12月6日(金)に公開される劇場版をもって、シリーズ完結となることが発表された米倉涼子主演の大ヒット作『ドクターX~外科医・大門未知子~』(2012年~)。そのスピンオフドラマとして、2016年に誕生したのが…勝村政信が主演を務める『ドクターY~外科医・加地秀樹~』。《腹腔鏡の魔術師》と崇められるほど腕はいいが、人としては何だか残念…もとい、非常に人間らしい人気キャラ――群れを好み、金を愛し、腹腔鏡のスキルと要領の良さだけを武器に突き進む外科医・加地秀樹を主役に据えた大好評シリーズが、3年ぶりに放送されることが決定! 『劇場版ドクターX FINAL』の公開に先駆け、《待望の第7弾》を《2時間スペシャル》でお届けします。
走山人子张天正因中毒变得痴傻,和孙子张北辰平静地生活在青石村,神秘女子段思言的出现打破了爷孙原本平凡的生活,张北辰这才知道自己对爷爷一无所知。被张北辰救下的段思言此番前来却是想杀了张北辰为父母报仇,并且还提到奇门中一件惨烈的往事“金乌之变”。 二人达成契约寻找往事真相,张北辰决定继承爷爷的往生刃,成为一名走山人,并解开爷爷中毒的真相。自此,走山人张北辰,武功高强的段思言,鬼医传人卫灵儿,北马马天虹一起踏上寻找真相的旅途。一路上,经历了各种各样的诡异事件,四个少年勇敢无畏,将这些诡谲的事件一一破解,看到了人世间的贪嗔痴恨,也感受到了人与人之间最珍贵的感情。但更多的,这些看似怪力乱神的事件,背后实则是人心的卑鄙龌龊,正所谓“人间无鬼,恶是人心”,一念天堂,一念地狱。 四个少年渐渐靠近真相,父辈的谜团也逐渐浮现,爷爷中毒的背后似乎隐藏更大的阴谋,四人的前路尚未可知……
Maya, a wood factory worker. After losing her parents, Maya had to struggle to support her younger brother, Adi. As an older sister, Maya always tried to keep Adi safe and out of trouble. Maya's efforts were successful at first. Adi and Maya's lives were peaceful. However, the peace of life suddenly changed drastically when Adi suddenly disappeared without a trace. Maya immediately did everything she could to find her younger brother. On the other hand, a journalist named Risang was investigating a corruption case involving Regent Zaenal in the city of Rimbalaya. This investigation led him to Zaenal's rehabilitation center, where Adi was found in suspicious conditions. Risang began to feel that there was something bigger and darker behind the rehabilitation facility. This rehabilitation facility became the beginning of a series of strange events involving undead zombies. Ella, a girl from Jakarta, was accidentally caught up in a tragic event while visiting Rimbalaya to meet her grandmother. Fate brought Ella together with Maya, Risang, and Adi amidst various horrific incidents that continued to occur in the city. Slowly, they were dragged into a dirty political conflict involving power and dark secrets in Rimbalaya. With the situation getting more critical, the threat of the living dead that is increasingly numerous and brutal continues to lurk them. They must also race against time to save themselves and their loved ones. They try to escape from the city before Rimbalaya completely turns into a red zone that cannot be left.
“Douglas Is Cancelled” will see Hugh Bonneville play a middle aged and widely-respected news anchor called Douglas Bellowes while Gillan stars as his canny sidekick Madeline. Douglas lives a perfect life. He enjoys his privileged status as national treasure and host of current affairs show “Live at Six” while off-air he shares a harmonious home with wife Sheila, a newspaper editor. But their world is turned upside down when, at a family wedding, he’s overheard making an “ill-advised joke.” As a guest threatens to expose Douglas on social media the rumor mill goes into overdrive and sparks off a digital storm that quickly upends his life and career. With her 2 million social media followers, tech-savvy co-anchor Madeline could throw Douglas a lifeline by posting in his defense … but will she?
FROM unravels the mystery of a nightmarish town that traps all those who enter. As the unwilling residents fight to keep a sense of normalcy and search for a way out, they must also survive the threats of the surrounding forest – including the terrifying creatures that come out when the sun goes down. In the wake of Season Two’s epic cliffhanger, escape will become a tantalizing and very real possibility as the true nature of the town comes into focus, and the townspeople go on offense against the myriad horrors surrounding them.