Nestled in lavender fields is a lovely little farm where sisters Jill and Jacky nurture and love all their animals—including the talking ones. Being a young farmer isn’t easy, but every day brings adventure and a chance to grow. Stream Lovely Little Farm on June 10, only on Apple TV+
普帕和南法从小就是最好的朋友,这使他们有着难以置信的亲密友谊。他们互相承诺永远不离开对方,但无论如何,普帕还是禁不住害怕失去南法。当超越友谊的感情成为障碍时,这样的承诺能不被打破吗? Phupha and Nanfah have been best friends since childhood, leading them to have an incredibly close friendship. They made a promise to each other to never leave the other, but Phupha can't help but fear losing Nanfah anyway. Can such a promise not be broken when feelings of more than friendship get in the way?
泽维尔·多兰计划将米歇尔·马克·布沙尔编剧的舞台剧《劳里尔·高德罗苏醒之夜》(La nuit où Laurier Gaudreault s’est réveillé,暂译)改编为一套限定剧,多兰将身兼导演与编剧为一身。原版舞台剧围绕着国际死亡学家梅里耶展开,她回到家乡为母亲的遗体做防腐处理。而这也成为她与家人团聚的契机。通过角色之间轻松和痛苦混杂的交流,观众可以发现梅里耶幼时喜欢在夜晚乱跑到别人家中,去看人们入睡。但当一天晚上,她潜入到劳里尔·高德罗的家中时,女孩目睹了一场意外,这也把她的生活变成谎言和罪恶的深渊。该剧在去年5月公演,收获了剧评家的大量好评。该限定剧有可能会在Netflix播出。而早在2013年,多兰就曾把布沙尔2011年的舞台剧改编为同名影片[汤姆的农场旅行]。
主人公文森佐是一个名不见经传的律师,主要负责民事诉讼案。虽然本职工作干得平庸无起色,待人接物时常迷糊,但他的脑子里有丰富的哲学思想。电视剧的一条主线为他的私生活:能力广受认可的心理咨询师妻子与其离了婚,但再婚后却又与他多次出轨。文森佐想复婚但屡屡被拒…… 电视剧的另一条主线则是文森佐的工作,有一天他无奈接下了一起黑帮分尸案,之后便被卷入了无限的刑事案件中。@弯弯字幕组原创翻译中意双语
Antoine Verlaque, Investigating Judge in Aix-en Provence with his romantic partner Marine Bonnet investigates the murders, mysteries, and dark underbelly of their idyllic home in the south of France.
Coming from rural Thailand, Mon moves to Bangkok to start university. On his first day in the big city, he meets Sow, a local musician, who shows him around. During a drunk night, Sow kisses Mon. Mon, confused, leaves. However, Mon quickly finds out Sow is also a freshman in his same faculty! Sow learns of Mon's love for basketball and decides to join the same team with him. In one of the matches, Mon gets injured and Sow starts taking care of him. Saint, Mon's high school teammate, confesses his love for him too. In the end, which team will Mon choose? Sow or Saint?