蕾妮·齐薇格将领衔主演NBC犯罪题材限定剧《关于帕姆的那些事》(The Thing About Pam,暂译),齐薇格同时担任执行制作人。该剧将围绕2011年NBC播报的真实犯罪新闻Betsy Faria谋杀案的背后故事展开,Russ Faria谋杀了妻子Betsy Faria,而这一案件则与美国妇女Pamela Marie Hupp2016年在密苏里州奥法伦市的家中谋杀了Louis Gumpenberger交叉在一起,Hupp被判处无期徒刑。NBC已一次性订购该剧6集。
When the pandemic starts, Dona Isadir doesn't think twice about renting out her apartment in Cachambi, in the North Zone of Rio de Janeiro, so she can be closer to her family. She decides unilaterally and without warning to move into the mansion owned by her son Carlos in Barra da Tijuca, much to the dismay of her daughter-in-law, Alice. Her grandchildren, Jonas and Márcia are caught in the crossfire, while the family's longtime employee, Marinez, has a front-row seat to the fireworks. And we haven't even mentioned the parties and cookouts with old friends from Cachambi, namely Fátima and Cezinha.
Ruby centers on Ruby Landry (Raechelle Banno), born in the Louisiana bayou and watched over by her loving Grandmère Catherine (Judd). Ruby is filled with hope as love blooms with her high school sweetheart Paul Tate (Duke), but lingering thoughts of her mysterious father and her mother's death often creep into Ruby's mind. As dark family secrets begin to reveal themselves when Paul's parents forbid him from seeing Ruby, Ruby is further devastated when her beloved Grandmère passes away. Forced to flee to New Orleans from the bayou, Ruby searches for her estranged father (Bellows), one of the richest men in the city, as she clings to her memories of Paul and their forbidden love.
故事发展到第三季,莱侬(玛格丽塔·马祖可 Margherita Mazzucco 饰)终于走出了贫民窟,学有所成的她不仅成为了德高望重的教授,还出版了自己的第一部小说。在和出身名门的皮特罗(马特奥·切基 Matteo Cecchi 饰)结婚之后,他们很快就有了孩子。直到第一个孩子出生之后,莱侬才渐渐发现婚姻带给女人的束缚和摧残,在她和皮特罗的感情岌岌可危之时,尼诺(弗朗西斯·塞尔皮科 Francesco Serpico 饰)的再度出现成为了压垮这段关系的最后一根稻草。 那边厢,莉拉(盖娅·吉拉切 Gaia Girace 饰)终于摆脱了工厂对于她的压榨,要回了本该属于自己的钱。带着儿子,她和恩佐一起搬回了曾经如同噩梦一般困住了她的旧城区,此时,这里的势力格局已经发生改变,即便是曾经的敌人,如今也有了合作的可能性。
In the past, the impossible love of Tahir has been told, with Nefes escaping from the persecution of the man whose money was sold in the past and taking refuge in the Black Sea with his child, and his family's great reaction because he protected him.
M-Net和Fremantle联手打造8集南非罪案剧集《瑞卡 Reyka》,2021年7月于南非M-Net播出,Fremantle负责全球发行。 《闪电侠》的Kim Engelbrecht饰演,Reyka Gama,一位心理有缺陷但才华横溢的犯罪侧写师。备受过去困扰的她,正在调查夸祖鲁-纳塔尔省甘蔗地里一名连环杀手犯下的数起残忍谋杀案。 《权力的游戏》Iain Glen饰演充满魅力的农场主Speelman,很会摆布他人。Reyka在小时候被他绑架过。Reyka因为这段经历内心遭受创伤,但也让她变得擅长进入罪犯大脑,对他们的想法了如指掌。 Peelman对Reyka的影响,以及Reyka和母亲Elsa的关系,构成了故事背景的一部分。
Alibi和PBS Masterpiece联合制作6集罪案剧《安妮卡 Annika》,改编自BBC Radio 4非常成功的广播剧《Annika Stranded》,由Nick Walker创作。 Nicola Walker饰演主角Annika Strandhed,一名敏锐、机智又神秘的督察。剧集讲述Annika领导一支新组建的海上凶案专家组,负责调查发生在苏格兰航道上原因不明、残忍恶劣,看上去难以解释的谋杀案。Annika管理着自己才华横溢但不走寻常路的团队,面对着同样聪慧但心思复杂的青少年女儿,在此过程中,她通过打破第四面墙的形式,让观众成为她的密友,分享她对案件和生活的带着讽刺意味的观察。
本剧改编自ABC News/ABC Radio的同名播客,讲述Elizabeth Holmes及她的公司Theranos如何崛起及坠落。 Amanda Seyfried饰演Elizabeth Holmes,她曾经一度被形容为「下一个乔布斯」,因为她提出一项最新技术能够只抽取少量血液就能立即进行检验,并因此得到多个名人的投资。然而实际上她和公司皆没有硬实力达成此事,于是在利欲熏心下Elizabeth开始不停造假,一度推出了根本没法提供正确数据的验血机;最终一切被拆穿后,Elizabeth现正面临刑事指控,而不认罪的她可能被判长达20年的刑期。 Naveen Andrews饰演Sunny Balwani,他是Elizabeth Holmes的商业拍档兼秘密男友,见证了Theranos的崛起及衰落。在《坏血》一书里,Balwani被指是造就公司里恐惧文化的原因之一。