一群躲避警察追捕的搶匪,原想遠走高飛到法國南部悠閒渡日,卻在途經的小村莊惹上更大的麻煩,因為他們碰上了女巫,而且不是普通的女巫。 當好萊塢女明星們紛紛搶著上大銀幕扮巫婆謀害白雪公主,該是卡門莫拉出馬示範的時候了!這位灌溉了多部阿莫多瓦經典的西班牙電影天后,繼《謀財管委會》後再度與艾利克斯德拉伊格萊希亞合作。後者是2012金馬奇幻影展的焦點導演,影迷一定不陌生。 不想假扮單純善良,而要在最荒誕不羈的情境裡榨出靈魂的真實;還要在最悲慘的時候,引你大笑,甚至大叫!這就是伊格萊希亞的能耐。尤其有了卡門莫拉飛天遁地的演技加持,只能說,再壞的男人碰到她,也只有屁滾尿流的份。單單一個眼神就足以令人嚇出一身汗,叫你哭爹喊娘那有什麼難? 所以先問自己:你想參加魔鬼的餐宴或是見證邪惡救世主的誕生儀式嗎?還是對基督、海綿、老鼠加上一個小孩會產生什麼變化感興趣?這就是噩夢/幸福的開始!
安娜(克里斯蒂娜•里奇 Christina Ricci 饰)是一次车祸的幸存者,然而她惊讶的发现自己已经被判定了死亡。证据是她的葬礼已经在准备中,负责人正是葬礼主管艾略特(连姆•尼森 Liam Neeson 饰)。安娜对此既不解又恐惧。因为她很清楚,葬礼的终点就是入棺活埋。她对艾略特现身,希望后者坚持自己还活着的真相。两个人在封闭的停尸间进行着辩论,艾略特坚持履行自己的职责,并对安娜解释她到“来世”的种种缘由。而安娜面对不见底的黑暗,内心无比悲凉。然而,艾略特并不认同安娜的说法。他坚持自己是因为通灵才能辨识安娜的游魂。只有一个人还坚信安娜活着,那就是她的男友保罗(贾斯汀•朗 Justin Long 饰)。他并不认同艾略特的说法,坚持调查安娜的死因,慢慢地,他接近了真相……
A renowned painter who rose from an impoverished past, must confront his once highly abusive addict father, La’Ron, after 15 years of distance between them. Although La’Ron claims to have been reformed by his new relationship with Christ, their reconnection stirs up buried trauma, launching Tarrell into incendiary anxiety, and sending destructive shockwaves through the family. Tarrell must decide if he’s able to forgive, or if he will cut off his father forever.
After a bomb destroys a railway carriage, the four survivors repair to the villa of one, Mrs. Delahunty, a writer of romance novels, a woman with a past. The others are an aging British general, a young German man, and Aimee, an American girl orphaned in the blast. As these four strangers recover in Umbria's countryside and become friends, Aimee's uncle, a cold and childless academic who studies red carpenter ants, arrives to fetch her. Mrs. Delahunty fears this may not be in Aimee's best interests, begins to drink heavily, and fails in her attempts to connect with Aimee's uncle. Meanwhile, a persistent detective investigates the blast. Written by <jhailey@hotmail.com>
James Acaster explores his comedy journey through audience interaction, blending wit and personal stories. He analyzes his material on stage, reflecting on childhood inspirations and his comedic growth during a Northampton show.