母亲(松佳·里奇特 Sonja Richter 饰)病重,艾尔玛(Harald Kaiser Hermann 饰)和艾瑞克(Albert Rudbeck Lindhardt 饰)兄弟两人无人照顾,只能被送往由校长赫克(拉斯·米科尔森 Lars Mikkelsen 饰)所开办的寄宿学校之中。赫克是一个信奉暴力的男人,他坚信,唯有通过武力才能够令学校中的孩子们真正信服,才能够引导他们走上正确的道路。 兄弟两人在这座名为学校实为监狱的牢笼之中受尽折磨,圣诞节妈妈会来接他们回家的承诺成为了他们生存下去的唯一动力,然而,两人等啊等啊,等来的却是妈妈的死讯。莉莉安(苏菲·格拉宝 Sofie Gråbøl 饰)是学校里新上任的文学教师,她敏锐的察觉到了这所学校里正在发生的惨无人道的暴行,却对这一切无能为力。
故事发生于一座位于法国的偏僻小村落里,让皮埃尔(弗朗索瓦·克鲁塞 François Cluzet 饰)是这里唯一的一名医生。在这里工作的这七年间,皮埃尔没有休息过一天,矜矜业业的照顾着整个村子的居民们的身体健康,在深得村民们的爱戴和信赖的同时,让皮埃尔也在透支着自己的健康。 终于有一天,让皮埃尔的身体支撑不住了,当全村唯一的医生生病倒下后,该由谁来为他看病呢?此时,一位名叫娜塔莉(玛丽安娜·德尼库尔 Marianne Denicourt 饰)的年轻女医生接过了让皮埃尔手中的接力棒。对于娜塔莉来说,在村子里工作的最大困难,并不是医疗资源或者人手的短缺,而是她无法打破让皮埃尔和村民们建立起的深深的信任关系。
Based on the book of The Shadow World, this feature length documentary is an investigation into the multi-billion dollar international arms trade. Directed by Johan Grimonprez and based on Andrew Feinstein’s globally acclaimed book The Shadow World: Inside the Global Arms Trade, the film SHADOW WORLD reveals how the international trade in weapons - with the complicity ofgovernments and intelligence agencies, investigative and prosecutorial bodies, weapons manufacturers, dealers andagents - fosters corruption, determines economic and foreign policies, undermines democracy and creates widespreadsuffering. SHADOW WORLD posits an alternative through the experience of a peace activist and war correspondent, aswell as the stories of Eduardo Galeano. But ultimately the film reveals the real costs of war, the way the arms trade drives it, how the weapons ofwar are now being turned against the citizens of liberal democracies, and how the ‘shadow world’ is taking over. In the hopes that in understanding how our realties are being constructed, audiences may see through this horror, and create a better future… (more info on cinando.com)
L’histoire méconnue d’un sport qui fait désormais partie de nos vies : la course à pied. Au début des années 1960, les premiers joggeurs sont vus comme des extra-terrestres, et se cachent pour courir. Et quand les premières courses naîtront, les femmes devront se battre pour y participer contre les fédérations et les autorités, conservatrices – la course comme combat politique et outil d’émancipation féminine ! Naissance des marathons, de revues spécialisées, apparition des premiers champions amateurs, croissance d’un business… Un récit passionnant et stimulant, composé d’interviews et de nombreuses images d’archives étonnantes et poignantes, narré par Philippe Torreton.
故事发生在两伊战争期间,业已成家生子的Shideh(Narges Rashidi 饰)渴望回到大学校园完成学业,然而历史问题使她的学业之梦彻底破灭。她的丈夫Iraj(Bobby Naderi 饰)是一名事业有成的医生,Iraj不久前接到征兵通知,这让本来心情烦乱的Shideh愈加焦躁不安。令人不快的争吵过后,一家三口凄凄诀别。他们的小女儿Dorsa(Avin Manshadi 饰)夜晚无法安然入睡,Dorsa从小伙伴那里听说了巨灵的恐怖故事,这让她心有惴惴,时刻担心恐怖降临。 战火里家门口越来越近,死亡时刻威胁着这对孤单的母女,而超自然的现象也相继在风雨飘摇的家中发生……
这部电影集滑雪各个方面于一身,为所有观众打造了一部精彩的电影。滑雪是一项美丽的运动,这部电影捕捉到了在深粉雪中滑雪或撕掉新鲜美容师的感觉。我会向我的滑雪伙伴推荐这部电影,但也推荐给对这项运动一无所知的人。滑雪可以让您以其他方式无法比拟的方式了解世界各地。 《追影》的剧情很棒,很能吸引观众的兴趣。这部电影中使用的音乐很棒。将电子音乐与西方音乐相结合,有一首适合各种心情的歌曲。我喜欢滑雪,这部电影是表达滑雪之美的绝佳方式。
汤姆(何塞·加西亚 José Garcia 饰)是一名在巴黎生活的整形医生,在那些渴望变美的女人们面前,他就是宛如造物主一般的存在,但对于汤姆来说,每天都在重复着同样的生活令他倍感疲惫,并且产生了逃离的想法。茱莉亚(Caroline Vigneaux 饰)是汤姆的妻子,身怀六甲的她即将临盆,可即便是这样特殊的时刻,塔姆还是决定带着她以及两个正值调皮捣蛋年纪的孩子,前往法国南部的村落度假。 这本该是一次温馨的家庭旅行,谁知道,在临走之前,茱莉亚那风流成性大大咧咧的外公本(安德烈·杜索里埃 André Dussollier 饰)突然决定加入他们。不仅如此,汤姆还发现,自己引以为傲的拥有自动巡航功能的跑车,在出发后没多久,自动巡航的功能就发生了故障。
