这看似太平盛世的烟火人间,其实并非只有人类存在。一直以来,世间的小妖小仙都化作人形生活在我们身边,之中有与人为善者,自然也有作恶多端者,而维持这一切秩序和平的人,便是隐匿江湖的秘密组织,雾隐门。 恶妖天邪企图利用太岁铲除雾隐门建造妖国,却不料太岁意外附到了吴因身上。自此,吴因由一名地痞流氓变成了依靠太岁力量施展绝技的高人,但行为举止也常会被太岁左右。与此同时,雾隐门弟子风小小为寻太岁踪迹找到了吴因,试图阻止天邪为祸世间的计划。最终,吴因决定利用自身的力量操控太岁,以阻止天邪的邪恶计划,拯救万千百姓。就在他与风小小联手击败天邪的同时,一个在风小小心中隐藏了多年的秘密,终于浮出水面……
故事发生在长沙的一个奇妙的夜晚。夜猫子景为为(尹昉 饰)在书店邂逅了明早将要离开故乡的何西西(张婧仪 饰),俩人相约搭伙夜游。何西西聊起同父异母的哥哥,脱口秀演员何岸(张艺兴 饰),就在今晚的演出上,何岸的父亲(罗钢 饰)出现在观众席中,俩人不欢而散。另一边,陈清智(白宇帆 饰)、梁宝琦(周思羽 饰)、老谢(吴军 饰)守护着摩天轮,他们边欣赏夜景,边感叹打工不易。夜更深了,这一晚也是网红大排档老板娘丽姐(苏岩 饰)最后一次掌勺做粉,她决定让自己的徒弟旭哥(吴昊宸 饰)接手继续经营大排档。夜晚即将过去,一群人一起坐在大排档里嗦粉,邂逅、热爱、留下、离开、和解、团圆,都发生在这座城市里,每个人都找到了深爱这里的理由。
Twenty-year-old Elya is a student and a future ecologist. One day, Matvey, the head of a construction company, comes to her university to talk about a development plan on the site of an old forest park. Elya does not hesitate to smash his project to smithereens. Matvey is intrigued by the girl's self-confidence and uses his usual methods of influence - he simply tries to "buy" her. But Elya doesn't need a sponsor. Then Matvey, surprised by her impregnability, offers Elya a bet: seven romantic days according to his rules. If after that the girl still decides to leave, he will refuse to build a skyscraper in the forest park. She agrees when Matvey really suspends the design work. Elya sees herself as something like the heroine of the film Pretty Woman, but Matvey turns out to be not at all the person she imagined.
Peter (Sean de Guzman) was a videographer for weddings and events. However, on his free time (which is a lot lately), he hung out in a remote picturesque lakeside camping area where couples came to do their coupling in open air. Peter would stalk these couples and sneakily take videos of their lovemaking while getting himself off. He would then post these sex videos on an online porn site to make money out of them. One day, Peter was stalking a young woman Mia (Cara Gonzales) and videoed her while she was taking a shower. Instead of getting angry, Mia was friendly to him. However, she had a gruff and sinister-looking boyfriend RJ (Josef Elizalde) with her, who did not appreciate Peter hanging around with his girlfriend. The next time Peter was surreptitiously videoing Mia and RJ having sex, he witnessed Mia suddenly slash RJ in the neck.
“Secrets Of The Elephants”, which is going to be premiering on Friday, 21st April 2023 on National Geographic, with all episodes being able to stream on Earth Day on Saturday, 22nd April 2023 on Disney+ and Hulu. Executive produced by Academy Award-winning filmmaker and National Geographic Explorer-at-Large James Cameron and narrated by Academy Award-winning actress, Natalie Portman. Elephants are powerful, loving and wise, but we are only starting to unlock their deepest secrets. The ground-breaking, award-winning natural history franchise SECRETS OF returns with its next instalment, “Secrets Of The Elephants”. The series travels the world — from the Savannahs of Africa to the urban landscapes of Asia — to discover the strategic thinking, complex emotions and sophisticated language of elephants, shaping a unique and dynamic culture. Featuring renowned National Geographic Explorer and elephant expert Dr. Paula Kahumbu, the four-part series not only reveals the extraordinary lives of different families of elephants but also highlights how similar they are to us. “Secrets Of The Elephants” will change everything you thought you knew about elephants forever. The four episodes include: 1. Savanna 2. Desert 3. Rainforest 4. Asia
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