Alice (Kristanna Loken) is a ghostwriter for a famous bestselling author. She is half through the work of the his new book, but cannot write anymore. A year before she has had a terrible accident in Malta where she was staying with her husband Max (Antonio Cupo) in his family villa and she was in a coma for two weeks. On waking up she had lost part of her memory and has no recollection of the accident and her stay in Malta. Since then, she has been suffering from depression and has recurrent and cryptic nightmares. Max who is her agent as well persuades her to go back to Malta hoping that something will unblock her mind so she can start working again and meet the last delivery deadline the publisher has given her. In the beautiful Maltese villa surrounded by lemon trees, they are welcomed by a stunning Mediterranean girl Sara (Sarai Givaty) Max has hired to help around the house. the girl immediately establishes a friendship and trust with Alice. Two different women, one sensual and self-assured, the other mysterious and insecure... In the meantime, another stranger Castellano (Giulio Berruti) is snooping around the villa, spying Sara, talking to Alice and exchanging items with a local policeman. Are ours characters really who we think they are? Is there a different version of the truth ?All is about to be seen ...
集结日本、阿根廷、美国、英国、印度及澳洲六位(盖尔·加西亚·贝纳尔、米娅·华希科沃斯卡、 塞巴斯蒂安·席尔瓦、Natasha Khan、阿努拉格·卡施亚普、园子温 、Niclas Larsson)风格截然不同的当代导演独特作品,呈现六种当代不同形式的爱,在失控边缘的各种样貌。 除了盖尔·加西亚·贝纳尔和米娅·华希科沃斯卡两位知名演员跨界执导,曾凭借《丑恶》入选戛纳电影节导演双周的阿努拉格·卡施亚普,以黑色写实风格开创宝莱坞之外的印度新浪潮,带来震撼人心的开场短片,讲述少妇和男孩对于身体的讨论,受限于传统礼教的印度禁恋,展开一发不可收拾的毁灭。 以《坏宝贝》拿下柏林泰迪熊奖的智利导演塞巴斯蒂安·席尔瓦 ,延续同志情欲故事,以纽约街舞少年的同志情愫萌发,带来一个冬夜里的奇幻旅程。 日本鬼才导演园子温更是重口味荤素不拘、语不惊人死不休,讲述一看似平凡无奇的家庭,在妹妹和她男友的性爱俱乐部冒险之旅后,对其他家族成员造成的蝴蝶效应,在纽约翠贝卡影展首映时,引起观众如雷掌声。 结尾则是英国音乐才女娜塔莎汗(Natasha Khan)的首部电影短片,在音乐上被誉为暗黑空灵的娜塔莎,在MV或是专辑...
故事最早始于住在风和海的半神毛伊(道恩·强森 Dwayne Johnson 配音),他偷走了女神的特菲堤之心,导致岩浆魔鬼厄卡陷入疯狂的状态,南太平洋各小岛也面临着毁灭的威胁。一千多年后,某座小岛上的酋长女儿莫阿娜(奥丽依·卡拉瓦霍 Auli'i Cravalho 配音)在父母的呵护下渐渐长大,童年时她曾偶然捡到特菲堤之心,亦曾受到大海的召唤,然而父亲却严厉禁止莫阿娜出海,即使小岛正遭受着死亡的威胁。从奶奶那里,莫阿娜知晓了他们这一族人的历史,于是为了拯救小岛,她依然出海去寻找被困在某地的毛伊,好让他归还特菲堤之心。历经千辛万苦,莫阿娜终于见到了这个传说中的高傲自大的半神。而毛伊则担心特菲堤之心带来霉运拒绝前往。 只不过在命运的指引下,毛伊还是随着莫阿娜踏上未知的征途……
A sequel to the smash hit
A couple hires a live-in nanny to watch the offspring while they work. At first, everything goes perfectly, but when an unsafe incident means the parents no longer want the nanny around, they find out this nanny is savvy at not being evicted from her live-in situation. So savvy, in fact, that she can make these parents' lives a true nightmare.
The film shows an obscure episode from the life of a Stalinist criminal - Colonel of the Office of Public Security, Julia Brystiger. Her nickname was "Bloody Luna" because during interrogations she tortured prisoners with extreme cruelty. At the beginning of 1960s she appeared in Laski near Warsaw, in the Institute for the Blind, where the Primate of Poland, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski, was also a frequent visitor. His imprisonment in the years 1953-1956 was supervised by none other than Julia Brystiger herself. During the difficult and tempestuous conversation with the Primate, Julia Brystiger rejects the communist ideology, asks for her crimes to be forgiven and for help in finding God...
小有名气的15岁平面模特满月夏芽(小松菜奈 饰)不得不跟随父母回到老家,帮助年迈的爷爷打理旅店。美丽的女孩很快结识了新朋友,同时也认识了那个周身闪着白色光芒的长谷川航一朗(菅田将晖 饰)。阿航是当地神主一族的孩子,但是他无拘无束,经常干一些出格的事。他时不时戏耍夏芽,而夏芽则对这个坏男孩颇有好感。在阿航的鼓励下,女孩重拾信心,继续自己的艺能事业。在某个祭典之夜,一桩意外降临在少男少女的头上。失落的夏芽和阿航分手,阿航则堕落成街头混混。在此期间,两人的同学大友胜利(重冈大毅 饰)鼓舞着夏芽,两人越走越近…… 本片根据ジョージ朝倉发表在《别册Friend》(讲谈社)上的同名漫画改编。