It’s 2011 and we’re in Rome. The government is on the verge of collapse, the Vatican is at crisis point and the city’s squares are quite literally on fire. In the middle world, Cinaglia (Filippo Nigro) has tried to pick up where Samurai left off and, together with Badali (Emmanuele Aita), he is still managing the city’s criminal affairs, with the help of Adelaide (Paola Sotgiu) and Angelica (Carlotta Antonelli), who still head up the Anacletis, and Nadia (Federica Sabatini), who helps them to manage Ostia’s town squares.
Ferry Bouman tries as a novice xtc-producer to get a foothold in the Brabant underworld. With John, brother-in-law Lars, Remco, and Dennis, he fights the immovable drug lord Arie Tack and a notorious motorcycle club to win his place at the top. But only when his lover Danielle learns the dark side of Ferry and his business it becomes clear what price he has to pay to become the greatest.
Zac is a teenage boy who decides to camp on Mako Island, unaware that three mermaids, Sirena, Nixie and Lyla, who are guardians of the island, are watching him. That night, when the full moon rises, the boy comes into contact with the magic water of the Moon Pool. The following morning, Zac wakes up discovering he has become a merman with a fish-like tail and the ability to control and manipulate water. His new-found merman abilities will cause problems for the mermaids. The three mermaids, curious about living on land, are transformed into humans while in the moon pool during a full moon, now having the ability to live like humans.
Hamdi Atilbay 在森林中惨遭谋杀,这起案件将两个阳生人系到了一起。 年轻的检察官 Leyla 想要抛开复杂的过去,重整旗鼓。而Kenan 是一位雄心勃勃的记者,生活井然有序,是一个知名人物。然 而,这起谋杀案不仅预示着他们的爱情,也预示着他们习以为常的人生真相的毁灭。这两个野心勃勃的人物并没有意识到,他们正陷入在利益冲突中拼命想要对方的漩涡。 Kenan 对这位美丽而坚定的检察官一见倾心。然而,Lcyla对 Kenan 持怀疑态度,Kenan 为了自己的事业,隐瞒了他所知道的事情。 Leyla 感到自己有一种说不出的异样感,当见到 Kenan 眼底的陌生人时,很多事情都会说得通。 这起谋杀案吸引Kenan 的,并不只是其新闻价值。Kenan 发现自己无法远离这位不时碰到的检察官,他努力接近Leyla。而 Leyla 也有同样的感觉,尽管多种原因,包括 Kenan 的父亲是首席检察官 Turan,都在迫使她远离 Kenan,但她仍情不自禁地被这个男人吸引。
近期,一部名为《Churails》的巴基斯坦网剧经历了被禁播,又在观众的愤怒下,重新上线的过程。这部10集的连续剧讲述了4个不同背景的女人,因为父权制的不公而走到一起,成立了一个秘密侦探机构“Churails”(女巫)的故事。 四名女主角,一个是曾为律师的上流社会家庭主妇,一个是势利的活动策划人,一个是十几岁的拳击手,一个是刚出狱的杀人犯。她们开了一家时装精品店,作为秘密侦探机构的幌子。这份侦探工作,本是为了帮助怀疑丈夫不忠的女性找到证据,但随着情节的发展,它触及了一些不容忽视的议题,如童婚、骚扰、虐待、强迫婚姻、种族主义、阶级不平等、同性恋等等。从威胁对妻子家暴的丈夫,到解救陷入强迫婚姻中的Churails成员,面纱反而成了她们执行任务时隐藏身份的重要掩护。 该剧在巴基斯坦和印度都获得了热烈的反响。许多人对该剧大加赞赏,说它开辟了新天地,打破了陈规,将坚强的女性置于故事的中心。当地一著名媒体评价其为“女权主义杰作”。然而,由于这部剧涉及女性饮酒、穿着不符合保守要求、使用粗俗语言等场景,同时也遭到了反对。巴基斯坦媒体监管机构要求点播平台下架了该剧集。 此举引发了强烈的反应。巴基斯坦人气女演员Sanam Saeed表示,禁止坦白的电影和网剧,不会终结强奸。著名男演员Usman Khalid Butt也发布了一系列推文,表达他的愤怒,并提醒当局努力解决近日成为头条新闻的强奸案,“哦,你们把《Churails》给禁了?真是恭喜。那现在,就把你们的愤怒集中在‘警方未能逮捕高速公路强奸案的主要嫌疑人’这个事上吧。”还有公众人物表示,既然如此,也该禁止动作片,“因为巴基斯坦也经历了暴力和杀戮危机!”(来源:BBC)