故事发生在1819年的诺曼底,刚刚结束了修道院的修行的年轻女子珍妮(茱迪丝·谢拉 Judith Chemla 饰)怀揣着对未来的期待和幻想回到了家乡。在那里,他邂逅了名为朱利安(茱迪丝·谢拉 Judith Chemla 饰)的年轻男子,两人很快就决定携手步入婚姻的殿堂。然而,新婚的快乐并没能够维持太久,很快,珍妮就发现朱利安其实是一个虚伪而又薄情的花花公子,他不仅对珍妮非常的粗暴和冷淡,而且和珍妮最好的朋友有一腿。 朱利安彻底摧毁了珍妮对家庭和承诺的幻想,最终,他为自己的行为付出了惨痛的代价,但他的死并没能安抚珍妮受伤的心灵,因为对她来说,一个噩梦结束了,另一个噩梦开始了。
Starring David Walliams in a TV version of his own book, it tells the story of 12-year-old Joe who has everything he could ever want from his billionaire father Len except for a friend. The cast includes John Thomson (The Fast Show, Cold Feet) as Len and Catherine Tate (Doctor Who, The Catherine Tate Show) as Sapphire Diamond, a 40-something hand model who still likes to pretend she’s 21 and is dating Len for his money. Playing Joe’s shy and very nervous head teacher is James Fleet (Vicar Of Dibley, Partners In Crime) while Rebecca Front (The Thick Of It) has been cast as Joe’s firm but fair, opera-loving teacher. Walliams (Little Britain, Big School, Britain’s Got Talent) plays Mrs Trafe, a dinner lady at Joe’s school who is described as "dirty and old and dreadful at cooking".
Journey from the depths of the Pacific Ocean into the far reaches of space on a quest to find something that changes everything...signs of life, somewhere else in the universe. With cutting-edge imagery from the world's most powerful telescopes, The Search for Life in Space takes audiences from the surface of Mars and the icy moons of Jupiter and Saturn, to the extreme lava fields of Hawaii and thermal vents deep beneath the sea. In these harsh environments, astrobiologists look for clues to how life takes hold. As this immersive adventure into the universe reveals the possibility of planets like ours, The Search for Life in Space will make you re-examine such fundamental questions as: "Where did we come from?", "How did we get here?" and "Are we alone?"
Trapped in the padded white room of an abandoned asylum, a helpless man awakens, only to find himself chained down to a medical chair. There, a demented surgeon and his equally deranged assistant embark on a seemingly endless series of chirurgical tortures, unlocking new levels of pain and suffering, one excruciating procedure after another. Intent on harvesting the captive's endorphin-infused blood, the maniacal doctor mutilates the feeble flesh and breaks the naked bones, until the phial is filled with the life-giving substance. However, in this hellish purgatory of anguish and torment, the man finds the strength to cling to hope, as he keeps finding hand-written notes in his grim cell. Could there be another tormented patient in this nightmarish facility? Is there an escape from the never-ending agony?
历经重重洗礼,戚百草(安悦溪饰)正式踏上元武道的征程,进入了元武道界观众的眼中,她用独创的绝招旋风三连踢,双重三连踢,旋转风暴等一路制霸日本、新加坡等各类积分赛,终于取得市青赛资格,并晋级俱乐部赛,更因为美少女挑战赛错手将故友劲敌婷宜(赵圆瑗饰)踢成了植物人而练习寸止,让她对元武道又有了深刻的新领悟。 然而不幸的是若白却永远地离开了她。面对失去若白的元武道,百草不知道再有什么理由继续,她想用训练来麻痹自己,可是她却不知道失去若白的元武道重点该在何处。就在这时,百草遇见冷峻神秘、天赋异禀的长安(池昌旭饰)。长安受若白嘱托代替训练百草,帮松柏渡过难关,在外人看来长安用残酷的方法训练百草,但其实只是想最大限度地开发她的极限,但他却渐渐被这个看似坚强努力,实则脆弱倔强的女孩打动了。在长安带领下,她重新感受到松柏的温暖和元武道精神,两人情愫在发酵。 从小一起长大的兄弟三人最后只剩廷皓(陈翔饰)一人,他想戒掉爱百草,却始终无能为力,直到疼爱的妹妹婷宜发生意外,让廷皓固守的世界观崩塌,他却靠着自己从绝望里爬了起来。廷皓变了,但他对百草,却依旧是以前那个温柔的为她排忧解难的骑士。 百草该如何走出若白离去的阴影?又将如何面对长安、廷皓的感情?这些年轻人命运巨变的背后又隐藏着怎样的秘密?这个倔强善良的姑娘,能否坚持梦想冲刺巅峰,收获属于自己的幸福?