Set under the lush canopies of Uganda's Ngogo Forest, scientists and field trackers have lived alongside this tribe for the last 25 years, watching as they built a sophisticated political and familial structure: forming alliances, building trust, caring for one another, and often going head to head in a never ending fight for power. Reed and his team embedded a camera crew to capture an intimate look at the chimps of Ngogo, which saw some of the most tumultuous battles and dramatic changes in the tribe's history. During the series, babies will grow, relationships will blossom, and leaders will rise and fall.
It showcases what happened in 1993 in Waco, Texas when cult leader David Koresh faced off against the federal government in a siege of 51 days.
一百年前,北京这座古老的城市中出现了一种新鲜事物——铛铛车。在此后的漫长岁月里,从这种因为在行驶过程中会发出清脆铃声的铛铛车开始,北京的公交车从无到有,从单机车到“大通道”,从燃油车到新能源车,至今已经“开”过了整整一个世纪。在这100年间,北京公交的面貌在不断发展更新,人民的生活也朝着日益美好不断前行,而国家也在日新月异地向前发展。 1路,北京最早的一条公交线路,于1921年开始规划并建设,当时还是有轨电车,线路全长七公里多。在历经一个世纪的变化更迭后,这条线路如今已经成为北京最繁忙的公交线路之一。这条如今横贯“神州第一街”——长安街的公交线路,不仅见证了北京公交的发展变迁,也见证了北京这座城市的发展变化,更见证了中国从苦难走向辉煌的发展历程。
Matt, an influencer and young parent to newborn Julius, discovers a dark secret from his dementing father's past. He starts an in-depth investigation, which consequently opens a Pandora's box of secrets and unravels more family dramas than anticipated. Matt's wife, Liv, is deeply concerned and will do everything in her power not to lose him, but is it too late..?
传奇摇滚乐队U2主音Bono与吉他手The Edge重返音乐起点都柏林,名嘴大卫·莱特曼与其展开一系列关于音乐、友谊、成长的精彩对谈。