上世纪60年代,国家启动“三线建设”,109冶奉命进驻荒凉的“金江”,要在不毛之地建起一座年产300万吨级的川南钢铁厂。天才工程师夏方舟(林江国 饰)在老师霍茂森(陈逸恒 饰)的启发下,几经波折来到川南钢铁,与三年前有过惊鸿一面的秦晓丹(孙宁 饰)重逢。他们在领导赵殿楚(郝平)的指导,陈国民师傅(朱宏嘉 饰)的带领下,与季成钢(李帅 饰)、武本奇(蔡家明 饰)、李心梅(韩与诺 饰)等青年建设者们,从零开始将弄弄坪建设成为新兴工业城市。中年时代,他们在经历了金江市109冶金建设公司等企业由盛转衰的生存阵痛后,作为老一辈三线建设者,引领青年一代积极顺应国家发展,创新升级新工业体系,抢滩钒钛技术与高铁重轨,带领企业踏上新的征程。
《Come Come Everybody》为NHK预定于2021年秋季播出的第105部晨间小说连续剧,由上白石萌音、深津绘里、川荣李奈主演。 故事描述大正末期日本广播开始之年,祖母安子出生于冈山县的和菓子店,为人温柔直率的安子每天被红豆香气所包围,并祈愿日后家庭的幸福与长久,但战争夺走了她的丈夫,自己也受到开播的英语广播节目影响,将女儿瑠衣独自留在日本只身赴美追梦。1950年代,瑠衣因母亲的影响而憎恨她及使两人分开的英语,但却一脚陷入爵士乐的世界而感到救赎。尔后瑠衣的女儿日向出生于和平及经济飞涨的时代,一直仰慕时代剧的日向最终找到自己在英语广播的定位,祖孙三人同时聆听着相同的英语广播节目,开启未来的道路。
Paris, France, 1899. The corpse of an unknown woman is found in the river Seine. The investigation will push a young ambitious inspector to discover a heavy state secret.
As the NCIS team searches for Gibbs after wreckage from his boat is discovered, they find out he was tracking a serial killer with journalist Marcie Warren, who wrote an exposé on him.
1.Life and Death:Officer Nolan and the entire team race against the clock to locate Lopez after she is kidnapped on her wedding day, not only to save her life but her unborn child’s. 2. Five Minutes:Officer Nolan and Officer Chen’s run-in with an infamous thief tips them off to a potentially big heist surrounding the Getty’s big gala event. Meanwhile, Nolan works up the courage to ask Bailey out on date. 3.In the Line of Fire:Officer Nolan and officer Chen report to a structure fire and suspect that there is more to the situation than meets the eye. Meanwhile, after witnessing a sniper shooting, the team searches for the shooter and discovers that the perpetrator has a connection to one of their own.