爱尔兰,Redmond Barry(瑞安·奥尼尔 Ryan O'Neal 饰)从小和母亲寄居在舅舅家,后来爱上了他的表姐Nora。Nora的父亲却想把她许配给一个英格兰将军John Quin。于是Barry向Quin提出决斗,决斗中Barry射中了Quin,误以为将他杀 死了,匆忙逃离家乡。路上他遭遇抢劫,走投无路只能加入英国军队。在军队中他才得知,其实Quin并没有死。Barry从英军中出逃,却加入了普鲁士军。战争结束后他成了普鲁士军官Potzdorf的心腹,更让他去监视一个在普鲁士的爱尔兰间谍。Barry却和这个爱尔兰骑士惺惺相惜,爱尔兰骑士带他出入赌场,收获颇丰。Barry觉得自己应该找个有钱的女人,于是盯上了Lyndon爵士的夫人Lady Lyndon。Lyndon爵士病重身亡,一年后,Barry和Lady Lyndon结婚,也成了一名贵族,改名为Barry Lyndon。但Lyndon爵士和Lady Lyndon的儿子Bullingdon却十分不喜欢Barry,Barry也预感到自己的未来将会毁于Bullingdon手中.....
"A many-faceted portrait of those individuals who sought radical solutions to social problems in the United States during the 1960s and 1970s. It cuts back and forth between six major story lines and more than fifty characters, and across a vast landscape, to explore the lifestyles and attitudes of the American left who faced both personal and hhistorical transitions in the period following the Vietnam War."
沙皇的残暴统治让人民们苦不堪言,一群思想先进的贵族青年们决定将他们的力量集结起来,一举推翻沙皇的统治。在十二月,这群有志青年们发起了武装起义,不幸的是,起义失败了,青年们遭到了当局残酷的镇压,领袖人物全部被处以极刑,德鲁别兹卡雅公爵(阿勒克塞·巴塔洛夫 Aleksey Batalov 饰)、伏尔康斯基公爵(奥列格·斯特里仁诺夫 Oleg Strizhenov 饰)等参与者则被流放到了遥远的西伯利亚。 得知丈夫们被流放的消息,德鲁别兹卡雅公爵夫人(伊琳娜·库普琴科 Irina Kupchenko 饰)、伏尔康斯基公爵夫人(纳塔莉亚·邦达尔丘克 Natalya Bondarchuk 饰)等人毅然决然的放弃了优渥的生活,踏上前往西伯利亚的旅途,发誓要和她们的丈夫们同甘共苦。
Under the influence of her "bad" friend, Cathy is caught experimenting with drugs by her religious mother. The parents feel the best thing for their wayward daughter is a little psychiatric observation. Little do they realize they are sending poor, innocent Cathy to a hell-hole of an institution, where she is repeatedly raped, abused, and is in danger of losing her mind. The only doctor who shows her understanding persuades her to be released under his supervision. Cathy soon finds herself traveling from the frying pan into the fire...
冲田哲男因为事业的不顺失去了一切,妻子和儿子亦选择了弃他而去,心中愤愤不平的哲男找到了好友古贺胜与大城浩一,三人相互鼓劲想要自力更生,哪知道大城浩一在工作中受了重伤无钱医治,无奈之下,哲男和古贺胜制作了及其危险的炸弹,并将炸弹偷偷安放在了新干线光号109次客车的2号车厢之中。 一切工作完成之后,冲田哲男联系了新干线管理中心,以全车乘客的性命为筹码,向对方敲诈巨额赎金,如果不能满足其要求,他便会在半个小时之后引爆炸弹。得知此事的乘客们瞬间陷入了混乱之中,其中一名孕妇更是出现了难产症状,急需就医。在列车长青木和新干线管理局局长的里应外合之下,哲男最终落入了法网,乘客亦安全抵达目的地。
In her first onscreen adventure, journalist/photographer Mae Jordan (known to her readers as "Emanuelle") travels to Africa on assignment. Questions of her own racial and sexual identity come to a head as she observes the troubled marriage of her hosts, Ann and Gianni Danieli. Matters are complicated further when Emanuelle finds herself in affairs with both of them, after which she flees Africa, only to be persued by Gianni, who had earlier rejected her and ridiculed her advances.
Clint Ramsey has to leave his job working at Martin Bormann's gas station and flee after his wife is murdered by psycho cop Harry Sledge, who tries to pin the murder on Clint. Crossing America, Clint gets sexually harassed on all sides by various voluptuous nymphomaniacs, and it all ends in a literally explosive climax.
西班牙人在南美洲殖民统治时代,苛捐杂税民不聊生。新总督米格尔在上任途中被杀,临死时把官印交与好友“欧洲第一剑士”唐迭戈(阿兰·德龙 Alain Delon 饰),要其承继遗志。三个月后,新总督突然出现,不过他似乎是一个贵族的纨绔子弟,一切事物均假手他人。与此同时,民传说一位蒙面黑侠从天而降,警恶惩奸,锄强扶弱,"佐罗"的英名不径而走,令殖民者大为头痛,而新总督的身份更令人怀疑。身兼总督和侠客双重身份的迭戈与残暴的韦尔塔上校斗志斗勇,终于在韦尔塔强娶奥顿西娅的婚礼上结果了这个恶棍的性命,为当地百姓除了大害。佐罗告别了好姑娘奥顿西娅,告别了新阿拉贡。这个主持公道、追求自由的义侠佐罗又跨上枣红马去行侠仗义了……