高中彼此看不顺眼的佳晨(杨谨华 饰)和青语(陈嘉桦 饰),长大后青语因缘际会成为佳晨的性治疗个案,两人该如何在咨商与治疗的过程中,找到性与爱的平衡呢? 美丽奔放型的佳晨,是一名具有护理、心理双证照的性治疗师。热爱运动的佳晨,也勇于性的探索,但熟稔性爱技巧的她,仍在情场受挫。佳晨和旧爱王纪华外型登对、性格合拍,却因性事卡关,王纪华某日更无预警人间蒸发 。 森林系风格的图书馆员青语,有外人羡慕的理想家庭和工作,却无法跟老公阿哲做爱。青语想找人倾诉,但她的图书馆好同事们自身难保,各自情感关系岌岌可危。 青语因缘际会成为佳晨的个案,在佳晨协助青语解开性问题的过程中,陆续有早泄菜市场扛坝子、未成年、SM直播主、老年女同志⋯⋯等个案找佳晨协助,其中还有固定电话咨询的神秘男子Z。 当青语逐渐勇于面对自我,和阿哲揭开过往伤疤,两人关系也来到临界点。而曾让佳晨伤心的王纪华,又重新走进佳晨的生命。懂性的佳晨,该如何学习爱? 两个性格迥异的女人,各自在探索性的疗程中,找到爱的救赎。
“Bad Monkey” tells the story of Andrew Yancy (Vince Vaughn), who has been bounced from the Miami Police Department and is now a health inspector in the Keys. But after stumbling upon a case that begins with a human arm fished up by tourists, he realizes that if he can prove murder, he’ll be back in. He just needs to get past a trove of Floridian oddballs and one bad monkey.
In “Inganno” Gabriella – who is being played by veteran Italian stage and screen actress Monica Guerritore (“My Big Gay Italian Wedding”) – is the proud owner of a luxury hotel on the Amalfi Coast. She is a classy woman, proud of being in good shape at 60, with three grown kids. Gabriella intersects with Elia (Gianniotti) who is the same age as her oldest son and exerts an irresistible power of attraction on her. For Elia she will be ready to put everything on the line, “even her relationship with her children and their inheritance,” according to the provided synopsis. See first look image above.
Milan, 2030; where only eight years earlier the independent global spy agency Citadel was wiped out by Manticore, the powerful enemy syndicate that manipulates the world from the shadows. Since then, Diana Cavalieri (who is an undercover Citadel agent) is alone, trapped behind enemy lines as a mole in Manticore. When Diana finally sees a way out and the chance to disappear forever, her only option is to trust the most unexpected ally, Edo Zani, heir of Manticore Italy, son to the head of the evil syndicate's Italian unit; who just so happens to be vying for Manticore's leadership against other European families.
Paramount+确认Kelsey Grammer主演的Frasier重启剧将会续订第二季,饰演Roz的Peri Gilpin回归出演,同样回归的还有饰演Bulldog的Dan Butler和饰演Gil的Edward Hibbert
该剧根据“七一勋章”获得者张桂梅事迹改编。 张桂梅(宋佳 饰)是中国西部山区的一名普通中学女教师,多年间她不断目睹自己的女学生因家庭贫穷而辍学,在15、16岁的年纪或嫁人生子、或外出打工,这让张桂梅无比痛心和惋惜。她立志要办一所全免费的女子高中,让这些大山里的女孩获得受教育的机会、能够考上大学、走出大山,彻底改变 命运。2008年,全中国唯一一所全免费的女子高中成立,在没老师、没学生、没经费、没经验的重重困境下,张桂梅带领女高师生们完成了不可能的任务:让学习基础极度落后的女高学生们,全部考上了大学。这所女子高中让一批批女孩走出了大山,改变了命运。然而随着学校的发展,越来越多大山里贫困女生前来报考,新的问题和困难也随之而来……