When song-and-dance man Harry Van returns from World War I, he finds work hard to come by. His greatest success comes as straight man in a phony vaudeville mind-reading act with the tipsy Madame Zulieka. While on tour in Omaha he meets acrobat Irene Fellara, and they have a brief romance. Twenty years later while Harry is on tour in Europe with a troupe of leggy blonde dancers, his train is stopped at the Swiss border and he finds himself stranded in the Alps in anticipation of World War II hostilities. Harry and his chorines take refuge in an Alpine hotel with a group of disparate travelers who are also marooned there. Among them are an American pacifist, British newlyweds, a cancer researcher, a German munitions manufacturer, and a beautiful blonde expatriate Russian aristocrat who looks suspiciously like the Irene of two decades earlier.
本片是费拉里对现代社会文明和小家庭中男子的作用的最新探讨的成果。工程师热拉尔德被妻子抛弃了,并把小儿子皮耶罗特留给了他。当工厂宣布休假时,他把保姆当作情人;在短短的时间内,他重新经受了令人伤脑筋的以两性斗争为特点的两人关系发展的全过程。热拉尔德完全被以性交为表现的男性意识所支配。当他同情人的关系发生危机时,他的情人却和他的前妻成了好朋友。他出于抗议和绝望用一把厨房用的电锯把自己的生殖器割掉了。这个可以作为模式的事件的大部分 (就象在戏剧舞台上一样)发生在一套高层小公寓里。费拉里批判了他的主人公的大男子主义,同时也表现了由于生活(工作,住宅,千篇一律的生活秩序,孤独寂寞)造成的绝望和灰心丧气。如果说影片留下了一种相互矛盾的印象,那是由于影片以独特的方式提出了问题:这个男人是他的行为的牺牲品,也是妇女全面反抗的牺牲品;费拉里在这部影片中同样使用了多种手法,而且通过一些“煽动性"的细节和效果来吸引更多的观众。
普通人的命运在轰轰烈烈的时代面前总是渺小到可以忽略不计。个人,如果勇敢地站出来想阻止时代洪流,多少像奋力扑向风车的唐吉坷德,往往只能当殉道者,而更多时候,个人甚至连选择当旁观者的权利也没有。可是普通人的悲剧,无疑能照出历史的荒谬与残忍。 1945年日本无条件投降后台湾光复,基隆一户林姓人家眼见也要过上好日子,但人算不如天算,林家大小波折从此不断。“二•二八”事件发生后,家中的四兄弟更是只剩下老老实实开有一家照相馆的聋哑人老四林文清(梁朝伟)。然而悲剧并没到此终止,因为和进步人士有联系,林文清也没能逃脱被逮捕的命运,到此,林家男子只剩林文清和吴宽美(辛树芬)的幼儿——他尚呆在襁褓中咿呀咿呀地学语。
《妈妈》讲述了发生在孩子和母亲之间的动人故事。即使是“冤家”一般的母亲、不讲道理的母亲,又或者是总跟在身边寸步不离的母亲,她都是“我”在这个世界上唯一的母亲。 这是三个关于母亲与孩子的故事。 我妈妈每天都很辛苦,除了做配送员,整个下午还要做保洁员。生活如此艰难,她仍希望可以带着生病的我环游世界。为了妈妈,我努力训练自己做些力所能及的事情,并且努力学习。但妈妈看起来状况越来越差。慈悲的上帝,可否让我的妈妈一天一天好起来呢? 我妈妈,不,是张教授啦。她是全国首屈一指的女高音,优雅的背后却是狼狈的、像个侍女一样的我。我基本包揽了幕后的所有琐事,仍是麻烦不断。我和她似乎更像一对冤家,水火不容。她知不知道,其实,我也是很有天赋的? 我和妈妈有时让人感觉更像恋人。她年纪大了,却还是一副天真的小女孩相,有点肉麻。有一天,我得知她患了乳癌,而且面临手术。对于一个像妈妈这样的女人来说,切掉一个乳房简直是不能想象的事情。更糟的是,我其实是个混混,可为了让妈妈放心,我一直骗她说自己是个英语老师
Lera is a sociology student at a small-town university. Her mother is a sleepwalker who believes in miracles, and her father just left the family for another woman. Lera has no idea how to make her life better. And one more thing: a spirit keeps visiting her dreams at night. And the harder Lera's life gets, the more often she has these dreams. That is, until the spirit steps into the world of the living.
