣誉。不过他的自傲却遭到一位教授无情的打击,在此之后,理查德自愿前往越南战场,并在那里留下了终身的残疾。 回国后,理查德因耳聋的问题无法进入学校,也得不到任何工作。当时的美国社会对残疾人还充满诸多不解,他与许多残疾朋友遇到了无数的刁难和羞辱。在这一过程中,理查德渐渐找到人生前进的方向……
Two 17-year-olds, Werner Holt and Gilbert Wolzow, are pulled out of school and into Hitler's army. Gilbert becomes a fanatical soldier, but at the front Werner begins to understand the senselessness of war. When Gilbert is hanged by the SS, Werner turns his gun on his own army. This film, based on Dieter Noll's novel, is a political and artistic masterpiece. Its fresh and surprising frankness about the toll war takes on youth found great public resonance after the film's release.