焦娇(汤唯 饰)15岁就来到了澳门,过着颠沛流离的生活,之后成为了赌场公关。罗大牛(吴秀波 饰)早年来到美国,一番摸爬滚打,如今已经是小有名气的加州房地产经纪人,事业一帆风顺的他在情场上自然步步为赢,是公认的钻石王老五。 一本名为《查令十字街84号》的书让这一对生活毫无交集的男女走到了一起,两人通过电子邮件进行交往,透过种种误会和波折,最终发现彼此是自己的灵魂伴侣。在此期间,焦娇徘徊在郑义(陆毅 饰)、邓先生(王志文 饰)和诗人(祖峰 饰)之间不知何去何从,而罗大牛则在同华裔老夫妻林平生(秦沛 饰)和唐秀懿(吴彦姝 饰)的交往当中逐渐发现了人生的道义。
九十年代初的西部小城,结束了小升初考试的张小雷(孔惟一 饰)终于迎来了盼望已久的没有作业的暑假。然而这个自由的,炎热的夏天并不是想象中那样红火热烈,更多是平常反复的家庭生活和大把闲工夫。恰逢那一年国家开始实施国有单位转型,铁饭碗被打破,张小雷父亲(张晨 饰)的单位也受到改革冲击,他们生活的家属院 里每一个家庭的生活都被改革影响着。孩子们整日百无聊赖,而看似平静的大人们,心却像烈日炙烤着那般燥热。张小雷就那么静静的耗着,感受着身边隐隐发生的一切。直到父亲为了生活同其他人远走他乡,家里只剩下了母子俩,张小雷才着实感觉到时间过去了,生活不一样了。立秋那天夜里,张小雷家的昙花在院子里悄然开放,像是意味着什么……
Alice (Kristanna Loken) is a ghostwriter for a famous bestselling author. She is half through the work of the his new book, but cannot write anymore. A year before she has had a terrible accident in Malta where she was staying with her husband Max (Antonio Cupo) in his family villa and she was in a coma for two weeks. On waking up she had lost part of her memory and has no recollection of the accident and her stay in Malta. Since then, she has been suffering from depression and has recurrent and cryptic nightmares. Max who is her agent as well persuades her to go back to Malta hoping that something will unblock her mind so she can start working again and meet the last delivery deadline the publisher has given her. In the beautiful Maltese villa surrounded by lemon trees, they are welcomed by a stunning Mediterranean girl Sara (Sarai Givaty) Max has hired to help around the house. the girl immediately establishes a friendship and trust with Alice. Two different women, one sensual and self-assured, the other mysterious and insecure... In the meantime, another stranger Castellano (Giulio Berruti) is snooping around the villa, spying Sara, talking to Alice and exchanging items with a local policeman. Are ours characters really who we think they are? Is there a different version of the truth ?All is about to be seen ...