Go Gorilla Go is probably most notable for its strange title, and this carries over into the film; as while it takes obvious inspiration from some big genre classics; the film features some strange plotting and a storyline that is a bit unusual on genre terms. Director Tonino Valerii previously directed the excellent but complicated Giallo My Dear Killer and clearly has a talent for delivering convoluted story lines as Go Gorilla Go features one too! The film focuses on Marco; an undercover police officer who is also working as a body guard for a shady underworld figure. He's also got a brother who is not exactly squeaky clean and has contacts with a few other 'Gorillas' who are in the same line as he is. It's not long before our hero gets involved in a kidnap plot along with his brother and his underworld boss and this plot is ran parallel with a load of others and the whole thing gets rather complicated. Luckily, however, it's all spun together with a whole load of action scenes; many of which are really well done. We've got the usual compliment of car chases and fist fights, but the main standout is a sequence that sees the lead character trapped in an elevator with the bottom taken out. The final car chase, which involves a train a la The French Connection, is also very well executed. The lead role is taken by Fabio Testi and the actor looks the part and plays it well. The rest of the cast is filled out mostly by lesser known Italian actors, but they get on well as an ensemble and bad dubbing aside, the film is above average in the acting department. The way that the story flows does get a bit too confusing at times as we constantly switch from one thing to another, but at least the proceedings are kept entertaining for most of the duration, before exploding in the final third. This film is not very well known and as such has become rather hard to come by. In the grand spectrum of Italian police films; this one is not one of the more important ones or one of the best, but for anyone that considers themselves a fan of this genre; Go Gorilla Go is certainly worth a look and comes recommended.
本片是费拉里对现代社会文明和小家庭中男子的作用的最新探讨的成果。工程师热拉尔德被妻子抛弃了,并把小儿子皮耶罗特留给了他。当工厂宣布休假时,他把保姆当作情人;在短短的时间内,他重新经受了令人伤脑筋的以两性斗争为特点的两人关系发展的全过程。热拉尔德完全被以性交为表现的男性意识所支配。当他同情人的关系发生危机时,他的情人却和他的前妻成了好朋友。他出于抗议和绝望用一把厨房用的电锯把自己的生殖器割掉了。这个可以作为模式的事件的大部分 (就象在戏剧舞台上一样)发生在一套高层小公寓里。费拉里批判了他的主人公的大男子主义,同时也表现了由于生活(工作,住宅,千篇一律的生活秩序,孤独寂寞)造成的绝望和灰心丧气。如果说影片留下了一种相互矛盾的印象,那是由于影片以独特的方式提出了问题:这个男人是他的行为的牺牲品,也是妇女全面反抗的牺牲品;费拉里在这部影片中同样使用了多种手法,而且通过一些“煽动性"的细节和效果来吸引更多的观众。
The movie is generally lacking in character development. The film at one point follows the creepiest-looking gangster (Flavio Bucci from the "The Night Train Murders") to his home where he is shacking up with another gangster's wife and her kid, but more than character development this seems to be more an excuse for another sex scene. The Placido character has an interesting flashback of him working on a filthy fishing barge, which is contrasted with a fantasy where he is piloting a yacht. This movie is very class-conscious in the way it has this poor Sicilian boy falling for a rich, northern girl (the Italian title "La Orca" comes from the designer outfit she's wearing). Placido is pretty good here, but this handsome, light-complexioned hunk is not too convincing as a lower-class Sicilian ruffian. As for Neihaus, I can't decide if she is a bad actress, or is just playing a really obnoxious character (she's more Paris Hilton than Patty Hearst). She does get naked several times which, judging from the English, title was the primary consideration.
一个发生在少男和年长美女之间的故事。十几岁的Billy出生在北非一个富裕的家庭中。一次,家中来了一个客人,年轻貌美的二十多岁美女Andrea,一见到美丽的Andrea, Billy就被迷得神魂颠倒,还不断向接近Andrea,幻想和她发生什么。而Andrea也答应在Billy成年后会让他体验性的滋味。Billy努力地想让这次经历变得完美却始终遇到各种阻碍,一次他甚至将车开到了荒无人烟的沙漠中,以为再没有人会破坏他的好事。不妙,正当他们好事即将成功之际,突然有一支队伍出现了,Billy又一次失望而归……直到性感的治疗师Emmanuelle 到来后,她让Billy感受到了初体验的滋味,使得他消除了羞涩感和罪恶感。最后Billy和Andrea在沙丘上完成了美妙的经历.
