年轻医生Wil(杨雅慧 饰)是个美国华裔。她事业如意,工作干炼,但就是不爱打扮,不喜欢结交男朋友,这令到母亲(陈冲 饰)非常操心。母亲刻意拉女儿到一些华人圈子的聚会,帮女儿物色对象,却总是一无所获。不料母亲的生活也开始混乱——她怀上了孩子,却不愿公开谁是孩子父亲。为了面子问题,Wil的外公外婆把母亲赶出家门,责令她一定要找个人嫁出去。于是,妈妈投奔到女儿的门下,暂时寄宿在此,女儿开始四处网罗男人相亲。除了母亲的事情让Wil烦恼,她还有一个秘密需要苦心遮掩——自己女同的身份恐怕会让思想传统的母亲接受不了,于是,Wil和女朋友开始转战地下,二人爱得偷偷摸摸。人人为了面子,都有一个自己的心结,不知何时打开。
Chiara lives on an Atlantic island, where her husband Antoine grew up. They are a happy and loving couple. She has been taught Antoine's hard fishing job and has been working with him for twenty years. The arrival of Maxence, a young apprentice is going to rock their balance and alter Chiara beliefs. Soon her and Maxence begin a passionate romance but their age-gap, Maxence is far younger than Chiara arises the rumors and hostility of their neighbors.
Invitées en maison de repos pour explorer leurs troubles sexuels, trois jeunes femmes occupent les jours et les nuits à apprivoiser leurs démons intimes. Sous la supervision tranquille d’une thérapeute allemande et d’un travailleur social bienveillant, le groupe tente de garder un équilibre fragile. Pour la jeune Geisha, la sombre Léonie et l’imprévisible Eugénie, il s’agit, pour 26 jours, d’éviter les cris, d’apprivoiser les chuchotements du temps présent et de considérer l’avenir.
An old Parisian bistro with eternal charm. Eight gentlemen around the table, eight great figures. They were the kings of Paris and national treasures, they are now endangered masterpieces. In this well-established ritual, their sense of humor and self-mockery remain intact. Tender and cruel, these eight old friends hate and love each other. When suddenly, an intruder appears…
旧金山科技产业泡沫破灭后,性健康公司 OneTaste 孕育而生,被顶级健康和保健机构誉为实现自我的途径,并以教授一种名为“高潮冥想”的练习而闻名全球。这部调查纪录片中收录了 15 年来从未公之于众的镜头和对前成员的采访,揭开了该组织及其备受争议的神秘领导者的面纱。
Davi Martins, a commercial director of a financial institution, and Juliana Martins, a personal trainer, are a couple trying to recover from a crisis. At work, Davi ends up getting involved in the investigation of a financial scandal, putting himself in the crosshairs of dangerous people. Little by little, Juliana discovers that her new home may not be a new beginning, but the stage for a real nightmare. Some secrets may end her life
「网黄」辣罗从不吝展示自己的性感胴体,在手机镜头前搔首弄姿,无处不见他的巨雕展翅,更经营成人社群,春光乍泄满是性爱影片。他决定更进一步,离开打工工厂,成为专职GV男优。辣罗开始与交手的男优私约拍片,在色情网络的声势逐渐水涨船高。贩卖性爱为他赚进大笔钞票,却让他的心灵逐渐崩盘。 以《蓝色的应召男郎》勇夺柏林影展最佳短片的阿根廷导演,再次关注男同志色情产业,记录当代网络色情环境与深陷其中的男体。当肉体被虚拟贩卖,真实生活是否也将迈向虚无?宛若不存在的镜头穿梭在GV片场、性爱现场与网路时空,巧妙徜徉各式私密场域间,摄影机运动神乎其技,令人大开眼界。魔幻写实的拍摄手法,与故事中呈现之虚实维度反覆交融、完美贴合,建造一座镜花水月,却又残酷锐利的酷儿性乐园。
From the confined universe of Brooklyn's BIZARRE cabaret, we set off on a road movie across the American West. We are 7 years later. Lucas and Maurice have never seen each other again and have no contact since the tragic events of the BIZARRE cabaret in New York. Lucas now lives in Denver, Colorado. He is married to a slightly older man who is the father of a 16-year-old child. In the middle of this peaceful life, Maurice will again cross paths with Lucas. As another tragic event takes place in Denver, Maurice and Lucas will have only one solution, to flee towards San Francisco through the American West .