音乐厅中传来枪声,观众们一片惊慌。一位外国女子(露西•曼娜海姆饰)询问理查德•汉内(罗伯特•多纳特饰)是否可以在他家中过夜。次日该女子在被杀之前告诉理查德必须阻止间谍组织“三十九级台阶”将国家机密偷偷送出英国。汉内为了证明自己并不是杀人凶手无奈前往苏格兰高地寻找线索,在火车上他寻求一位叫做帕梅拉(玛德琳•卡罗尔饰)的金发年轻女子帮助,但她却马上向警察告发了他。他找到了“三十九级台阶”的领导人乔丹教授,但随即被陷害入狱。侥幸逃脱后又由于帕梅拉的告发被两位伪装成便衣警察的人带走,并且他们还把帕梅拉和他铐在了一起。于是两人携手逃脱了出来并取得了互相的信任,然后他们再次回到音乐厅,汉内看到了上次就见过的表演。他向号称可以回答任何问题的“记忆先生”(怀特•沃森饰)提问:“什么是三十九级台阶“,于是…… 希区柯克曾说“记忆先生“是他最喜欢的角色之一,这个角色建立在一个名叫达塔斯的真人基础上,他自己小时候在伦敦看过他的表演。
Billed as an allegory about America’s fractured politics and culture, the film follows Simon, an up-and-coming commentator whose world is turned upside down when his best friend and debate opponent suffers a fatal heart attack. Simon refuses to leave the spotlight at an annual thought-leader summit, leading to an obsession with his new opponent and a growing rift with his ailing wife, Claire.
This is the second film about the detective Feluda (Soumitra Chatterjee) set in the holy city of Benares, where he (along with his cousin, Topshe and friend, Lalmohan Ganguly) goes for a holiday. But the theft of a priceless deity of Lord Ganesh (the Elephant God) from a local household forces him to start investigation. Feluda comes in direct confrontation with Maganlal Meghraj (Utpal Dutt), a ruthless trader. Maganlal makes the mild-mannered Lalmohan a knife-thrower's target and threatens Felu to stop investigation. But there are several other suspects as an innocent artisan is brutally murdered, a shady 'holy man' holds court on the banks of the Ganges and an adventure-loving little boy (and his grand-father), brought up on crime thrillers. The climax is a shoot-out on the Ganges, followed by the unraveling of the mystery.
The unexpected death of the family patriarch throws every member of the Ullmann clan off course. Widow Dafna takes to bed for three months and when she finally returns to her job at the maternity hospital, she has little time for her children. Eldest son, Yair drops out of school and adopts a fatalist attitude, shutting out his siblings and girlfriend. His twin sister Maya, a talented musician, feels the most guilt and is forced to act as a family caregiver at the expense of career opportunities. Bullied at school, younger son Ido responds by obsessively filming himself with a video camera and attempting dangerous feats. The baby sister, Bar, is woefully neglected. Preoccupied with their own misery, the family is barely a family anymore. When another tragedy strikes, will they be able to support one another? Written by Sujit R. Varma
36岁的公司职员贝葛娜(劳拉·莫兰特 Laura Morante 饰)性感美丽,但是她雍容端庄的外表下却有着常人难以理解的疯狂与放荡。她与家人的关系格外紧张,特立独行且显得愤世嫉俗。她似乎始终在寻找爱情,却又不相信爱情,每时每刻周游在各类男人之间,尽情享受肉体的欢愉,然而总也找不到可以依靠的港湾。无论是年龄悬殊的老画家,还是故作严肃的同事,抑或是多年未见的情人,又或者是初出茅庐面带青涩的大男孩(Miguel Ángel García 饰),从来无法让贝葛娜做过多停留。她沉浮于世,只有那来自陌生国度的高科技产品似乎能读懂她深邃不可见的内心…… 本片根据Fernando G.Delgado的获奖小说改编。
年近三十的法拉(艾曼纽·斯高顿 Emmanuel Schotté 饰)是一名警察,至今仍和母亲同住的他有着一颗异常单纯而敏感的心,在他的心里住着一个名叫朵蜜诺(赛芙琳·卡尼尔 Séverine Caneele 饰)的女孩,可是这个女孩却是自己最好的朋友的女朋友,这让法拉感到既痛苦又沮丧。其实朵蜜诺对老实可靠的法拉也心生好感,可她离不开男友带给自己的肉体上的快感,在愧疚中她只能一次次的用余光向法拉发出求救的信号。 一宗少女奸杀案让法拉所在的小镇炸了锅,而查找真凶的重任则落在了法拉的肩上,怀着对凶手的愤怒和对受害者的怜悯,法拉发誓一定要查明真相,而在追凶的过程中,法拉领略到了人性中那既美好又丑恶的独特的风光。