美丽的女孩小谷由加里(高村ルナ 饰)被同母异父的姐姐真弓(中島葵 饰)夺去了男朋友,她绝望之际进入了一座位于北海道的修道院。然而此地也并非清静场所,在上帝光芒的掩盖之下,神父和修女纵容着自己的兽性和欲望,由加里在这个偏远的修道院受到无情蹂躏。三年后,教名为露娜的由加里即将赴往非洲传教,临行之际她找到真弓,希望将修道院的土地卖给经营房地产的前男友篠崎圭吾(中丸信 饰)。此时的真弓和圭吾早已分手,但看在钱的份上他们又重新走到一起。……女主角高村ルナ(高村露娜)是德日混血儿,曾与其他四名日欧混血女孩组成一个名为Golden Half的组合。露娜生于1952年9月18日,卒于2004年3月6日。
影片讲述德川时期发生的两个残酷故事: 牛裂篇:长崎当地官员高坂主膳(汐路章 饰)残暴成性,发明各种酷刑迫害基督教徒。在官府奉职的佐佐木伊织(风户佑介 饰)与女孩登世(内村レナ 饰)相爱,然登世一家为基督徒,不久也被抓进官府。登世父母不堪折磨,相继惨死,妹妹亦被烫瞎双眼。得知内情的高坂有意在伊织面前侮辱登世,并将其霸占,令二人痛苦不已。一年后,沦为浪人的伊织带登世逃跑,途中伊织被高坂杀害,登世则因通奸罪遭受了残酷的牛裂之刑。 锯刑篇:贪图享乐的舍藏(川谷拓三 饰)逛青楼无钱付帐,被逼做工偿还,期间目睹了妓女们所遭受的种种折磨。舍藏无法继续忍受,偕相好的妓女大里(橘麻纪 饰)逃亡,靠“仙人跳”为生,中间闹出不少笑话。后二人被官府捉拿,遭受一系列痛苦刑法……
Rome, 1880. Gregorio has decided to close his bakery, the family business. Then he tells his sons Pippo, Mario and daughter Teta that they will have to fend for themselves. But newly married Irene, Pippo's wife, a beautiful, calculating and ambitious young woman, wants to take over the inheritance. Acting on intelligence, weighing every step and its consequences, she manages to convince the brothers that they must prevent at all costs that his father falls in love again to avoid the risk of losing their inheritance.
Judas, a wealthy playboy living in Hong Kong, is obsessed with snakes. His apartment is full of them, and he treats them as if they were his children. One night Judas' brother persuades him to accompany him to see a dance act at a nightclub. Judas is astounded to see that the act consists of a beautiful Asian woman who dances nude while holding a python. He is immediately smitten, and winds up hiring her to take care of his snakes while he's away on business. However, things start to take a sinister turn.
清朝初年,朝廷有令民间不得习武,少林寺方丈深知这是清廷视武学发源地的少林寺为肉中刺欲除掉的结果,预感少林寺迟早会遭大劫,决定广收俗家弟子予以栽培,将少林绝学遍布民间,以期造成“野草烧不尽”之势。消息一号,渴望习武的血性男儿纷纷响应,其中以方世玉(傅声)、胡惠干(戚冠军)、洪熙官(韦弘)等人求武之心最诚,终入少林寺大门,与他们一同入寺的,还有胡德帝(姜大卫)、蔡德忠(狄龙)等反清义士。 众人虽为大义而来,各人心里却有不同的小九九,并逐渐归入不同派别。而最终成为正义一方的方世玉与胡德帝等人以少林绝学了却了自己的仇恨后,发觉清兵已对少林寺展开偷袭行动,决意为少林寺赴汤蹈火。
这一年是1934年。罗莎和索菲姐妹无法让她们的书《几乎是皇室》出版,因为它缺乏读者所需要的性吸引力。因此,她们决定弃暗投明,以 "托尼-布拉姆 "的名义写一本名为《狮子座标志》的回忆录,这是她们直率的侄子。在回忆录中,罗莎和索菲讲述了她们作为年轻女性的岁月,与她们的姐姐伊莎一起为和蔼可亲的流氓约翰伯爵服务。休伯特伯爵是个不能容忍的假正经,他继承了他表弟约翰的庄园--博霍姆城堡,当他得知自己可能被老太太们的回忆所玷污时,他感到非常震惊--因为他年轻时的罪过并没有被忽视。自然,托尼很快就被认为是他姨妈们疯狂流行的色情小说的作者--而狂热的休伯特伯爵则决心埋葬这本可能毁掉他的书。
犬神制药创始人犬神佐兵卫(三国连太郎 饰)一生不曾娶妻,却有三个女儿松子(高峰三枝子 饰)、竹子(三条美纪 饰)、梅子(草笛光子 饰),另收养恩人野野宫大式孙女珠世(岛田阳子 饰)为义女。犬神生前留有遗书,规定三女只能继承遗产极少部分,多数遗产由珠世获得,然珠世需同犬神三 个孙子中的一个婚配方可继承。犬神家顾问律师嗅到遗产之争背后的血腥气息,从东京请来名侦探金田一耕助(石坂浩二)协助调查。 佐兵卫亲眷集结一起,等待遗嘱宣读。长孙佐清(あおい輝彦 饰)亦从前线战场退役归来,然其面目被毁,终日头戴面具,引起除其母松子之外其他亲人怀疑。佐武(地井武男 饰)与佐智(川口恒 饰)一面调查佐清真实身份,一面向珠世展开情感攻势,但最后皆离奇死亡。 随着死亡增加和调查深入,金田一逐渐发现犬神家辉煌背后诸多不为人知的秘密,真相渐渐浮出水面……