Just two weeks before Roya, a banned Iranian journalist, is set to emigrate from Iran to Denmark at her husband’s insistence, she encounters a quiet young girl. The girl seems lost and doesn’t remember anything. Roya takes her in, unaware that the girl has abandoned her previous life and now has come to replace Roya. A couple of days later, Roya finds out that she will be prohibited from leaving Iran unless she sells out a colleague to the government authorities. Soon after Roya refuses to betray her friend, the young girl steals Roya’s identity and takes over her life with the assistance of Roya’s husband, Babak. As Roya fights to recover her identity, she realises, to her surprise, that no one remembers her anymore and that everybody takes the lost girl to be her. Babak throws Roya out of the house, at which point the authorities decide that Roya is to be exiled to another life as a passive housewife named Hanieh.
两个人相爱并不难......但要在合适的时机! 「Kay」想向「Juné」表白的时机总是在不对的时候,于是经历了很长一段时间.... Kay单身 Juné有对象 Juné分手 Kay有对象 Kay分手 Juné有对象 似乎总是在错误的时间遇见彼此,但时隔多年,直到再次遇见Juné,Kay已经下定决心,尽管知道一直在绕圈子,并且此时Juné已经有了一个很好的男朋友Pete。 但似乎,老天爷一直在跟两人作对.....
《稻浪上的夢想家》是一部60分鐘紀錄片。故事起點,從一粒米說起。台東池上米廠之子梁正賢,外人眼裡,不像糧商。20年前,他為推動有機米栽種,連續8年,每年虧損400萬;再為一張僅僅3乘以5公分大小的產地標章,每天一睜開眼,起身吵架,一身是膽地力抗龐大利益,爭取到全台第一張專屬米的身份證明。20 年下來,池上盛產好幾屆冠軍米農,池上米價攀上全台最高價,大幅翻轉農民生活。再後來,每年的秋收藝術節,讓地處台灣東南一隅的池上,登上國際期刊,吸引遊客慕名而來,從而變身不一樣農村。 池上的美,不只天堂路與金城武樹,而是這片遼闊無人為建設切割的數百公頃稻田裡,孕長出來的土地與人、人與人之間的深厚世代情。 紀錄團隊以兩年半時間,走進農民生活,紀錄不同世代農民種植有機米歷程,也紀錄下池上四季風貌。從插秧、成長、結穗到收割,無言而喻池上蛻變與發展,從種稻開始改變到藝術扎根,創造夢想新家園。